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  • Auteur:
    Jackson, Marni

    From the author of the best-selling The Mother Zone comes a comic narrative about an over-anxious mother and her 20-something over-adventurous son. Home Free is about the last secret lap of parenting: getting through your kids’ 20s and learning how to let them go at the same time. The 20-somethings who invented the generation gap in the 1960s have grown up to become hyper-involved parents who can’t stop worrying about their adult kids. Many of the kids are still living in the basement, bussing tables instead of going to business school and depending on their parents for emotional support. Just when they thought family life was on the wane, parents are back on deck with their children; at the same time many are often coping with their own frail or dying parents. Is this the new, improved face of family, where kids still depend on their parents for stability, friendship and guidance in an increasingly unforgiving world? Or has this era of over-invested parents, living vicariously through the achievements of their children, bred dependency in the new generation? Home Free is an intimate, candid, reflective and comic memoir that focuses on this new and undefined stage of family life: the challenges of helping our kids navigate their 20s—while learning how to let go of them at the same time.

  • Auteur:
    Horowitz, Richard C.

    Family Centered Parenting does not just offer a set of guidelines, but will give parents the tools necessary to make thoughtful decisions about their parenting options that exist within a consistent system of beliefs. The model teaches parents how to communicate effectively, resolve parenting problems, and implement humane discipline with the goal of empowering both parent and child in order to create a more harmonious and joyful family life.

  • Auteur:
    Long, Janice Louise

    Dying the Right Way is written for seniors, families, and caregivers. Dying the Right Way prepares seniors and families for the time when caregiving is needed, and offers a system for caregiving in the home for either family caregivers or for monitoring professional caregivers. Dying the Right Way extends the caregiving experience to assist seniors in planning for the time when they might need care:  through the document preparation phase, the search for a residential facility, life support, the dying experience, funeral planning, and settling of the estate.

  • Auteur:
    Weeks, Kent M.

    Doing Civility: Breaking the Cycle of Incivility on the Campus, explores ways in which members of the college community can take proactive steps to break the cycle of incivility. Civility requires extending mutual respect to others, especially people with different values, beliefs, and ideas. It also involves a civic responsibility to strengthen the community. Doing Civility dives into how civility can be applied in practical ways using real-life student stories. Doing Civility is a companion book to In Search of Civility. Together, the two books provide sharp analysis for understanding civility on campus and in the workplace. Doing Civility incorporates interactive tools and exercises at the end of each chapter designed to help readers apply the concepts covered in the chapter. The tools and exercises are perfect for self-reflection or small group discussions. Americans are trouble by the growing incivility they see in public life and in their interpersonal relationships. The modern college and university may offer the best and most effective forum for providing an education in civility for our future leaders. It’s time to do civility.

  • Auteur:
    Fraser, Edie, Spizman, Robyn

    Do Your Giving While You Are Living is an illuminating little book with a very big--and very timely—message. It inspires readers to embrace giving and to understand that the highest purpose in life is quite simple: doing for others. Featuring contributions from some of the most influential and philanthropic people and organizations in the world today, this book shows readers how the act of giving can change the world and also change their own lives in ways they never thought possible. Do Your Giving While You Are Living offers food for thought in bite-sized bits. Each entry includes a quote, a brief first-person story of how one of the book's contributors—from leading-edge thinkers to hometown heroes—made a difference, and an action step readers can put to use in their lives. The vignettes are as moving as they are enlightening, teaching readers the power of giving and demonstrating specific ways how that power can be put into action, no matter what age or station in life.

  • Auteur:
    Irving, Howard H.

    For three decades Dr. Howard H. Irving has championed the use of divorce mediation outside the adversarial court system to save couples and their children from the bitter legacy of legal wrangling and winner-takes-all custody battles. Now, calling on his vast experience mediating more than 2,000 cases, Irving has written Children Come First directly for couples contemplating or undergoing divorce. In this book the author takes a tripartite approach that points out: the dangers of the adversarial approach to divorce, the benefits of divorce mediation, and how parents can put their children first during and after their divorce. Children Come First is written in a reader-friendly style with case studies, charts and diagrams, as well as illustrations from the author's renowned practice. Ultimately, this book takes parents through the process of building a shared parenting plan that places their children's interests uppermost while still addressing the parents' unique situations and needs.

  • Auteur:
    Vavasour, James

    This nine-month non-fiction account of pregnancy, from the husband’s perspective, details how the protagonist learned to let go of control in the quest for the perfect pregnancy. All accounts were documented as they happened, long before the blurred baby goggles of fatherhood were firmly affixed. This dark, entertaining, poignant satire will be educational for any new couple thinking of starting a family. For those already pregnant, it will be a funny and often neurotic vision of their day to day struggles.

  • Auteur:
    Chiocchi, Roger

    Baby Boomer Bust? examines and analyzes the meltdown of 2008/2009 from economic, political and social perspectives and illuminates how the meltdown has directly impacted Baby Boomers -- once known as the generation of promise, but now the generation of panic. It examines the downturn’s impact on Boomers’ lifestyles, dreams, aspirations and future plans. Baby Boomer Bust? raises some provocative questions regarding the generation’s ability to survive the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

  • Auteur:
    Million, Mark

    Most women think they know everything there is to know about the men in their lives. The truth is every man lives two lives. One is the deceptive illusion we are taught to present to society and the women in it. The second is the real man only seen by other men inside the code. We men discuss this subject openly in our social world, never to be revealed to a woman because that would break the male code. It’s between men and men only…Until now. Within the pages of this history making book you will find startling information about a particular 2012 republican candidate, as well as many other high profile individuals. It’s time you knew!


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