Meet Little Jane Silver, the twelve year-old granddaughter of notorious Treasure Island pirate Long John Silver. Growing up on the Pieces of Eight, the pirate ship of her parents, Captains Bonnie...
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Auteur: Rotstein, AdiraSommaire:
Auteur: Rotstein, AdiraSommaire:
Little Jane encounters treachery and adventure on her voyage to the Nameless Isle in search of her parents’ buried treasure. Second book in the Little Jane Silver Adventure series. Only two people...
Auteur: Rotstein, AdiraSommaire:
Presenting both of Little Jane Silver's piratical adventures in one special bundle! Little Jane Silver is the granddaughter of the notorious pirate Long John Silver. Growing up on her...
Auteur: Rotstein, AdiraSommaire:
Presenting both of Little Jane Silver's piratical adventures in one special bundle! Little Jane Silver is the granddaughter of the notorious pirate Long John Silver. Growing up on her parents'...
Genre: Juvenile fiction