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Juvenile fiction

  • Auteur:
    Little, Jean

    Dickon wasn't happy in his old home or his old school. He hopes that in his new neighborhood he will meet children who never knew his old, hyper self, who will like him for who he is now. And he hopes for a dog of his own. Dickon's mother calls him Birdie. She feeds him milk from a teddy bear mug. She worries if he's out of her sight for a moment and she knows how filthy and vicious dogs can be. Dickon is delighted to discover that the Humane Society is right on the other side of the fence behind the new house, but only by disobeying his mother will he ever get close to a real dog.

  • Auteur:
    Hebert, Marie-Francine

    When Poppy's supply teacher disdainfully calls her a "bird brain," Poppy turns into an imaginary bird. But the neighborhood cat soon threatens! Go on a bird's-eye journey of the imagination in this captivating fifth book in the series.

  • Auteur:
    Martiń Vidal, Beatriz

    Anything is possible when you believe. The moment is coming. Be ready. To start a new path, to grow up, to change, to rise to the occasion.
    "Bird" is a stunning wordless picture book by Beatriz Martin Vidal, which brings us up to the moment of a child s flight, as she launches into life and imagination takes off."

  • Auteur:
    Citro, Asia

    There's a big problem with the forest roses, magical roses that are very important because they are the first food for newborn hippogriffs. Can Zoey, Pip, and Sassafras use their science know how to fix the magical roses before the hippogriff eggs hatch?

  • Auteur:
    brouillette, daniel

    Un décès tragique, un voyage paradisiaque en compagnie de Maxim ainsi qu'un retour infernal au pays, voilà qui résume bien les fêtes en montagnes russes de Bine. Alors que tout semble vouloir se replacer en ce mois de janvier, Jocelyne perd son emploi de la manière la plus cruelle qui soit. Afin que Bine vienne en aide à sa mère, Maxim le convainc de se trouver un emploi étudiant. S'il pouvait uniquement se concentrer sur cet objectif, ce serait bien, mais nouvelle année, nouvelle résolution : Lily-la-psychopathe s'est mis en tête de le reconquérir. Et quand on cache sa folie sous un air angélique, on est prête à tout. À vraiment tout....

  • Auteur:
    Wilson, John

    In this bonus book in the Desert Legends Trilogy, Jim Doolen has his final encounter with the infamous Billy the Kid. Billy the Kid and many other figures from the wild west are featured in Written in Blood, Ghost Moon and Victorio's War of the Desert Legends Trilogy. Set in the harsh desert world of the Arizona Territory and northern Mexico, these stories are sure to thrill readers.

  • Auteur:
    Bergeron, Alain M., Sampar, Watson, Sophie B.

    Billy Stuart, the young raccoon leader of the Zintrepids Scout troop, aspires to be just like his grandfather, a globe-trotting adventurer who knows no fear. After accidentally traveling through time in pursuit of Grandpa, Billy and friends find themselves on the island of Crete, snout to snout with King Minos's Minotaur. It's a formidable challenge; Billy and his buddies have to escape the Minotaur, the labyrinth and King Minos's wrath and maybe, just maybe, find their way home! Brightly illustrated and enhanced with games and puzzles, this sequel to Billy Stuart and the Zintrepids is sure to amuse readers of all ages.

  • Auteur:
    Bergeron, Alain M., Sampar, Watson, Sophie B.

    Billy Stuart, the young raccoon leader of the Zintrepids Scout troop, aspires to be just like his grandfather, a globe-trotting adventurer who knows no fear. After accidentally traveling through time in pursuit of the elder Stuart, Billy and friends find themselves lost in a land inhabited by giants: giant plants, giant animals, GIANT MONSTERS! Billy and his companions set off to explore the island, looking for fresh water and food. But a hailstorm forces them to take shelter in a grotto, where they find the trail of Billy’s grandfather, Virgil Stuart. However, following Grandpa’s footsteps turns out to be much more perilous than they expected. And stranded in the heart of this mysterious island, the Zintrepids can’t shake the feeling that they are being watched.
     Brightly illustrated and enhanced with games and puzzles throughout, Billy Stuart in the Eye of the Cyclopsis sure to amuse readers of all ages.

  • Auteur:
    Bergeron, Alain M., Sampar, Watson, Sophie B.

