Follows the foolish, yet wise, Ti-Jean through three adventures as he outwits a greedy princess, a tiny scoundrel, and a very clever girl, in a collection of stories based on French-Canadian folk literature.
Children's stories, Canadian
- Auteur:Andrews, JanSommaire:
- Auteur:Lawson, JulieSommaire:
In a tumble-down house carved out of the dunes lives an old man with second sight. He is the sifter of sands, the man who separates the sparkling mica, black lava, golden-reds, and misty grays. And as he sifts he mesmerizes Jessica and...
- Auteur:Montgomery, L. M.Sommaire:
Sara Stanley, the Story Girl, returns to join the King children in publishing their own local magazine to entertain the town of Carlisle.
- Auteur:Davidson, Sara Florence, Ferguson, Katya AdamovSommaire:
Bring Indigenous pedagogies into your classroom with the books in the Sk̲ad'a Stories and this accompanying teacher guide.
- Auteur:Jerica FraserSommaire:
Use this guide alongside Heart Berry Bling to explore themes of social justice, cultural continuity, and resilience through art.
- Auteur:Challenger, Robert JamesSommaire:
This collection of west-coast fables combines the approach of Aesop with the oral tradition of First Nations storytellers. Woodpecker shows how to be a true friend. Beaver demonstrates how to achieve dreams through hard work. Rainbow...
- Auteur:Challenger, Robert JamesSommaire:
In this latest collection of beautifully illustrated, easy-to-read fables, Robert James Challenger continues to teach children practical, moral lessons about life in today's complicated world. Owl shows Grandson that a problem will only...
- Auteur:Challenger, Robert JamesSommaire:
This collection of short stories is based on traditional values important to us all—respect, cooperation and kindness. Robert James Challenger's illustrations and tales reveal a world of magical birds, fish and other wildlife, who teach...
- Auteur:Sanders, Joe SutliffSommaire:
At the heart of some of the most beloved childrens novels is a passionate discussion about discipline, love, and the changing role of girls in the twentieth century. Joe Sutliff Sanders traces this debate as it began in the sentimental...
- Auteur:Yee, Paul, Chan, HarveySommaire:
These ten original ghost stories dramatize the history of Chinese immigration to North America -- from the poor village men who first came searching for gold in the late 1850s to the new immigrants who arrived from Hong Kong in the wake...
- Auteur:Grannan, Mary, Hume, Margaret AnneSommaire:
For twenty-three years during the golden age of radio in Canada, stories for children by Mary Grannan, "Just Mary," were broadcast by CBC and beloved across the country. She retired from broadcasting in 1962 and died in 1975, but her...