Forensic sculptor Eve Duncan journeys to an African jungle to help families torn apart by a violent attack, but a deeper, more sinister plot is unfolding, and Eve could get caught in the middle of it.
- Auteur:Johansen, IrisSommaire:
- Auteur:Sommaire:
In the African context, shrines are cultural signposts that help one understand and read the ethnic, territorial, and social lay of the land. The contributions gathered here by Allan Charles Dawson demonstrate how African shrines help...
- Auteur:SMITH, WilburSommaire:
Sebastian becomes involved in ivory poaching and the events leading to the invasion, by the Germans, of East Africa, at the time of the second World War.
- Auteur:Falola, Toyin, Thomas, Charles G.Sommaire:
The first book to examine the full historical arc of secession and secessionist conflict across sub-Saharan Africa. Wars fought for political separation have become omnipresent in post-colonial Africa. From the division of Sudan, to the...
- Auteur:Brown, David L.Sommaire:
Safari 101 is written for the hunter that has always considered Africa out of reach, someone who has a spark of desire just waiting to be fanned into a flame. The myths of being “too expensive” and “too difficult” are firmly entrenched...
- Auteur:Vachon, Marc, Bugingo, FrançoisSommaire:
This is a true story.
Marc Vachon was born in Montreal in 1963. He went from one foster home to another. He knows the injustices that the weak must suffer in any society. He knows the violence, the abuse, and the emptiness that...
- Auteur:Lewis, StephenSommaire:
"I have spent the last four years watching people die." With these wrenching words, diplomat and humanitarian Stephen Lewis opens his 2005 CBC Massey Lectures. Lewis's determination to bear witness to the desperate plight of so many in...
- Auteur:Mbembé, J.-ASommaire:
Achille Mbembe is one of the most brilliant theorists of postcolonial studies writing today. In On the Postcolony he profoundly renews our understanding of power and subjectivity in Africa. In a series of provocative essays, Mbembe...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
It has been said that education in post-colonial Africa is in a state of crisis. Policies and practices from Eurocentric colonial regimes have carried over, intertwining with challenges inherent in the new political and economic climate...
- Auteur:Griffin, ScottSommaire:
In 1996, Scott Griffin left the comfortable routine of his life as a successful businessman to fly solo to Africa in his single-engine Cessna 180 to work for the Flying Doctors Service, an African organization that flies doctors and...
- Auteur:Bach, Daniel C., Gazibo, MamoudouSommaire:
Pourquoi le néopatrimonialisme est-il si fréquemment utilisé pour caractériser les systèmes politiques Africains? Les pratiques auxquelles renvoie cette notion, qu’il s'agisse du clientélisme, de la corruption ou de la...
- Auteur:Bassoff, Leah, DeLuca, LauraSommaire:
For Poni, life in her small village in southern Sudan is simple and complicated at the same time. Stay in school. Beat up any boy who tries to show attention. Watch out for the dangers in the river.But then the war comes. And when...
- Auteur:Bonnke, ReinhardSommaire:
From one of the leading soul-winners of our time comes his amazing life story. It is filled with adventures from the heart of Africa, real life dramatic stories, and powerful demonstrations of the Holy Spirit working in the here and now...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
- Auteur:Traoré, Aminata DramaneSommaire:
- Auteur:Diouf, BoucarSommaire:
Le Bourlingueur. Oh, il est bien connu à travers tout Matungoua ce Bourlingueur! Il s'appelle Zinalé. Tous les jours ou presque, il se promène sur les berges du fleuve Rigaloua, où habitent ses copains hippopotames. Un jour, deux hippos...
- Auteur:Bugul, KenSommaire:
- Auteur:Pirk, WendySommaire:
Let's go on safari to darkest Africa where there are the most iconic animals in the world: elephant, lion,cheetah. zebra, gazelle and many more!
- Auteur:Leridon, MatthiasSommaire:
Et si l'Afrique, contrairement aux discours pessimistes qui lui collent à la peau, se portait bien ? Et si le continent, loin d'être la terre damnée que les médias s'attachent à dépeindre, recelait d'étonnantes réserves d'excellence, d'...
- Auteur:Traoré, AminataSommaire:
Un essai qui dénonce le sort politique, économique et social réservé à l'Afrique noire engendré par sa soumission économique, ses relations avec l'Europe impérialiste et un processus de mondialisation. L'auteure plaide pour la...