The dwarves have returned to their home in the mountains and reunited with their rightful King, Uthgar, but with their arrival comes conflict with the humans. Owen is assigned a warrior to further...
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Auteur: McGregor, RaymondSommaire:Genre: Juvenile fiction, Fantasy fiction
Auteur: McGregor, RaymondSommaire:
"The Blue Knight" reveals problems in our society related to racism and bullying, which is an important topic that is currently at the forefront of many lives and is being discussed at...
Genre: Juvenile fiction, Fantasy fiction -
Auteur: McGregor, RaymondSommaire:
Although evil terror nearly brought Uthgar to his demise, Owen was able to save his friend from death, reconcile with his long-lost sister Elsa and free the town from the Evil King. With his...
Genre: Juvenile fiction, Fantasy fiction