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Political science

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    Governance of the federation is more complex today than ever before: perennial issues of federalism remain unresolved, conflicts continue over the legitimacy of federal spending power, and the accommodation of Quebec nationalism and Aboriginal self-government within the federation is a persistent and precarious concern. From discussions on democracy and distinctiveness to explorations of self-governance and power imbalances, Constructing Tomorrow’s Federalism tests assertions from scholars and practitioners on the legitimacy and future of the state of the federation. In this broad collection of essays, fifteen scholars and political leaders identify options for the future governance of Canada and contribute to a renewed civic discourse on what it means to govern ourselves as a liberal democracy and a multinational federation.

  • Auteur:

    Constitutional politics is exceptionally intense and unpredictable. It involves negotiations over the very nature of the state and the implications of self- determination. Multinational democracies face pressing challenges to the existing order because they are composed of communities with distinct cultures, histories, and aspirations, striving to coexist under mutually agreed-upon terms. Conflict over the recognition of these multiple identities and the distribution of power and resources is inevitable and, indeed, part of what defines democratic life in multinational societies.In Constitutional Politics in Multinational DemocraciesAndré Lecours, Nikola Brassard-Dion, and Guy Laforest bring together experts on multinational democracies to analyze the claims of minority nations about their political future and the responses they elicit through constitutional politics. Essays focus on the nature of these states and the actors and political process within them. This framework allows for a multidimensional examination of crucial political periods in these democracies by assessing what constitutional politics is, who is involved in it, and how it happens. Case studies include Catalonia and Spain, Puerto Rico and the United States, Scotland and the United Kingdom, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Quebec and the Métis People in Canada.Theoretically significant and empirically rich, Constitutional Politics in Multinational Democraciesis a necessary read for any student of multinationalism.

  • Auteur:
    Macfarlane, Emmett

    The Canadian Senate has long been considered an institutional pariah, viewed as an undemocratic, outmoded warehouse for patronage appointments and mired in spending and workload scandals. After decades of debate about reform, in 2014 the federal government was compelled to refer constitutional questions to the Supreme Court relating to its attempts to enact senatorial elections and term limits.Constitutional Pariahexplores the aftermath of Reference re Senate Reform. In its first significant attempt to articulate the boundaries between key procedures in the constitutional amending formula, the Court ruled out major unilateral alteration of the Senate by Parliament. Ironically, the decision resulted in one of the most sweeping parliamentary reforms in Canadian history, creating a pathway to informal changes in the appointments process that have curbed patronage and partisanship. Emmett Macfarlane situates this incisive analysis within the context of the roles of the upper house, its evolving performance, and historical efforts at reform. Despite reinvigorating the Senate, Reference re Senate Reformhas far-reaching implications for constitutional reform in other contexts. Macfarlane's sharp critique suggests that the Court's nebulous approach to the amending formula raises the spectre of a frozen constitution, unable to evolve with the country.

  • Auteur:
    Waterstone, Marv, Chomsky, Noam

    The authors reveal how connections between common sense and power can keep social justice movements divided and marginalized, and they show how to overcome these divisions.

  • Auteur:
    Bafilemba, Fidel, Prendergast, John

    Includes a PDF of photographs.

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    Ahmad, Eqbal

    Edward W. Said once urged the legendary Eqbal Ahmad not to "leave your words scattered to the winds, or even recorded on tape, but collected and published in several volumes for everyone to read. Then those who don't have the privilege of knowing you will know what a truly remarkable, gifted man you are." In these intimate and wide-ranging conversations, Ahmad discusses nationalism, ethnic conflict, the politics of memory, and liberation struggles around the world. David Barsamian is the award-winning founder and director of Alternative Radio. Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy is a Pakistani nuclear physicist, essayist and political-defence analyst. He is also a prominent environmental and social activist and regularly writes on a wide range of social, cultural and environmental issues. Hoodbhoy lives in Islamabad, Pakistan.

  • Auteur:
    Swift, Jamie, Tomlinson, Brian

    Ten activists, scholars, and writers analyze contemporary development issues linking Canada and the Third World, and provide an in-depth critique of Canada's role in perpetuating poverty in the nations of the South. Widely adopted as a course text at the college and university level.

