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Juvenile fiction

  • Auteur:
    Rylant, Cynthia

    Annie and her pet rabbit, Snowball, invite Henry and Mudge to a dress-up birthday party, but there is some confusion about what the guests are supposed to wear.

  • Auteur:
    Montgomery, L. M.

    Anne Shirley moves to Summerside where she becomes principal of the local school and deals with a family who resents her presence.

  • Auteur:
    Montgomery, L. M.

    Sur le quai de la gare, Marilla et Matthew attendent l'orphelin qui les aidera sur leur ferme. C'est une rouquine aux yeux pétillants qui se présente... Jouir de la magie des mots, rire de ses propres défauts, s'émerveiller face à la nature, découvrir un coin de pays pittoresque, voilà ce qui nous attend dans ce roman inoubliable.

    Voici le plus grand classique canadien-anglais de tous les temps, vendu à plus de 60 millions d'exemplaires, traduit en 40 langues et adapté plusieurs fois pour le cinéma et la télévision. L'histoire de cette petite orpheline de l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard a véritablement envoûté les jeunes et les moins jeunes!

  • Auteur:
    Deslauriers, Stéphanie

    Tu aimes les témoignages? Tu adoreras ce livre! C’est un roman basé sur une histoire vraie.

    «— Souris !

    Elle prend une photo. Quand elle la regarde, elle se met à rire.

    — Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ? la questionnai-je.

    — Regarde-toi, on dirait que tu te fais prendre en photo dans un souper de Noël.

    Je me regarde et pourtant, je me trouve bien : je souris, j’ai les deux yeux ouverts, les cheveux bien placés.

    — T’as l’air d’une petite fille, Anna. Si t’as envie d’impressionner Éric, va falloir que tu sois un peu plus sexy.

    Il s’intéresse déjà à moi, non ? ai-je envie de lui répliquer. Mais en même temps, je veux mettre toutes les chances de mon côté. Et Jessica a plus d’expérience que moi avec les garçons. Il parait qu’elle a même déjà couché avec quelques-uns. Comme on devient plus proches, je pourrai bientôt lui demander si ces rumeurs sont vraies j’imagine.»

    Annabelle traite de pression parentale, d’image corporelle, du respect de ses limites, du désir de plaire et d’être dans la « gang », d’affirmation de soi, des « dangers » d’Internet!

  • Auteur:

    Anna Hibiscus, who lives in Africa with her whole family, loves to splash in the sea and have parties for her aunties, but Anna would love to see snow.

  • Auteur:
    Hutchins, Hazel

    Art is for everyone—even a bored little girl. Going to the Art Museum with her mom is no fun at all for Anna. Everything is old and boring and there are so many rules: Don't Touch! Do Not Enter! Quiet! A vigilant guard keeps a close eye on the energetic little girl, but even so, Anna manages to set off an alarm and almost tip over a vase. A half-open door draws Anna's attention, but the No Entry sign means yet again that it's off-limits. This time, however, the guard surprises her by inviting her to go in. Here she finds a "secret workshop" where paintings are being cleaned and repaired. Staring out from one of the canvases is a girl who looks grumpy and bored—just like Anna herself. With the realization that art often imitates life, Anna discovers the sheer joy to be had from the paintings on the wall, especially those that reflect what is happening all around her. Filled with representations of paintings from many world-class galleries, this charming book is the perfect prelude to a child's first visit to an art museum.

  • Auteur:
    Ricard, Anouk

    Anna, her best friend Froga, and their animal friends have a series of comedic adventures as they play tennis, build a snowman, and make a movie.

