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Erotic fiction

  • Auteur:

    For successful African American businesswoman Zoe Reynard, finding the pleasure she wants, the way she wants it, is not worth the risk of losing everything she has: marriage to the man she has loved since childhood, a thriving company, three wonderful children. But Zoe feels helpless in the grip of an overpowering addiction-to sex. Finding a therapist, Zoe finally summons the courage to tell her story, a tale of guilt and desire as shocking as it is compelling. From the sensitive artist with whom she spends stolen hours on rumpled sheets to the rough and violent man who draws her toward destruction, Zoe is desperately seeking fulfillment-and something darker. As her life spins out of control and her sexual escapades carry her toward a dangerous choice, Zoe races against time to uncover the source of her "fatal attraction."

  • Auteur:
    Elledge, D. E.

    Ty Blackburn sails the Gulf Coast of Southern Florida, taking tourists on chartered tours and photographing the local wildlife and scenic landscapes. Hiring Cody Masterson as second mate and photography assistant seems like a good idea, but when Ty finds himself falling for the attractive and self-proclaimed straight young man, it creates problems. Ty has a rule against dating his employees, and Cody’s behavior raises doubts about his sexual orientation. Frustration mounts, increased by threatening letters and secrets neither man wishes to share. When the danger turns real, Ty and Cody reveal their pasts, and their relationship turns physical. But pressures on both of them threaten their relationship. To save Ty’s life, Cody must resolve his conflicting desires and decide what is really important to him.

  • Auteur:
    Anderson, Toni

    Former CIA assassin Alex Parker works for The Gateway Project, a clandestine government organization hell-bent on taking out serial killers and pedophiles before they enter the justice system. Alex doesn't enjoy killing, but he's damn good at it. He's good at dodging the law, too-until a beautiful rookie agent has him wondering what it might be like to get caught. FBI Special Agent Mallory Rooney has spent years hunting the lowlife who abducted her identical twin sister eighteen years ago. Now, during an on-going serial killer investigation, Mallory begins to suspect there's a vigilante operating outside the law. She has no choice but to take him down, because murder isn't justice. Is it? When Mallory starts asking questions, The Gateway Project management starts to sweat, and orders Alex to watch her. As soon as they meet, the two begin to fall in love. But the lies and betrayals that define Alex's life threaten to destroy them both-especially when the man who stole her sister all those years ago makes Mallory his next target, and Alex must reveal his true identity to save the woman he loves.

  • Auteur:
    Lipinska, Blanka

    Laura Biel and her boyfriend are on a dream vacation in beautiful Sicily. On the second day of their trip, her twenty-ninth birthday, she is kidnapped. Her kidnapper is none other than the head of a powerful Sicilian crime family, the incredibly handsome, young Don Massimo Torricelli, who is determined to possess her at all costs. Massimo has his reasons. During an earlier attempt on his life, a vision appeared before his eyes: a beautiful woman, identical to Laura. After surviving the attack, he vows that he will find the woman in his vision and make her his own. No matter what. For 365 days, Massimo will keep Laura captive in his palatial estate and attempt to win her heart. If she doesn't fall in love with him during this time, he will let her go. But if she tries to escape at any point, he will track her down and kill her entire family. Soon Laura develops a fascination with her handsome and powerful captor. But as a precarious, risky relationship forms between them, forces outside their control threaten to tear them apart...

  • Auteur:
    d'Abo, Christine

    La dernière chose que Glenna O'Donald s'attendait à trouver dans un cimetière, c'est bien un paquet de cartes... érotiques. Elle découvre, non sans une pointe de curiosité, que chacune des trente cartes contient des instructions pour une rencontre sexuelle débridée et passionnée. Assistante de recherche le jour, la jeune femme, qui a la fâcheuse habitude de tout suranalyser, est soudainement tentée de mener quelques expériences nocturnes. Surtout si Eric Morris, ce séduisant professeur d'université, accepte d'être son partenaire de laboratoire... Glenna donne donc rendez-vous à Eric une fois par semaine pour essayer les propositions qui l'intriguent le plus. Entre ces nuits audacieuses d'exploration sensuelle se faufilent des journées de travail remplies de rires et de flirt... jusqu'au moment où elle commence à craindre que ses sentiments prennent le dessus sur sa raison. De son côté, Eric se rend compte qu'il risque de perdre cette connexion intime spéciale s'il ne parvient pas à s'ouvrir sur son passé. Les deux amants trouveront-ils ensemble le courage de passer au prochain niveau du jeu ?

  • Auteur:
    d'Abo, Christine

    Certaines personnes cherchent leur âme soeur toute leur vie, mais ce n'est pas le cas d'Alyssa Barrow. Elle a fait la connaissance de Rob à dix-neuf ans et, comme dans un conte de fées, elle croyait que leur couple serait éternel... Jusqu'à ce que son amoureux tombe gravement malade. Son dernier voeu était que sa jeune et superbe épouse n'oublie jamais le bonheur et le plaisir. Il lui a donc légué un cadeau bien particulier, un jeu enflammé qui lui permettra de renouer avec l'ivresse des sens : trente cartes avec des instructions pour trente jours de passion, à utiliser lorsqu'elle se sentirait prête. Deux ans plus tard, alors qu'elle rencontre son séduisant nouveau voisin, Harrison Kemp, elle estime que le temps est enfin venu... Grâce à ses gestes expérimentés et à la chaleur de ses lèvres sur sa peau, elle renaît peu à peu, accueillant avec délice toutes ces sensations retrouvées. Or, ce qui ne devait être que quelques instants de volupté devient une relation intime et Alyssa réalise qu'elle a laissé la chance à l'amour de frapper une fois de plus à sa porte. Mais à la fin du jeu, un avenir avec Harrison sera-t-il réellement possible ?

  • Auteur:
    Tenino, Anne

    In a future where the United States has split along party lines, Agent Matt Tennimore’s job is to get people out of the Confederated Red States, whether they’re captured special ops agents from his own country or gay CRS citizens who’ve petitioned for asylum. He never expected to have to retrieve his high school crush, aka the guy who ostracized him for being gay. Rescuing James Ayala isn’t going to be easy: he’s crawling with tracking nanos and has a cybernetic brain implant that’s granted him psychic power he isn’t sure how to control. That’s the good news. The bad? The implant is compromising James’s mental stability. So they’re on the run, avoiding surveillance by AI aircraft and hiding from enemy militia. Then James confesses he tormented Matt in high school because James wanted him. Matt can’t resist the temptation James offers, but he wants so much more than sex, assuming they ever make it home alive. Is James really a good bet when he’s got a ticking time bomb in his brain and there’s the question of how much he’s actually changed?


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