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Canadian poetry

  • Auteur:
    Wingate, Shoshanna

    Radio Weather confronts the changeableness of life—how existence can switch gears with the speed of announced-for snow that turns abruptly to rain. Shoshanna Wingate’s first book runs the gauntlet of her various roles—mother, wife,...

  • Auteur:
    Murray, George

    The highly anticipated follow-up to the wildly popular Glimpse

    Quick is George Murray’s second collection of aphorisms — a form that straddles the lines between poetry, philosophy, humour, and prose. He...

  • Auteur:
    Woo, Elaine

    This is a book of the inner sea. Language, concept, and form alternate holding the depths. That broken diamond of sun on rough waters: she speaks egalitarian. That cool glass of viridian water just within reach of the surface: water...

  • Auteur:
    Guriel, Jason

    In his second book of poems, Jason Guriel cuts a dazzling figurewhip-smart, charismatic, with a mischievousness always eager to play for more serious stakes. Guriels way of seeing the world is low-key and sly: he tries to show us the...

  • Auteur:
    Betts, Gregory

    Psychic Geographies is a tour de force, an ambitious exploration of the age, its physical and emotional permutations, its tragic contradictions, its joyful transformations. Gregory Betts takes a construct from the Situationists of the...

  • Auteur:
    Downe, Lise

    Propositions and Prayers, Lise Downe's first book of poetry in nine years, is a collection in two parts: "Propositions" is a series of short poems-as-possibilities, structured by the compression of images and voices to convey an urgency...

  • Auteur:
    Greco, Heidi

    These poems dwell in the hearth of domesticity, but they look beyond the confines of the home with clear eyes. Boldly unafraid, they confront the realities of climate change, the desecration of habitat, some quiet truths about aging and...

  • Auteur:
    Kroetsch, Robert

    Post-glacial is a collection of poems by Robert Kroetsch selected by his former student David Eso. The book features Kroetsch's iconic collection, Completed Field Notes, alongside rare work gathered from different stages of...

  • Auteur:
    Dumas, Névé

    Névé Dumas écrit une poésie ancrée dans une profonde éthique de la relation. Elle invente un langage qui traverse les identités, les transcende sans pour autant les nier. Elle utilise pour cela une langue (la langue, le plus long...

  • Auteur:
    Fife, Connie

    Connie Fife is one of Canada’s warrior poets. Poems for a New World, her third book of poems, refuses to take prisoners. She writes of Oka and Gustafson Lake, of the police shooting of a Native mother and child, as well as the NATO...

  • Auteur:
    Smart, Elizabeth

    «Poèmes 1938-1984» se compose de quatre parties et rassemble plusieurs décennies d’un travail poétique acharné qui témoigne de l’infatigable vigueur d’une femme dévouée à sa muse. Ayant lutté sa vie entière pour réconcilier les...

  • Auteur:
    Saadi, Yusuf

    Pluviophile veers through various poetic visions and traditions in search of the sacred within and beyond language. Its poems continually revitalize form, imagery and sonancy to reconsider the ways we value language, beauty and body....

  • Auteur:
    Estacion, Therese

    Phantompains is a visceral, imaginative collection exploring disability, grief and life by interweaving stark memories with magic surrealism. Taking inspiration from Filipino horror and folk tales, Estacion incorporates some Visayan...

  • Auteur:
    Williams, Ian

    These are not love poems. These are almost-love poems. Jittery, plaintive, and fresh, these are poems voiced through a startling variety of speakers who continually rev themselves up to the challenge of connecting with others, often to...

  • Auteur:
    Stewart, Shannon

    Penny Dreadfuls were popular, cheaply produced 19th century magazines filled with brutal and sensationalist tales. In her uncompromising second collection of poetry, Vancouver poet Shannon Stewart revisits their grisly spirit through a...

  • Auteur:
    Wang, Isabella

    A much-anticipated debut collection from one of Canada's most promising emerging poets Pebble Swing earns its title from the image of stones skipping their way across a body of water, or, in the author's case, syllables and traces of...

  • Auteur:
    Crate, Joan

    In powerful language that reflects the conflicts between the primitive and the sophisticated, Joan Crate redreams the passions which animated and tormented her famous predecessor. Part white, part Mohawk princess, Pauline Johnson/...

  • Auteur:
    Goyette, Sue

    Winner of the 2012 Pat Lowther Memorial Award. Winner of the 2012 Atlantic Poetry Prize. Sue Goyette's outskirts is a tour de force. Its originality lies in Goyette's refusal of despair, her conviction that the connections...

  • Auteur:
    Loveys, Grant

    A first collection of poems from the winner of the Cuffer Prize for short fiction. Our Gleaming Bones Unrobed is a haunting debut, a poetry collection thematically focused on discovering the structure (the figurative bones)...

  • Auteur:
    Nilsen, Emily

    Otolith — the ear stone — is a series of bones that help us to orient ourselves in space. In Otolith, Emily Nilsen attempts a similar feat in poetry: to turn the reader's attention to their relationship to the world, revealing an...


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