Now more powerful and cunning than ever, Eugenides the thief is the linchpin of an uneasy truce on the Lesser Peninsula where he must navigate a perilous future amidst political machinations, divine intervention, dangerous journeys,...
- Auteur:Turner, Megan WhalenSommaire:
- Auteur:Launier, VéroniqueSommaire:
Aude Vanier is a sixteen-year-old rock star with a problem—stone monsters keep attacking her. And when they do, she finds herself chanting in a language she doesn’t understand. Guillaume de Rouen has been stuck as a gargoyle on a church...
- Auteur:Eddings, DavidSommaire:
The Belgariad is an epic fantasy of immense scope, telling the tale of struggles between ancient Gods and mighty Kings, and of men in strange lands facing fated events, all bound by a prophecy that must be fulfilled. Long ago, so the...
- Auteur:Ross, ScarlettSommaire:
Nostradamus made simple-a surefire prophecy of success! Michel Notredame, or Nostradamus (1503–1566), was a French physician, astrologer and prophet whose books of visionary four-line verses have intrigued and beguiled readers for...
- Auteur:MOOREY, TeresaSommaire:
Covers the predictions by Nostradamus that have proven correct, what he said about war and disaster, the prophecies of a Golden Age and Nostradamus in context, his times and ours.
- Auteur:Jordan, RobertSommaire:
In this expanded prequel to THE WHEEL OF TIME saga, Robert Jordan introduces the characters of Moiraine Damodred, a young Accepted soon to be raised to Aes Sedai, and Lan Mandragoran, a young soldier, whose paths are inextricably bound...
- Auteur:Erikson, StevenSommaire:
Random House presents the audiobook edition of Midnight Tides: Malazan Book of the Fallen 5 by Steven Erikson, read by Michael Page. After decades of warfare, the five tribes of the Tiste Edur have finally united under the implacable...
- Auteur:Benson, Robert HughSommaire:
Secular humanism has triumphed. Everything the late Victorians believed would bring human happiness has been achieved, but what has been created is a sterile world of crass materialism. And now it is only a small and shrinking...
- Auteur:Underwood, SarahSommaire:
A legendary YA debut. This dazzling sapphic fantasy inspired by Greek mythology will captivate fans of Circe and The Song of Achilles. Each spring, Ithaca condemns twelve maidens to the noose. This is the price vengeful Poseidon demands...
- Auteur:Paquin, NancySommaire:
Alors que l’année du Démon est sur le point de commencer, le doute s’empare de Nicolas et de ses alliés. Cassandre est-elle vraiment celle qui les sauvera tous, ou doivent-ils s’en méfi er? Puis, avec le départ d’Élizabeth, Nicolas perd...
- Auteur:Mull, BrandonSommaire:
Jason et Rachel ne sont pas nés à Lyrian. Ils n’y ont pas grandi. Mais après tant de batailles et tant de pertes, tant de triomphes et tant de périples, et au nom des amitiés qu’ils ont forgées dans ce monde fantastique, les deux...
- Auteur:Croshaw, YahtzeeSommaire:
We were prepared for an earthquake. We had a flood plan in place. We could even have dealt with zombies. Probably. But no one expected the end to be quite so... sticky... or strawberry scented. Yahtzee Croshaw (Mogworld, Zero...
- Auteur:Rhodes, RonSommaire:
The Middle East has long been spiraling out of control, causing global uncertainty and fear. What does this turmoil mean for Israel, and why has peace been so elusive? Touching on everything from mainstream and radical Islam to the...
- Auteur:Hunter, ErinSommaire:
Epic adventures. Fierce warrior cats. A thrilling fantasy world. It all begins here. Read the book that began a phenomenon-and join the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a #1 national bestseller. For...
- Auteur:Bhathena, TanazSommaire:
Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Tanaz Bhathena's Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India.Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her...
- Auteur:Herbert, FrankSommaire:
Heretics of Dune, the fifth installment in Frank Herbert's classic sci-fi series. On Arrakis, now called Rakis, known to legend as Dune, ten times ten centuries have passed. The planet is becoming desert again. The Lost Ones are...
- Auteur:Godbout, YvanSommaire:
Une mère désespérée surprenant l’innommable dans le quatre pièces et demie miteux qu’elle partage avec son salaud et leur couple de jumeaux. Un frère et une soeur télépathes ayant sauvagement perdu leur innocence, avidement convoités...
- Auteur:Lowell, ElizabethSommaire:
Fleeing the remarkable love that was prophesied at her birth, Amber the Untouched does not suspect that the wounded warrior with no memory who has come to her in the darkness is that same foretold lover.
- Auteur:Currie, Ron Jnr.Sommaire:
"You alone know that the world will end thirty-six years after your birth. Do you succumb to nihilistic apathy? Use your singular knowledge to save mankind? To what end do you live your life?". "While still in his mother...
- Auteur:Sutherland, Tui T.Sommaire:
Peril has been loyal to Queen Scarlet, who used her fatal firescales to kill countless dragons in the SkyWing arena. Now, Peril is loyal to Clay, the only dragonet who has ever been her friend. So when Scarlet threatens Jade Mountain...