  • Auteur:
    Alma, Ann

    Critically acclaimed children's author Ann Alma presents two beloved books for young people, gathered together in this special bundle. Shortlisted for the Forest of Reading Silver Birch Award Includes: Under Emily’s Sky During a camping trip, 11-year-old Lee finds herself on a rough trail in a Vancouver Island forest. Halfway to an abandoned homestead, Lee trips and is knocked unconscious. She awakens in a strange world: all the usual landmarks have disappeared and the terrain is unpopulated except for a strange trailer and a herd of dogs. Lee investigates only to find an ornery woman at an easel who says she's named Emily Carr, and a family from the Depression-torn Prairies illegally logging the island's mighty cedars. Skateway to Freedom Eleven-year-old Josie Grun escapes from Communist East Germany with her mother and father one dark night in 1989 just months before the Berlin Wall comes tumbling down. Braving border guards, barbed wire, and rifle shots, Josie reluctantly turns her back on her best friend, Greta, and all that was once familiar. She crosses the ocean to join her uncle in Calgary, attempts to learn a foreign language, and overcomes the prejudices of her schoolmates in order to forge a new life. Clinging to the passion that has always been a comfort, her figure skating, she enters a local competition to prove that she is free on the ice and off.

  • Auteur:
    Molnar, Gwen

    What do you do with elephants escaped from the zoo, or whales swimming loops around in your soup? Gwen Molnar answers these and other puzzling questions in a rollicking collection of readable, singable poems.

  • Auteur:
    Smith, Barbara

    Kids encounter all kinds of animal ghosts in this spirited debut volume. Some involve pets, others involve wild animals, but all are based on fact and very, very scary! When a fishtank comes mysteriously to life, a boy struggles to convince his parents of the danger... The ghost of a dead puppy reminds a preteen of her special childhood bond... While on a European tour, a group of foolhardy kids chide the locals for their superstitions--only to be attacked by a swarm of ghostly birds of prey...

  • Auteur:
    Gupta, Ashis

    Broadly adapted from George Orwell's classic "Animal Farm", this book narrates the transformation of fairly happy, functional farm, taken over by a bunch of farm animals led by some pigs, who succeed in driving away the 'human' masters who once ran the place.
    The rebellion, generally successful at the start, degenerated into a system dominated by the pigs, led by a pig named Napoleon and some of his loyal pig supporters who usurped all power even as they propagated their hatred of the "humans'.
    Eventually, the pigs morph into somewhat human animals, leading to a climactic end of the story.

  • Auteur:
    Smith, Heather, Carter, Alice, Down, Christian

    This is an enhanced ebook with a read-along function. Angus loves sparkly things, so much so that he can hear them. To Angus, shiny objects not only  look beautiful; they also crackle, buzz and go whiz-bang-POP! His unique ability is lost, however, when Angus wears his grandma's beaded necklace to school, and his classmates tease him for his atypical choice. Saddened by their laughter, Angus stops hearing the sparkle. A gentle story of acceptance, generosity and friendship, Angus All Aglow reminds us that it only takes one kind gesture to restore your sparkle, and returning the kindness can make you glow from the inside out.

  • Auteur:
    Smith, Heather

    Angus loves sparkly things, so much so that he can hear them. To Angus, shiny objects not only look beautiful; they also crackle, buzz and go whiz-bang-POP! His unique ability is lost, however, when Angus wears his grandma's beaded necklace to school, and his classmates tease him for his atypical choice. Saddened by their laughter, Angus stops hearing the sparkle. A gentle story of acceptance, generosity and friendship, Angus All Aglow reminds us that it only takes one kind gesture to restore your sparkle, and returning the kindness can make you glow from the inside out.

  • Auteur:
    Anik Hamel

    Estime de soi - Amour de soi - Confiance en soi Angélique a hérité d'un don magique qui transforme les enfants grâce à l'estime de soi. Aidée de son merveilleux ami Josef, le ver à soie qui fabrique des boules de soie magiques, et de leur ami Félix, elle va de par le monde remplir d'amour et de compréhension le coeur des filles et des garçons qui en ont besoin. Tu rencontreras, au fil des aventures d'Angélique et de ses amis, toutes sortes de personnages qui te rappelleront parfois tes propres amis, tes frères et tes soeurs, souvent toi-même. Ce faisant, tu vivras des émotions et tu auras des réflexions amusantes sur toutes sortes de faits cocasses et de belles histoires à la fois inspirantes et amusantes, qui ont pour but de t'aider à être heureux, à t'aimer et à t'amuser tout en renforçant ta confiance en toi. Plonge maintenant dans le fabuleux monde d'Angélique et de ses boules de soie magiques. Les personnages feront désormais partie de tes nouveaux amis.

