This precursor to the works of Jane Austen and Maria Edgeworth takes a witty look at romance and womanhood in eighteenth-century high society. Denied by her aristocratic libertine father and raised by a clergyman in the English...
FICTION / Classics
- Auteur:Burney, FannySommaire:
- Auteur:Wood, Mrs. HenrySommaire:
A married aristocratic woman succumbs to desire in this nineteenth-century English novel. Lady Isabel Vane married for all the wrong reasons-only to one day find her lawyer husband neglecting her for another woman. Seething with...
- Auteur:Calvino, ItaloSommaire:
Intricate interior lives are brilliantly explored in these short stories, now presented in one definitive collection as Calvino intended them In Difficult Loves, Italy's master storyteller weaves tales in which cherished deceptions...
- Auteur:Harrison, HarrySommaire:
A gifted gambler fights to survive on a hostile planet in this classic novel from the creator of science fiction antihero the Stainless Steel Rat. The gravity is twice that of Earth. The weather is an unpredictable maelstrom. All...
- Auteur:Melville, AlanSommaire:
Seven Bengal tigers are the star attraction of Carey's Circus. Their trainer is the fearless Anton, whose work demands absolute fitness and the steadiest of nerves. When Anton is found lying dead in the tigers' cage, it seems...
- Auteur:Bellairs, GeorgeSommaire:
Miss Tither, the village busybody, is not the best-loved resident of Hilary Magna. She has made many enemies: bombarding the villagers with religious tracts, berating drunkards, and informing the spouses of cheating partners. Her murder...
- Auteur:Bude, JohnSommaire:
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY MARTIN EDWARDS 'Small hostilities were growing; vague jealousies were gaining strength; and far off, wasn't there a nebulous hint of approaching tragedy in the air'' Welworth Garden City in...
- Auteur:Dostoyevsky, FyodorSommaire:
The acclaimed Russian novelist's epic morality tale of a young man's horrifying crime and his struggle for redemption. Rodion Raskolnikov, a young man living in St. Petersburg, devises a gruesome experiment in morality. Theorizing that...
- Auteur:Hughes, MichaelSommaire:
A vivid and brutal reimagining of Homer's Iliad, set in the Troubles of the late 20th century. That was the start of it. A terrible business altogether. Oh, it was all kept off the news, for the sake of the talks and the ceasefire...
- Auteur:Tolstoy, LeoSommaire:
Tolstoy's first published novel and the beginning of his Autobiographical Trilogy. Written when he was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the Caucasus Mountains, Childhood won Leo Tolstoy...
- Auteur:Tolstoy, LeoSommaire:
Tolstoy's first published novel and the beginning of his Autobiographical Trilogy. Written when he was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the Caucasus Mountains, Childhood won Leo Tolstoy...
- Auteur:AnonymousSommaire:
King Hrothgar of Denmark has a problem: though his land prospers, his great mead-hall is plagued nightly by a horrible beast, Grendel, that pillages and kills his men. Leaving his home in Sweden, the warrior Beowulf sails to the king's...
- Auteur:Tolstoy, LeoSommaire:
These three connected early novels from the author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina form an intimate portrait of Russian youth. Begun when Leo Tolstoy was just twenty-three years old and stationed at a remote army outpost in the...
- Auteur:Lovecraft, H. P.Sommaire:
This classic mind-shattering tale, which "ranks high among the horror stories of the English language," plunges into the darkness of the Cthulhu mythos (Time). In the uncharted wastes of Antarctica, an exploration party from Miskatonic...
- Auteur:Nowlan, Philip FrancisSommaire:
The groundbreaking novella that gave rise to science fiction's original space hero, Buck Rogers. In 1927, World War I veteran Anthony Rogers is working for the American Radioactive Gas Corporation investigating strange phenomena in...
- Auteur:Warren, Robert PennSommaire:
This landmark book is a loosely fictionalized account of Governor Huey Long of Louisiana, one of the nation's most astounding politicians. All the King's Men tells the story of Willie Stark, a southern-fried politician who builds...
- Auteur:Haynes, NatalieSommaire:
From the Trojan women whose fates now lie in the hands of the Greeks, to the Amazon princess who fought Achilles on their behalf, to Penelope awaiting the return of Odysseus, to the three goddesses whose feud started it allthis novel...