A fast-paced adventure series featuring The Jungle Girl herself! The stories are inspired and co-created by Bindi Irwin, daughter of the iconic wildlife expert, Steve Irwin. The series features the characters of Bindi, her brother...
Zoo animals
- Auteur:Irwin, BindiSommaire:
- Auteur:Burningham, JohnSommaire:
Discovering a magical door in her bedroom that leads her to the zoo, a little girl is tempted to bring one little bear back to her room, and then a menagerie of smaller animals, and then a medley of big animals, until pandemonium ensues...
- Auteur:Webb, BettySommaire:
Zookeeper Theodora “Teddy” Bentley takes Alejandro, the Gunn Zoo llama, to a Monterey Bay-area Renaissance Faire only to discover the still-warm body of the Reverend Victor Emerson, owner of the local wedding chapel, dressed in his...
- Auteur:Webb, BettySommaire:
When zoo keeper Theodora “Teddy” Bentley fishes the body of Koala Kate out of Gunn Landing Harbor, she discovers that her fellow zoo keeper didn’t drown; she was strangled. The clues to Koala Kate’s killer implicate other animal keepers...
- Auteur:Moritz, PamelaSommaire:
Long-suffering Chimp tries to talk his friends Ellie the Elephant and Kanga the Kangaroo out of trying to escape from the Biblical Zoo to find a Passover seder to attend, but ends up joining them in the escapade, teaching them about the...
- Auteur:Webb, BettySommaire:
But if Lucy, the pregnant Giant Anteater from Belize, didn’t kill the man found dead in her enclosure, who did? California zookeeper Teddy Bentley must find the real murderer before her furry friend is shipped off to another zoo in...
- Auteur:MARTEL, YannSommaire:
Sixteen-year-old Pi's father owns a zoo in India, until the family decides to immigrate to Canada. On the way tragedy strikes and the ship sinks. Pi finds himself in a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, a tiger and an orangutan. He...
- Auteur:Campbell, Rod.Sommaire:
Join in the fun with Rod Campbell's Dear Zoo and Friends Audio , perfect for car journeys and bedtimes. I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet . . . Rod Campbell's classic story Dear Zoo has been a firm favourite with toddlers...