  • Auteur:
    Touhey, Ryan

    In 1974, India shocked the world by detonating a nuclear device. In the diplomatic controversy that ensued, the Canadian government expressed outrage that India had extracted plutonium from a Canadian reactor donated only for peaceful purposes. In the aftermath, relations between the two nations cooled considerably. As Conflicting Visions reveals, Canada and India’s relationship was turbulent long before the first bomb blast. Canada’s expectations of how the former British colony would behave following its independence in 1947 led to a series of misperceptions and miscommunications that strained bilateral relations for decades.

  • Auteur:
    Seidle, F. Leslie

    This book is one of 23 volumes of research commissioned by the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, and one of five volumes within this series dealing specifically with party and election finance. Because the issue of money in elections is as old as democracy, the experience of other countries is instructive. The studies in this volume offer Canadians information about approaches to funding political parties and elections in the United States and Western Europe. The studies by Herbert Alexander and Robert Mutch exmaine how the United States has approached issues such as contribution limits and the disclosure of election finances. The latter study provides explicit comparisons to Canada, noting the constitutional roleof the Supreme Court in each country. Jane Jenson draws on Western European experience to propose and assess reforms for the public funding for party foundations is documented by Michael Pinto-Duschinsky. The studies approach theirm aterial from a historical perspective, noting the uniqueness of the constitutions, institutions, and traditions of the countries reviewed. The authors provide background essential to any consideration of whether foreign experience might serve as a model for Canada.

  • Auteur:
    Seidle, F. Leslie

    This book is one of 23 volumes of research commissioned by the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, and one of five volumes within this series dealing specifically with party and election finance. Because the issue of money in elections is as old as democracy, the experience of other countries is instructive. The studies in this volume offer Canadians information about approaches to funding political parties and elections in the United States and Western Europe. The studies by Herbert Alexander and Robert Mutch examine how the United States has approached issues such as contribution limits and the disclosure of election finances. The latter study provides explicit comparisons to Canada, noting the constitutional role of the Supreme Court in each country. Jane Jenson draws on Western European experience to propose and assess reforms for the public funding for party foundations is documented by Michael Pinto-Duschinsky. The studies approach their material from a historical perspective, noting the uniqueness of the constitutions, institutions, and traditions of the countries reviewed. The authors provide background essential to any consideration of whether foreign experience might serve as a model for Canada.

  • Auteur:
    Hallam, Roger

    What can we do to avert catastrophe and avoid extinction? The political class won't save us. According to Roger Hallam, real change comes from ordinary people breaking the law. In Common Sense for the 21st Century, Hallam explains why mass disruption, mass arrests, and mass sacrifice are necessary and details how to carry out acts of civil disobedience effectively, respectfully and non-violently. He bypasses contemporary political theory and takes his inspiration from Thomas Paine, the pragmatic 18th century revolutionary whose pamphlet Common Sense sparked the American Revolution.

  • Auteur:
    Paine, Thomas

    This pamphlet, which Paine published in 1776, put into print the word every man was thinking but no man dared say: Independence!

  • Auteur:
    Trudeau, Justin

    The experiences that have shaped Justin Trudeau over the course of his life and how how his passion for Canada and its people took root. Covering the years from his childhood at 24 Sussex to his McGill days during the tumultuous time of the Charlottetown Accord to his first campaign in Papineau to his role as Liberal Party leader today, the book captures the foundational moments that have formed the man we have come to know and informed his vision for the future of Canada. Filled with anecdotes, personal reflections, and never-before-seen photographs from his own collection, Mr. Trudeau's memoir shows how the events of his life have led him to this moment and prepared him for the future. Justin Trudeau is the twice-elected Member of Parliament for Papineau and Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Prior to his role as an elected official, he was a teacher in British Columbia and an advocate for the environment and for youth, including four years as chair of Katimavik, Canada's national youth service program. Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971, the eldest son of the late former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair Trudeau Kemper. He is married to Sophie Grégoire.

  • Auteur:
    Filewod, Alan

    Committing Theatre offers the first full-length historical study of political intervention theatre and theatrical spectatorship in English Canada. Building on twenty years of research and engagement in the field, this book's historical narrative frames close-up examples of how theatre artists have intervened in and engaged with political struggle from the mid-19th century to the present. Lumber-camp mock trials, Mayday parades and street protests, the Workers Theatre Movement, agitprop theatre, the counter-culture theatre of the 1960s and 1970s, and more recent anarchist theatre collectives all played a role in a vibrant and unique radical theatre culture that went largely unnoticed, unrecorded, and undocumented by the professional theatre establishment.

