Super Explorers brings you all the knots you might need for camping, sailing or tying up your sister: Basic knots—General purpose knots for tying packages, bandages or binding objects together, e.g. Reef or Square Knot; Bends—Knots...
- Auteur:Kennedy, Gregory, Bilodeau, Ashley, Carrière, NicholleSommaire:
- Auteur:Patterson, JamesSommaire:
Katts and doggs are supposed to be sworn enemies, not... in LOVE! Gross! Wilderness adventurers and expert trackers Molly the katt and Oscar the dogg go camping with their families: parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles. One big...
- Auteur:Buckeridge, AnthonySommaire:
'Right! Stand by for orders to lower away. I'm going to take charge at the reception base. And don't worry... This is one of my guaranteed foolproof plans. It can't possibly go wrong!' Term is over and, after a short camping expedition...
- Auteur:Wissinger, Tamera WillSommaire:
Hiking in the great outdoors, catching fish, watching the stars come out at night-camping is fun. Until it's time to sleep. Then, Lucy wonders, what kinds of creatures lurk in the dark' With only her brother and grandpa as tent-mates,...
- Auteur:Watt, MélanieSommaire:
Scaredy Squirrel is not too comfortable with the idea of camping ? unless it's on his couch! There will be no mosquitoes, skunks or zippers to worry about when he watches a show about the joys of camping on his brand-new TV. But first...
- Auteur:Tariq, AmbreenSommaire:
An immigrant family embarks on their first camping trip in the Midwest in this lively picture book by Ambreen Tariq, outdoors activist and founder of @BrownPeopleCamping Fatima Khazi is excited for the weekend. Her family is headed to a...
- Auteur:Murray, James S., Wearmouth, DarrenSommaire:
From the authors of the bestselling Awakened trilogy Megan Forrester has barely survived the unthinkable. Six months ago, she witnessed a horrific accident that killed her husband and son, and lives with the guilt of knowing she could...
- Auteur:Poirier, VanessaSommaire:
Le camping est un passe-temps que j’affectionne maintenant énormément. C’est la seule façon de mettre au repos le petit hamster que j’ai dans ma tête et d’enfin pouvoir relaxer pleinement. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais j’ai tendance à...
- Auteur:Hodgson, MichaelSommaire:
You love the great outdoors, but you’re not always sure the great outdoors loves you. You can pitch a tent, start a campfire, build furniture by lashing tree branches together—in theory anyway! But while you may not have gotten your...
- Auteur:Greer, DaphneSommaire:
In this high-interest novel for middle readers, Max can only go to summer camp if he takes his autistic brother with him.
- Auteur:FRANCIS, Stella M.Sommaire:
Teenager Hazel Edwards and the other twelve members of the Flamingo Camp-Fire Girls experience some real adventure when they are invited to spend part of their summer as guests of Hazel’s elderly aunt on her large country...
- Auteur:Reeves, Ray E.Sommaire:
To survive, you need practical bushcraft skills passed from one generation onto the next. You need to know how to protect yourself from the elements, how to keep predators away, where to seek food and water. Surprisingly, young people...
- Auteur:Canterbury, DaveSommaire:
A New York Times Bestseller in Sports and Travel! The ultimate resource for experiencing the backcountry!Written by survivalist expert Dave Canterbury, Bushcraft 101 gets you ready for your next backcountry trip with advice on making...
- Auteur:Plaisted, CarolineSommaire:
Le printemps est arrivé et c’est la période du camp annuel des Brownies de la première unité de Badenbridge ! Les filles se rendent à Waddow Hall pour une fin de semaine de camping ayant pour thème le cirque. Mais Ellie n’est jamais...
- Auteur:Côté, GenevièveSommaire:
L'un a peur des monstres et l'autre a peur du noir. Ensemble, les inséparables amis apprendront à apprivoiser leurs peurs. Un texte simple et des illustrations douces et réconfortantes se combinent pour offrir aux enfants d'âge...
- Auteur:McIsaac, M.J.Sommaire:
Camp Clearwater is home to best friends Nate, Owen and Mercy. They practically grew up on the Starling River. But the summer they turn sixteen an incident forces the camp to close its doors. Mike Elliot, the river guide who taught the...
- Auteur:Dooley, SarahSommaire:
After their trailer home and all their belongings are burned, twelve-year-old Ember and her Wiccan family move to a lakeside campground where Ember's anguish over losing her dog, as well as her friendship with the boy she fears started...
- Auteur:Look, LenoreSommaire:
When Alvin's father takes him camping to instill a love of nature, like that of their home-town hero Henry David Thoreau, Alvin makes a new friend and learns that he can be brave despite his fear of everything.
- Auteur:March, EmilySommaire:
Betrayed by those she trusted, Lili decides she's put her career first for too long. She sells her practical sedan, buys a travel trailer, and heads to Eternity Springs for a summer of rest, relaxation, and reassessment as the newest...