A breathtaking literary debut, Love Letters of the Angels of Death begins as a young couple discover the remains of his mother in her mobile home. The rest of the family fall back, leaving them to...
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Auteur: Quist, JenniferSommaire:
Auteur: Quist, JenniferSommaire:
Morgan Turner’s grief over her sister’s brutal murder has become a rut, an everyday horror she is caught in along with her estranged parents and chilly older brother. In search of a way out, she...
Auteur: Quist, JenniferSommaire:
The second novel by award-winning novelist Jennifer Quist is a black comedy of birth, death, love, marriage, mothers-in-law—and five sassy sisters. When Suzanne’s role as the perfect daughter-in-...
Auteur: Quist, JenniferSommaire:
Morgan Turner's grief over her sister's brutal murder has become a rut, an everyday horror she is caught in along with her estranged parents and chilly older brother. In search of a way...
Auteur: Quist, JenniferSommaire:
The second novel by award-winning novelist Jennifer Quist is a black comedy of birth, death, love, marriage, mothers-in-law, and five sassy sisters. When Suzanne's role as the perfect...
Genre: Domestic fiction -
Auteur: Quist, JenniferSommaire:
A breathtaking literary debut, Love Letters of the Angels of Death begins as a young couple discover the remains of his mother in her mobile home. The rest of the family fall back, leaving them to...
Genre: General fiction, Canadian fiction