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Political science

  • Auteur:
    Orwell, George

    "De tous les carrefours importants, le visage à la moustache noire vous fixait du regard. BIG BROTHER VOUS REGARDE, répétait la légende, tandis que le regard des yeux noirs pénétrait les yeux de Winston ... Au loin, un hélicoptère glissa entre les toits, plana un moment, telle une mouche bleue, puis repartit comme une flèche, dans un vol courbe. C'était une patrouille qui venait mettre le nez aux fenêtres des gens. Mais les patrouilles n'avaient pas d'importance. Seule comptait la Police de la Pensée." Christian Gonon interprète avec virtuosité un des plus grands textes de George Orwell : avec lui, nous entrons dans le monde totalitaire de Big Brother, à la frontière entre science-fiction et réalité

  • Auteur:
    Morton, Andrew

    Tells the story of Edward VIII and his wife, Wallis Simpson, whose affair with Joachim von Ribbentrop embroiled the duke in a German plot to use him as a puppet king. This damning correspondence could forever tarnish the reputation of the royal family.

  • Auteur:
    Lash, Don

    In this groundbreaking look at the history and politics of the US child welfare system, "When the Welfare People Come" exposes the system in its totality, from child protective investigation to foster care and mandated services, arguing that it constitutes a mechanism of control exerted over poor and working class parents and children. Applying the Marxist framework of social reproduction theory to the child welfare system, the author reveals the system's role in the regulation of family life under capitalism. Don Lash is an attorney who has practiced in the areas of disability rights, education, and child welfare for more than twenty years.

  • Auteur:
    Wilson-Raybould, Jody

    THE #1 BESTSELLER FINALIST FOR THE WRITERS' TRUST BALSILLIE PRIZE FOR PUBLIC POLICY. A compelling political memoir of leadership and speaking truth to power by one of the most inspiring women of her generation Jody Wilson-Raybould was raised to be a leader. Inspired by the example of her grandmother, who persevered throughout her life to keep alive the governing traditions of her people, and raised as the daughter of a hereditary chief and Indigenous leader, Wilson-Raybould always knew she would take on leadership roles and responsibilities. She never anticipated, however, that those roles would lead to a journey from her home community of We Wai Kai in British Columbia to Ottawa as Canada's first Indigenous Minister of Justice and Attorney General in the Cabinet of then newly elected prime minister, Justin Trudeau. Wilson-Raybould's experience in Trudeau's Cabinet reveals important lessons about how we must continue to strengthen our political institutions and culture, and the changes we must make to meet challenges such as racial justice and climate change. As her initial optimism about the possibilities of enacting change while in Cabinet shifted to struggles over inclusivity, deficiencies of political will, and concerns about adherence to core principles of our democracy, Wilson-Raybould stood on principle and, ultimately, resigned. In standing her personal and professional ground and telling the truth in front of the nation, Wilson-Raybould demonstrated the need for greater independence and less partisanship in how we govern. "Indian" in the Cabinet: Speaking Truth to Power is the story of why Wilson-Raybould got into federal politics, her experience as an Indigenous leader sitting around the Cabinet table, her proudest achievements, the very public SNC-Lavalin affair, and how she got out and moved forward. Now sitting as an Independent Member in Parliament, Wilson-Raybould believes there is a better way to govern and a better way for politics-one that will make a better country for all.

  • Auteur:
    Greenhous, Brereton

    This is the story of a “no military risk” campaign that slowly turned into a nightmare. The book provides new answers to a number of difficult questions beginning with a discussion of why Canadian troops were sent to Hong Kong at the request of the British War Office. Were the British duplicitous in making this request? Was Canadian Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant-General Harry Crerar, guilty of putting his own interests above those of his men in telling the minister of National Defence that there was “no military risk” in sending the “C” Force? The book recounts the formation of the “C” Force and its departure to Hong Kong where it arrived just three weeks before the Japanese attack. It outlines the course of the battle from December 8, 1941, until the inevitable surrender of the garrison on Christmas Day. It places appropriate emphasis on the Canadian contribution, refuting 1947 allegations by the British General-Officer-Commanding — allegations which were only made public in 1993 — that the Canadians did not fight well. Greenhous attacks these charges with solid evidence from participants and eye-witnesses. Finally, the book tells the story of life and death in the prison camps of Hong Kong and Japan.

  • Auteur:
    Woods, Randall Bennett

    World War II commando, Cold War spy, and CIA director under presidents Nixon and Ford, William Egan Colby played a critical role in some of the most pivotal events of the twentieth century. A quintessential member of the greatest generation, Colby embodied the moral and strategic ambiguities of the postwar world, and first confronted many of the dilemmas about power and secrecy that America still grapples with today.

