This book is published in conjunction with the first retrospective of artist Christi Belcourt's work: "UPRISING: The Power of Mother Earth--Christi Belcourt--A Retrospective with Isaac Murdoch," curated by Nadia Kurd. The book traces...
21st century
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Chan, MarjorieSommaire:
Su-Ling, an open minded and intelligent young woman in Shanghai, has her feet bound by her grandmother, Poa-Poa. Despite the pain and the crippling effects, custom decrees that the smaller and daintier the foot, the more marriageable...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
The book is a collection of short one-act plays written by students in the Creative Writing Program at UBC and produced at the annual festival, Brave New Play Rites, for public performances. Many successful writers have had their plays...
- Auteur:Lewis, MichaelSommaire:
Lewis offers a scathing assessment of fiscal blunders in foreign lands--and details how economic repercussions are sure to be felt on American soil. Financial bubbles grew--and burst--not only in the U.S. but in countries as diverse as...
- Auteur:Munro, JaneSommaire:
In Blue Sonoma, award-winning poet Jane Munro draws on her well-honed talents to address what Eliot called “the gifts reserved for age.” A beloved partner’s crossing into Alzheimer’s is at the heart of this book, and his “battered blue...
- Auteur:Scheck, Justin, Hope, BradleySommaire:
Hope and Scheck show how Mohammed bin Salman's sudden rise to power coincided with the fraying of the simple bargain that had been at the head of U.S.-Saudi relations for more than eighty years: oil in exchange for military...
- Auteur:Ammi, Kebir, Paris, JacquesSommaire:
Résumé Ben Aïcha, célèbre corsaire marocain du XVIIe siècle, parti de rien, devient amiral, puis ambassadeur. Le 13 février 1699, il rencontre Marie-Anne de Bourbon, Princesse de Conti, fille du roi Louis XIV, lors d'une...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
"Beauty is a Verb is the first of its kind: a high-quality anthology of poetry by American poets with physical disabilities. Poems and essays alike consider how poetry, coupled with the experience of disability, speaks to the poetics of...
- Auteur:Nayet, BertrandSommaire:
" Les carnets de mythologies appliquées " sont trois recueils de poésie écrits et illustrés par Bertrand Nayet qui présentent une grande richesse de tons, de thèmes et de références. Ce sont des mythologies historiques...
- Auteur:Minevich, Pauline M.Sommaire:
What is an immersive soundscape? It can be as simple as a recording made in a forest: leaves crunching underfoot, birds chirping, a squirrel chattering. Or it can be as complex as a movie soundtrack, which involves music but also uses...
- Auteur:Olds, SharonSommaire:
Following her recent Odes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet gives us a new collection of poems that sing of a woman's intimate life and political conscience.
- Auteur:Hitchens, ChristopherSommaire:
- Auteur:Houellebecq, MichelSommaire:
En 2027, Paul Raison soutient le candidat de la majorité pour l'élection présidentielle. Une description du monde qui nous entoure abordant des sujets aussi divers que l'amour, la mort, la société contemporaine...
- Auteur:Oates, Joyce CarolSommaire:
Covering subjects big and small, this poetry collection touches on both the personal and political. Loss, love, and memory are investigated, along with the upheavals of our modern age, the reality of our current predicaments, and the...
- Auteur:Martinello, DomenicaSommaire:
"From Homer to Starbucks, a look at sirens and mermaids and feminism and consumerism. What started as a small sequence of poems about the Starbucks logo grew to monstrous proportions after the poet fell under a siren spell herself. All...
- Auteur:Goldin, IanSommaire:
The present is a contest between the bright and dark sides of discovery. To avoid being torn apart by its stresses, we need to recognize the fact―and gain courage and wisdom from the past. Age of Discovery shows how. Now is the best...
- Auteur:Sonik, MadelineSommaire:
- Auteur:Thom, Kai ChengSommaire:
In these fierce yet tender narrative poems, Kai Cheng Thom draws equally from memory and mythology to create new maps of gender, race, sexuality, and violence.
- Auteur:Lepage, RobertSommaire:
D'un acteur qui peine à apprendre par cœur le célèbre poème Speak White de Michèle Lalonde, Robert Lepage tire le prétexte à une remontée dans la mémoire : la sienne, du temps de son enfance passée au 887 de l'avenue...
- Auteur:Eichenwald, KurtSommaire:
Presents an account of the first five hundred days after September 11 that reveals previously undisclosed information about the terror wars, warrantless wiretapping, and the anthrax attacks.