    Billy Stuart is a young raccoon who aspires to be just like his grandfather, a globe-trotting adventurer who knows no fear. When he learns that his grandfather has found a way to travel through time and is leaving on another great voyage, he sets out to see him off (and maybe sneak along). Billy Stuart follows his grandfather's puzzling clues through a maze of caves and caverns to find him before he leaves, trailed by his Scout pack, the Zintrepids. What Billy doesn't know is that once they go down the fateful path his grandfather has taken, there will be no turning back. Brightly illustrated and enhanced with games and puzzles throughout, Billy Stuart and the Zintrepids is sure to amuse readers of all ages. The next book in the Billy Stuart series will be available in Spring 2019.

  • Auteur:
    Bergeron, Alain M., Sampar, Watson, Sophie B.

    What was supposed to be a relaxing ocean crossing for Billy Stuart and his friends after their adventures on the island of Crete quickly transforms into a veritable odyssey. A violent storm throws them off their maritime course and leads to a downpour of events with potentially tragic consequences: mutiny, vicious monster attacks, siren songs and more. The dire situation doesn't get any better when they finally make it to shore. A thousand dangers make the Zintrepids' every waking moment seem like a nightmare. And is Billy Stuart still on the trail of his grandfather, the explorer Virgil Stuart who has traveled through time? Or are the Zintrepids forever lost in an unknown age and strange place? Brightly illustrated and enhanced with games and puzzles throughout, Billy Stuart and the Sea of One Thousand Dangers is the third title in the Billy Stuart Adventures series, following Billy Stuart and the Zintrepids and Billy Stuart in the Minotaur's Lair.

  • Auteur:
    Bergeron, Alain M.

    Après avoir survécu aux attaques de monstres mythiques et failli se faire dévorer par des milliers de crabes, les Zintrépides s’enfoncent dans une forêt vierge où foisonnent les lianes et les buissons de ronces et d’aubépines.

    Billy et ses amis poursuivent leur quête, tout en espérant que le prochain indice laissé par Virgile Stuart les ramènera à Cavendish. Mais la prudence est de mise, parce que cet endroit inhospitalier abrite bien plus que des insectes géants et des dionées mangeuses de Zintrépides. À la lisière de la forêt tout près de cette plage de sable blanc, quelqu’un les a à l’œil..

  • Auteur:
    Guyatt, Ben

    When the War of 1812 breaks out between the British in Canada and the United States, eighteen-year-old Billy Green is an expert woodsman with romantic ideas of combat. Struggling with his father's ideals and with his attraction to Sarah, the daughterof an American sympathizer, Billy soon finds himself faced with a series of fateful decisions. Then on June 5, 1813, he spots the massive American forces camped in the tiny hamlet of Stoney Creek. Against all odds, the young man rides three hours in the middle of the night to Burlington Heights to warn the British. The Americans have already captured Fort George and destroyed Fort York. Burlington Heights is the only bastion of British forces remaining in the area, and if the Americans seize it, all of Upper Canada could fall under U.S. control. Can Billy Green help save the day? The ensuing historic battle will forever change the face of a nation and present Billy with challenges that will shake him to his very core.

  • Auteur:
    Oliver, Jamie

    Billy and his friends know that Waterfall Woods is out of bounds; strange things are rumoured to have happened there and no one in their village has ventured past its walls for decades. But when they discover a secret way in, Billy and his best friends, Anna, Jimmy and Andy, can't resist the temptation to explore! Only to quickly discover that the woods are brimming with magic and inhabited by all sorts of unusual creatures, including a whole community of sprites who need the childrens' help! With magical battles, a long-lost mythical city, fantastical flying machines, epic feasts and one GIANT rescue, get ready for an adventure you'll never forget!

  • Auteur:
    Poulsen, David A.

    A dramatic turn of events unites twelve-year-old Billy Gavin and seventeen-year-old John "Bearman" Redell, two boys from seemingly different backgrounds who discover that they in fact have a great deal in common - they are both runaways. Together, alone against nature in the rugged Alberta wilderness, they begin to deal with the demons of their pasts. When the news of a downed plane and a missing rodeo cowboy in the woods and mountains nearby reaches them, Bearman, an expert tracker who knows the woods like the back of his hand, becomes obsessed with the thought of finding the lost man. The boys find themselves faced with the greatest challenge of their lives. Do they have the courage to find the missing man? More importantly, will this adventure give them the self-confidence they need both to outrun the past and to embrace the future?