    In Shadow Warrior , eminent historian Randall B. Woods presents a riveting biography of Colby, revealing that this crusader for global democracy was also drawn to the darker side of American power. Aiming to help reverse the spread of totalitarianism in Europe and Asia, Colby joined the U.S. Army in 1941, just as America entered World War II. He served with distinction in France and Norway, and at the end of the war transitioned into America's first peacetime intelligence the CIA. Fresh from the fight against fascism, Colby zealously redirected his efforts against international communism. He insisted on the importance of fighting communism on the ground, doggedly applying guerilla tactics for counterinsurgency, sabotage, surveillance, and information-gathering on the new battlefields of the Cold War. Over time, these strategies became increasingly ruthless; as head of the CIA's Far East Division, Colby oversaw an endless succession of assassination attempts, coups, secret wars in Laos and Cambodia, and the Phoenix Program, in which 20,000 civilian supporters of the Vietcong were killed. Colby ultimately came clean about many of the CIA's illegal activities, making public a set of internal reports—known as the “family jewels”—that haunt the agency to this day. Ostracized from the intelligence community, he died under suspicious circumstances—a murky ending to a life lived in the shadows.

    Drawing on multiple new sources, including interviews with members of Colby's family, Woods has crafted a gripping biography of one of the most fascinating and controversial figures of the twentieth century.

  • Auteur:
    Weeks, Kent M.

    In Search of Civility: Confronting Incivility on the College Campus addresses a way that an existing institution—the modern American college—can actively foster civility instead of expecting students to develop this virtue on their own. Civil conduct requires treating others the way one wishes to be treated—with due regard to for individual differences—as well as a sense of duty and responsibility to the community. The work adds to current knowledge and practice by drawing upon real life experiences of students in their interactions with one another, with faculty members and with the larger college community.  Scenarios involving four students pose difficult questions which stimulate students to think about whether their relationships with others reflect civil conduct.

  • Auteur:
    Restakis, John

    At the close of the twentieth century, corporate capitalism extended its reach over the globe. While its defenders argue that globalisation is the only way forward for modern, democratic societies, the spread of this system is failing to meet even the most basic needs of billions of individuals around the world. Moreover, the entrenchment of this free market system is undermining the foundations of healthy societies, caring communities, and personal wellbeing. This book shows how co-operative models for economic and social development can create a more equitable, just, and humane future. With over 800 million members in 85 countries and a long history linking economics to social values, the co-operative movement is the most powerful grassroots movement in the world. Its future as an alternative to corporate capitalism is explored through a wide range of real-world examples including: Emilia Romagna's co-operative economy in Northern Italy; Argentina's recovered factory movement; Japan's consumer and health co-operatives. Highlighting the hopes and struggles of everyday people seeking to make their world a better place, this is essential reading for anyone who cares about the reform of economics, globalisation, and social justice.

  • Auteur:
    JOHNSON, Richard William

    The universal jubilation that greeted Nelson Mandela's inauguration as president of South Africa in 1994 and the process by which the nightmare of apartheid had been banished is one of the most thrilling, hopeful stories in the modern era: peaceful, rational change was possible and the weight of an oppressive history was suddenly lifted.

  • Auteur:
    Patrick, Curtis, Clark, William P.

    These stories, revelations & anecdotes were told by the boys & girls, men & women, 49 of them, who started out in the trenches; some before Reagan ever decided to run for political office. They tell the stories of the interaction between Reagan and the unsung heroes, some of whom have already passed away. Their personal stories & vignettes reveal why they dropped everything they were doing & worked up to eighteen hours a day to help start the “boomlet” that launched RR at the dawn of his political career. These were high-principled individuals with a strong love of country, an insatiable work-ethic, an honest core—and—an abiding love for & trust in Ronald Reagan.

  • Auteur:
    DuBois, J. Robert

    Powerful Peace is a logical arrangement of brief topics on conflict. Four progressive sections (Body, Mind, Heart and Soul) each contain a dozen, easily-digestible but hard-hitting chapters. Each chapter builds on the one before it in leading the reader to first understand that force is sometimes necessary, that persuasion is more powerful, and that some conflict is unnecessary and preventable. The goal of Powerful Peace is to open the reader’s mind about other cultures to comprehend that different does not have to mean wrong, and that an individual’s life can be richer and more enjoyable by trying out some of the concepts contained in Powerful Peace. Powerful Peace is unique and appealing. Never before has a book been written by a SEAL with the intent of reducing conflict and its painful consequences for innocent victims. Powerful Peace addresses the hot topic of American fatigue from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Also, today’s political environment is souring many citizens' confidence in the direction of our national leadership. Powerful Peace offers hope that real solutions are available.