  • Auteur:
    McDaniel, Lurlene

    A cynical teenager discovers that angels appear in the most unexpected places when sixteen-year-old Leah is hospitalized during the holiday season and meets a large, warm, and loving Amish family.

  • Auteur:
    McBay, Bruce

    Wendy and Zachary decide to form a club to help their neighbors and come up with the name Angel's Inc. Their first mission is to help an old woman across the street. They do just that, but it turns out she didn't actually want to cross the road. Then they paint a neighbor's shed--a horrid color. Their next good deed is to watch Mrs. Haddock's dog while she goes shopping for a cake. But again disaster strikes when the dog is chased by a Doberman. The two "angels" return a very muddy dog to Mrs. Haddock who ends up getting her dress all muddy and droping the cake. Wendy suggests that their next mission be to mow Mrs. Creech's front yard, and Zach reluctantly agrees. While mowing, they notice a suspicious looking man and woman snooping around the garage. They turn out to be thieves, and with the help of Mr. Beale and the police they are arrested. Then Mr. Beale asks if they want to paint his shed, because someone has painted it a horrid color red!

  • Auteur:
    Munsch, Robert

    When Angela's father gets lost at the airport, she looks for him everywhere, even inside an airplane. But when Angela's love of button-pressing proves too great, she finds herself in charge of flying the plane. Can Angela make it back down to the runway?.

  • Auteur:
    Doyle, Brian

    A Phoenix Honor Award Book Young Tommy is seeing Angel Square through new eyes since his best friend's father was beaten up just because he's Jewish. Brian Doyle brings his award-winning blend of humor and wisdom to bear in this mystery that confronts the issue of racial hatred.

  • Auteur:
    Carvalho, Beatriz

    Anelis n'a pas toujours vécu à Montréal. Avant, elle vivait dans un pays chaud où la mer faisait partie de sa vie. Son ancien pays lui manque, Anelis a souvent de la peine. Pour se remonter le moral, elle fait remonter à la surface tous les bons souvenirs de sa vie d'avant qui lui font chaud au coeur. Ensuite, elle établit la liste de tout ce qui la réjouit, ici et maintenant, dans son nouveau pays. Anelis se sent mieux. Un album important pour les enfants qui n'habitent pas dans leur pays de naissance, ces enfants déracinés par les flux migratoires.

  • Auteur:
    Warwaruk, Larry

    Twelve-year-old Andrei moves from Ukraine to a Canadian homestead in 1900, and has to choose between the magic of Eastern Europe and the power of the new land and its people.

    Andrei and his family leave Ukraine for a homestead near Batoche, Saskatchewan, in the spring of 1900. Andrei's grandfather brings with them an ancient Scythian bowl an old hermit gave him - a strange, glowing bowl which may have magical power.

    Andrei has never worked so hard, helping to build a home, breaking land, learning to hunt with two Metis friends, Gabriel and Chi Pete. They tell him about Snow Walker, a man of unusual powers and wisdom - a man some say can change into a bear. Sometimes, in the woods, Andrei thinks he sees a figure moving through the trees.

    Near Christmas, Andrei is caught in a swirling blizzard while trying to use the strange bowl's magic to help his family. When he falls through river ice, he sees that not only can't the magic bowl save him, he must let it go to have a chance. Suddenly, someone strong pulls him from the river. In a cabin in the woods, Andrei at last meets Snow Walker and learns that this land has its own wisdom and power.


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