  • Auteur:
    Wilson, Cody

    A startling philosophical manifesto for the twenty-first century on freedom of information, Come and Take It is the controversial yet thrilling story of the first ever-3D printable gun, developed by self-described crypto-anarchist and rogue thinker Cody Wilson. In Defense Distributed, Cody Wilson's employees worked against all odds to defend liberty and the right to access arms through the production of 3D printed firearms. Now, Wilson crafts a unique and critical guide through the digital revolution and follows a group of digital radicals as they navigate political subterfuge-deflecting interference from the State Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives-to create a technological miracle, against all odds. Harkening to both Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and The Anarchist Cookbook, Come and Take It combines elements of a modern-day thriller with a fascinating philosophical treatise, and Wilson paints a scathing and timely portrait of an ideologically polarized America and his own struggle in the fight for liberty.

  • Auteur:
    Hoggan, James

    Talk of global warming is nearly inescapable these days — but there are some who believe the concept of climate change is an elaborate hoax. Despite the input of the world’s leading climate scientists, the urgings of politicians, and the outcry of many grassroots activists, many Americans continue to ignore the warning signs of severe climate shifts. How did this happen? Climate Cover-up seeks to answer this question, describing the pollsters and public faces who have crafted careful language to refute the findings of environmental scientists. Exploring the PR techniques, phony "think tanks," and funding used to pervert scientific fact, this book serves as a wake-up call to those who still wish to deny the inconvenient truth.

  • Auteur:
    Boyd, David R.

    Canadians are getting sick from toxins in the air, food, water, and consumer products. In Cleaner, Greener, Healthier, David R. Boyd sets out to remedy Canada's environmental health problems. He begins by assessing the environmental burden of disease, identifies its unequal distribution, and estimates the associated economic costs. He then compares Canada's environmental laws and policies with those in the US, Australia, and the EU, delivering a provocative diagnosis of the causes of Canada's second-rate standards. Finally, he prescribes legal remedies that will enable Canada to catch up with the world's environmental leaders while delivering substantial health and economic benefits.

  • Auteur:
    Manthorpe, Jonathan

    Tells the story of Canada's failure to construct a workable policy towards the People's Republic of China. In particular the book tells of Ottawa's failure to recognize and confront the efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate and influence Canadian politics, academia, and media, and to exert control over Canadians of Chinese heritage. Claws of the Panda gives a detailed description of the CCP's campaign to embed agents of influence in Canadian business, politics, media and academia. The party's aims are to be able to turn Canadian public policy to China's advantage, to acquire useful technology and intellectual property, to influence Canada's international diplomacy, and, most important, to be able to monitor and intimidate Chinese Canadians and others it considers dissidents. The book traces the evolution of the Canada-China relationship over nearly 150 years. It shows how Canadian leaders have constantly misjudged the reality and potential of the relationship while the CCP and its agents have benefited from Canadian naivete.

  • Auteur:
    Kingsley, E. T.

    In October 1890, Eugene T. Kingsley's life changed irrevocably when he was injured in a fall between two rail cars while working as a brakeman on the Northern Pacific Railway. Following the amputation of both his legs, Kingsley became radicalized and joined the Socialist Labor Party in San Francisco. His activism eventually brought him to Vancouver, B.C. where he founded the Socialist Party of Canada. A self-described "uncompromising enemy of class rule and class robbery," Kingsley wrote prolifically on the exploitation of wage slaves by the capitalist class. Also known as a passionate orator, he went on to become one of the most prominent socialist intellectuals of his day. Class Warrior is a collection of Kingsley's writing and speeches that underscores his tremendous impact on Canadian political discourse.

  • Auteur:
    Glasbeek, Harry

    Capitalism's agenda is the endless pursuit of private accumulation of socially produced wealth. In our system, the corporation--created by law--is meant to hide this agenda, to distract us so that flesh and blood capitalists can do what they like. But when the workings of the corporation are examined, they reveal a betrayal of the very values and norms that, for their legitimacy's sake, capitalists in our parts of the world purport to share. Harry Glasbeek highlights one of capitalism's weak spots--the perverting economic, political, and ethical roles played by the prime instrument of private wealth accumulation: the legal corporation. Once the corporate mask is ripped off, those who hide behind it become visible. Stripped of their protective garb, the capitalist class will be just as naked as the rest of us are when we face their corporations.


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