  • Auteur:
    Krugman, Paul, Rosenberg, David, Summers, Lawrence, Bremmer, Ian

    As stock markets gyrate, Europe lurches from crisis to crisis, and recovery in the United States slows, the future of the North American economy is more uncertain than ever. Can individual entrepreneurship, corporate innovation, and governments create a new era of sustained economic growth? Or, will the ongoing financial crisis, political dysfunction in the United States, and the rise of emerging nations erode living standards in North America for the long term? In this edition of the Munk Debates -- Canada's premier international debate series -- Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman and former Chief Economist at the Bank of America-Merrill Lynch David Rosenberg square off against former director of President Obama’s National Economic Council Lawrence Summers and bestselling author Ian Bremmer to tackle the resolution: Be it resolved North America faces a Japan-style era of high unemployment and slow growth. This riveting debate features four of the world's most renowned economists discussing the single most important issue facing all North Americans in a lively, engaging forum. The economy is a concern that demands our immediate attention and this enlightening and hugely important debate is a must-read for all of us.

  • Auteur:
    Kulchyski, Peter

    Part ethnography, part narrative, Like the Sound of a Drum is evocative, confrontational, and poetic. For many years, Peter Kulchyski has travelled to the north, where he has sat in on community meetings, interviewed elders and Aboriginal politicians, and participated in daily life. In Like the Sound of a Drum he looks as three northern communities — Fort Simpson and Fort Good Hope in Denendeh and Pangnirtung in Nunavut — and their strategies for maintaining their political and cultural independence. In the face of overwhelming odds, communities such as these have shown remarkable resources for creative resistance. In the process, they are changing the concept of democracy as it is practised in Canada.

  • Auteur:
    Nielsen, Niels C.

    Election 2008 turned out to be a watershed contests, looking to crucial decisions of policy change about the war in Iraq, the international economy, global warming, social security and immigration. God in the Obama Era is written for general readers and is designed to help give objectivity and perspective on debated issues. Its approach is narrative and chronological, not dogmatic. Its premise is that the contemporary presidency stands in a longer historical tradition, which conditions both philosophical, and value judgments. A scholar, who has written in both the history and philosophy of religion, the author is interested in the long term moral values and religious symbols that motivate both voters and public officials. Of course, he is not so naïve as to suppose that truth is always on one side of the election divide. Clearly, the U. S. Constitution guarantees both freedom of worship and the non-establishment of religion. But faith convictions remain a powerful ideological force in American politics.

  • Auteur:
    Chiocchi, Roger

    Baby Boomer Bust? examines and analyzes the meltdown of 2008/2009 from economic, political and social perspectives and illuminates how the meltdown has directly impacted Baby Boomers -- once known as the generation of promise, but now the generation of panic. It examines the downturn’s impact on Boomers’ lifestyles, dreams, aspirations and future plans. Baby Boomer Bust? raises some provocative questions regarding the generation’s ability to survive the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

  • Auteur:
    Coates, Ken S., Lackenbauer, P. Whitney, Morrion, William R., Poelzer, Greg

    A hard-hitting, timely, and provocative book about the history and future of the Canadian Arctic. With passion and sharp words, Arctic Front confronts Canada's longstanding neglect of the Far North and outline what needs to be done to protect our national interest. Through a lively and engaging history of the region, Arctic Front reveals how Canadians and their governments have:ignored this region for generationsexpanded Canadian sovereignty over the past hundred years by reacting to other countries' challengesbecome the least effective of all Circumpolar nations in responding to the needs of the Arcticneglected our obligations to the North, including a failure to capitalize on the human and economic resources of this vast land or to establish a presence that would make any foreign claims to offshore resources inconceivable.As global warming continues to melt the ice in the Northwest Passage and the competition for northern resources heats up, Canada, the authors warn, will be forced to defend this area from a position of grave weakness. Our leaders need to take action today, blending defence and development, to complete Canadian nation building in this fragile region. An energetic and engaging collaboration by four of Canada's leading Northern specialists, Arctic Front is a clarion call to all Canadians about our endangered Arctic region, challenging the country to step away from the symbols and myth making of the past and toward the urgent political, environmental and economic realities of the 21st century.

  • Auteur:

    This book in itself is testimony to transition in the affairs of the north circumpolar region. Written in 1988 and updated in 1990, the papers assembled here have been overtaken by events. Non-military or civil requirements thus seemed to warrant a new and far more important place in our understanding of security. It's appopriate to explore not only the potential of civil cooperation in countering the force of militarism, but the utility of a comprehensive conception of Arctic security. This book will look at how these views fare, once we've had a look at the region and its problems.

  • Auteur:

    This book constitutes the Proceedings of a meeting held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, 18-20 July 1989, which was the eighteenth in a series of Workshops on Nuclear Forces held in the framework of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. This particular series of Workshops was initiated in January 1980, that is, immediately after the NATO double-track decision of December 1979 that in the short run led to the deployment in Europe of new US nuclear-armed missiles – ground launched cruise missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles (Pershing II) – but that was also instrumental in setting into motion the process that led to the total elimination of all US and Soviet ground-based missiles having ranges from 500 to 5500km.


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