Detective Alex Cross arrests renowned plastic surgeon Elijah Creem for sleeping with teenage girls. Now, his life ruined, Creem is out of jail, and he has made sure that no one will recognize him by giving himself a new face. A young...
Washington (D.C.)
- Auteur:Patterson, JamesSommaire:
- Auteur:Perry, AnneSommaire:
In this exciting 1930s mystery, a personal trip turns perilous for Elena Standish after the murder of a British spy forces her to face dark family secrets. On her first trip to Washington, D.C., Elena Standish finally gets to visit her...
- Auteur:Berne, SuzanneSommaire:
A confused and lonely ten-year-old girl, Marsha, a witness to her siblings' deviant behavior, her father's affair, and her mother's flirtation with the new neighbor, produces the only lead in a case of sexual assault and murder.