A little boy goes for a walk in the forest with his grandfather, searching for a moose. The grandfather teaches him to the identify the traces left behind by the moose. He also teaches him about other animals and plants found in the...
- Auteur:Holler, Sue FarrellSommaire:
- Auteur:Addison, Marilou, Côté, Manuella, Petit, RichardSommaire:
Au carnaval des poissons Imagine un dauphin amoureux d’une tortue. Imagine un perroquet ayant presque toujours le hoquet. Imagine une étoile de mer qui rêverait de devenir une star ! Imagine un singe qui a le vertige et un caméléon...
- Auteur:Bergeron, Emilie, Villeneuve, CorineSommaire:
Farm Animals is a funny classic that introduces the various animals that live on a farm. The attractive pictures and the realistic cries will no doubt get the attention of the young kids and will entertain the older ones! Ready for a...
- Auteur:Dahl, RoaldSommaire:
Dans la vallée, il y avait trois fermiers, éleveurs de volailles dodues ... Le premier était gros et gourmand; le deuxième était petit et bilieux; le troisième était maigre et se nourrissait de cidre. Tous les trois étaient...
- Auteur:Eamer, ClaireSommaire:
Ripley's Believe It or Not meets National Geographic in this book about some of the grossest yet most fascinating ways animals have adapted to survive. Survival of the Grossest explores how some of the most effective -- and often truly...
- Auteur:Hartson, TamaraSommaire:
For this edition of Super Explorers, you better bundle up! Come explore the Arctic and Antarctic and all the creatures that make these icy places their homes. To survive in such places, these plants and animals have to be tough. -...
- Auteur:Gillmore, Karen, Snively, GloriaSommaire:
Sam and Crystal’s coastal adventure continues as brother and sister dive deeper into the marine habitats of Eagle Cove, home of Aunt Kate and Uncle Charlie. In their latest adventure, the kids learn about one of the most ecologically...
- Auteur:Dickinson, PeterSommaire:
After a terrible accident, a young girl wakes up to discover that she has been given the body of a chimpanzee.
- Auteur:Jacques, BrianSommaire:
On his way to invade Redwall Abbey, vicious and tyrannical Captain Vizka Longtooth captures Gorath, the brave young badger whose predicted destiny is to become the next Badger Lord.
- Auteur:Yolen, Jane, Stemple, Heidi E. Y.Sommaire:
Eek, you reek, You make a funk. Where you have been? Things stink, stank, stunk. You've left a path, A swath of smell, And-yuk! You did it very well. Children of all ages will be delighted by the malodorous melodies of poems...
- Auteur:Rivard, ÉmilieSommaire:
Dans le village de Bonavita, c'est la fête tous les jours. Le soleil brille, les marguerites semblent sourire et les moineaux chantent le bonheur, au grand plaisir de tous les habitants. Enfin... de la plupart des habitants. Ezio...
- Auteur:Jacques, BrianSommaire:
The Redwallers face some of their most dangerous villains yet in a treacherous hunt for long-lost treasure.
- Auteur:Doré, François Y.Sommaire:
À quoi pense un chat en guettant les oiseaux ? Un éléphant marchant dans la savane ? Un chimpanzé devant un miroir ? Si les animaux ne peuvent nous parler, les récentes recherches démontrent qu’ils ont tout de même une activité mentale...
- Auteur:Orr, WendySommaire:
In Bronze-Age Crete, before horses were common on the island, potter's-daughter Clio continues to raise and train them even though an accident has left her unable to ride. After a series of difficult years in the community, the...
- Auteur:King, ThomasSommaire:
Two tales, set in a time “when animals and human beings still talked to each other,” display Thomas King’s cheeky humor and master storytelling skills. Freshly illustrated and reissued as an early chapter book, these stories are perfect...
- Auteur:Silverman, EricaSommaire:
Cowgirl Kate and her horse Cocoa watch over the new calves, a puppy, and some baby barn owls.
- Auteur:Freedman, DeborahSommaire:
From the often Caldecott-buzzed Deborah Freedman, a sweet and funny story about finding your place in the world. Carl is an earthworm. He spends his days happily tunneling in the soil until a field mouse asks him a simple question that...
- Auteur:Hunter, ErinSommaire:
Heed the call of the wild with this brand-new, action-packed animal fantasy series from the #1 nationally bestselling author of Warriors. Enter the Bravelands ... and discover the Erin Hunter series you've been waiting for. A lion...
- Auteur:Schwab, VictoriaSommaire:
A new threat -- something ancient and evil -- faces the world of Erdas and four young heroes and their spirit animals are determined to stop it as they embark on a desperate journey that takes them deep underground and to the far...
- Auteur:Hartson, Tamara, Sheldon, IanSommaire:
British Columbia Animal Tracks will help you identify tracks of all shapes and sizes, from the Mountain Lion to the Red Squirrel. This book is perfect for children, teachers, parents, backwoods explorers and naturalists: excellent...