Teachers and coaches have long been aware of the detrimental effects overprotective parents have on children, but lately there has been a whole new level of overprotectiveness. Students need room to roll with the punches, find their way...
- Auteur:Lahey, JessicaSommaire:
- Auteur:Rolland, Rebecca GivensSommaire:
This invaluable guide gives listeners evidence-based tools and techniques to communicate more effectively with children in ways that let them foster relationships with less conflict and more joy.
- Auteur:Mastrich, JimSommaire:
Presents a parenting handbook for adult children of alcoholics.
- Auteur:Chapman, GarySommaire:
Struggling to connect with your teen' Never before has raising teens been so perplexing. If you are wondering what on earth you're doing wrong, you're not alone. But there is hope. By learning to meaningfully express love...
- Auteur:Tomlinson, RachelSommaire:
As a parent, you want the best for your child, and one of your greatest hopes is that your child will grow up to be a good person. So, what makes a good person? Generally, we think about good people as being kind: compassionate,...
- Auteur:Greenberg, JeremySommaire:
Wouldn't you love to know what your toddler's thinking when he refuses to stop jumping on the couch? Jeremy Greenberg's hilarious and thoughtful letters give parents a glimpse into the minds of their little ones. Finally, we can hear "...
- Auteur:Pieper, Martha Heineman, Pieper, William JosephSommaire:
Now, with Smart Love, parents can avoid common childrearing mistakes, and obey their natural desire to ensure their children's perfect happiness and emotional well-being.
- Auteur:Ferland, FrancineSommaire:
Être parent, c’est vivre un quotidien teinté d’amour, de fierté et de tendresse, mais parfois aussi d’impatience, de frustration et d’exaspération. C’est partager des moments de grand bonheur, mais également des questionnements, des...
- Auteur:Wise, Tim, Harvey, JenniferSommaire:
Help children function well in a diverse nation.
- Auteur:Marcoux, CaroleSommaire:
The greatest victory is to consciously succeed in materializing the thoughts that you have chosen with the goal of being happy. I profoundly believe that you have the fundamental right to grow up in safety and confidence, in spite of...
- Auteur:Ferland, FrancineSommaire:
Les parents sont souvent débordés fatigués en manque d'énergie. Concilier le travail l'éducation des enfants la vie familiale sociale et personnelle ce n'est pas une mince affaire ! Comment aider tous ces parents qui ont du mal à...
- Auteur:Proulx, ChantaleSommaire:
Aujourd’hui, il est facile de mal traiter nos enfants. La nouvelle race d’êtres humains que nous avons mise au monde souffre de toutes sortes de maux que l’on camoufle derrière des étiquettes et par la prise de médicaments. On ne...
- Auteur:Marston, DonnaSommaire:
Small informative book about a Mother's journey of what she learned and how she healed through the years of her son's drug addiction and recovery.
- Auteur:Dinkmeyer, Don C.Sommaire:
Includes helpful strategies based on systematic training for effective parenting (STEP) for parents of children under six.
- Auteur:Duffy, JohnSommaire:
Learn about the “New Teen” and how to adjust your parenting approach. Kids are growing up with nearly unlimited access to social media and the internet, and unprecedented academic, social, and familial stressors. Starting as early as...
- Auteur:Gookin, Sandra Hardin, Gookin, DanSommaire:
We humans are pretty clever. We’ve mastered fire, invented the wheel, calculated the age of the universe, sent people to the Moon, built machines that think and cracked the genome. So you’d think that with all our smarts, somebody would...
- Auteur:GROSE, MichaelSommaire:
In this sensible book the author offers workable solutions to many of the problems of raising children. The first part of the book suggests a framework for raising responsible children, and the second presents strategies for dealing...
- No-drama discipline : The whole-brain way to calm the chaos and nurture your child's developing mindAuteur:Siegel, Daniel J.Sommaire:
The pioneering experts behind the bestselling The Whole-Brain Child now explore the ultimate child-raising challenge: discipline. Highlighting the fascinating link between a child's neurological development and the way a parent...
- Auteur:Simons, SharonSommaire:
Sharon Simon’s memoir Mom at Last is the story of one women’s fierce determination to become a Mom. It is a journey full of setbacks and emotionally devastating pitfalls but ultimately leads to her to true love and pure joy. Mom at...
- Auteur:Boyes, AmySommaire:
Micro Miracle is the moving account of a first-time mother whose expectations of childbirth and parenting are dramatically altered when she gives birth sixteen weeks prematurely to Madeline. Weighing just over a pound, with eyes fused...