As their mother counts down the time, Zoe and her sister Addie hurry to complete their game of chase in an imaginary jungle.
- Auteur:Murguia, Bethanie DeeneySommaire:
- Auteur:AmerieSommaire:
A perfect gift for every milestone and big moment - from graduation to new beginnings - You Will Do Great Things is a lyrical, magical picture book about the great possibilities that lie ahead for our little ones. A young boy's...
- Auteur:Arbona, MarionSommaire:
A wild, one-of-a-kind wordless picture book. A young girl is walking home from school in a big city. As she gazes up at window after window in the buildings on her route, she imagines the most fantastical goings-on behind them, which...
- Auteur:Manceau, Édouard, Quinn, SarahSommaire:
Where did all these pieces of paper come from? Who do they belong to? The chicken is sure that they belong to him, but so is the fish, and so is the bird, and the snail, and the frog… Using the same small scraps of paper over and over...
- Auteur:Sendak, MauriceSommaire:
A naughty little boy, sent to bed without his supper, sails to the land of the wild things where he becomes their king.
- Auteur:Pendziwol, Jean E.Sommaire:
When a child is asked to "Please, be quiet!" they sit silent ... and their imagination sweeps them away on a breathtaking journey. Through the window, the child can hear the trees breathe and watches them sway back and forth as they...
- Auteur:Reid, RazielSommaire:
School is just like a film set: there's The Crew that make things happen, The Extras who fill the empty desks, and The Movie Stars, whom everyone wants tagged in their Facebook photos. But Jude doesn't fit in. He's not part of The Crew...
- Auteur:Cunningham, FrancineSommaire:
A whimsical and lyrical celebration of imagination and exploration if we simply asked, “What if . . .” Follow two siblings through their day as they let their imaginations run wild in this joyful story about all the possibilities a...
- Auteur:Baldacchino, ChristineSommaire:
In this thoughtful story about understanding and acceptance, Violet’s natural introversion and feelings of social anxiety are normalized when she and her father reach a solution together.
- Auteur:Lang, Paul, Opolahsomuwehs, de Varennes, HélèneSommaire:
Joséphine regarde son grand-père et se demande s'il est sérieux. Lui qui aime tant rire ! Un poney n'a ni volant pour le conduire ni fauteuil pour s'y asseoir... Comment pourra-t-elle rester assise sur un poney et le...
- Auteur:Comeau, Marie-FranceSommaire:
Grand-maman Rosi l'a dit : pour obtenir un beau et délicieux monstre, il faut mettre la main à la pâte !Il faut le travailler, le pétrir, l'attaquer, le taper ! Et quand il bouge, quand des bulles sortent de son ventre ? Vite...
- Auteur:Gay, Marie-LouiseSommaire:
Dans ce magnifique album, Marie-Louise Gay nous présente une histoire... dans une histoire! À travers ses textes amusants et ses magnifiques illustrations, elle invite les lecteurs à découvrir le monde merveilleux de la création!
- Auteur:Warner, ChristopherSommaire:
Eight-year-old Tommy is losing his eyesight and wants to get a guide dog, but his parents say he is too young. He then imagines what it would be like to have a variety of other animals as a guide. Includes information about CNIB Guide...
- Auteur:Lappano, Jon-ErikSommaire:
Tokyo lives in a small house between giant buildings with his family and his cat, Kevin. For years, highways and skyscrapers have been built up around the family’s house where once there were hills and trees. Will they ever experience...
- Auteur:O'Leary, SaraSommaire:
Sadie is a little girl with a big imagination. She has been a girl who lived under the sea and a boy raised by wolves. She has had adventures in wonderland and visited the world of fairytales. She whispers to the dresses in her closet...
- Auteur:O'Leary, SaraSommaire:
Ruby is curious about her world and has big ideas about how it works. A delightful picture book celebration of science and creativity, and a welcome companion to Sara O'Leary's beloved This Is Sadie . Ruby is a little girl with a sense...
- Auteur:Burningham, JohnSommaire:
Discovering a magical door in her bedroom that leads her to the zoo, a little girl is tempted to bring one little bear back to her room, and then a menagerie of smaller animals, and then a medley of big animals, until pandemonium ensues...
- Auteur:McDonnell, KathleenSommaire:
Peggy is starting to outgrow Notherland, the imaginary world she created as a child, and wants to cut her ties - not knowing it will destroy Notherland completely.
- Auteur:Fayth, AshleySommaire:
There is nothing better than a bit of nonsense, and The Sniger and the Floose is a marvellous example of nonsense at its best. The random animals of "a very Random Island in the North Atlantic [Sea]" will delight people of all...
- Auteur:McDonnell, KathleenSommaire:
Sixteen-year-old Peggy has gone north to plant trees for the summer. On a visit to a petroglyph site, she is abruptly transported to Notherland, an imaginary world she created when she was seven. There, she learns that Mi, a spirit-...