  • Auteur:
    Guilbault, Geneviève

    Billie Jazz est une jeune fille de dix ans joyeuse et dynamique. Elle est aussi une grande passionnée de danse, tout comme sa meilleure amie, Eva. En plus de faire partie d'une troupe, les deux jeunes filles passent la majorité de leur temps à fabriquer des costumes et inventer des chorégraphies. Dans leurs têtes, elles sont des danseuses étoiles et présentent des spectacles partout à travers le monde! Lorsqu'elles apprennent qu'un programme de perfectionnement en danse verra le jour à leur école, elles sont plus excitées que jamais. Elles seront choisies, c'est certain! Prêtes à tout pour être sélectionnées, elles vont s'entraîner fort et, surtout, se soutenir l'une l'autre… parce que le parcours qui les mènera jusqu'au jour des auditions sera parsemé d'embûches. Découvrez ici une belle histoire d'amitié, de complicité, de persévérance et d'entraide. Un récit à la fois drôle, emballant et touchant, qui plongera les jeunes filles dans l'univers de la danse et des réalités familiales parfois complexes.

  • Auteur:
    Cooper, Nancy

    Today, Amik is expecting her beaver cousins for a special visit, and she can't wait to show them her home. But as the visitors arrive, Amik suddenly realizes that her little sister, Nishiime, has disappeared. Where could she have gone? As Amik shows her cousins some of her favorite haunts, the reader also learns how beavers help all the other animals in the forest: they cut down poplar trees so deer have easier access to the leaves, they create canals in streambeds that fish need to swim in during the winter months, and they build dams that form shallow pools for otters to swim in with their babies. Along the way, each animal shows its gratitude by saying "Meegwetch" (thank you) to Amik. Meanwhile, Nishiime, who can be seen hiding in the illustrations throughout the story, finally appears, explaining that she was feeling scared and shy about meeting other beavers from far away. It doesn't take long until Nishiime is comfortable with her cousins, asking many questions and planning how she will one day visit them.

  • Auteur:
    Aerts, Jef, Aerts, Jeff

    People fear death (apparently just a tiny bit less than public speaking). We don't know how to talk about it, especially to children, and we're afraid to bring it up for fear of making people sadder.Yet children, especially, have questions, and this incredibly gentle and surprisingly light story is full of both comfort and vividly imagined answers. The first one gives the story its title: A boy hears the voice of his sister calling him one day, a sister he's never met because she died before he was born. The sister in the faded photograph on the wall. So that night he asks his mother what death is like and she tells him, It's like dreaming, only bigger.That's lovely, but he still has questions, which it turns out his sister can answer! On a dreamy, carefree adventure they ride their bikes together, (not always on the ground), visiting places that were special to her when she was alive. And she talks to him in the older sister, teasing, straightforward, loving way that is exactly what he needs. (It turns out that death is not the only thing that can be Bigger Than a Dream.)

  • Auteur:
    Torres, J.

    Rufus is bo-o-o-ored at his grammy's house in the country. But when he follows a girl into the woods and finds a totem in a hollowed-out tree, things become a whole lot more interesting. Especially when he reads the word etched into the magical talisman: "Sasquatch."

  • Auteur:
    Selznick, Brian

    "Hello, stars. I thought I heard you calling me."A mysterious voice has been speaking to Louise in her dreams. She and her brother Merwin are Sycamore seeds, who hope to one day set down roots and become big trees. But when a fire forces them to leave their mama tree prematurely, they find themselves catapulted into the unknown, far from home. Alone and unprepared, they must use their wits and imagination to navigate a dangerous world--filled with dinosaurs, meteors, and volcanoes!--and the fear of never finding a safe place to grow up. As the mysterious voice gets louder, Louise comes to realize their mission in life may be much bigger than either of them ever could have imagined!Brimming with humor, wonder, mystery, and a profound sense of hope, Big Tree is a trailblazing adventure narrated by Meryl Streep and featuring music composed by Ernest Troost. It is Selznick's most imaginative and far-reaching work to date and a singular listening experience for the whole family!

  • Auteur:
    Peirce, Lincoln

    Sixth-grader and self-proclaimed genius Nate Wright faces his all-time enemy, Gina, when they are paired to work on a research paper together and she also gets a position on his intramural team.


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