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Juvenile fiction

  • Auteur:
    Grant, Shauntay

    When a young girl visits the site of Africville, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the stories she's heard from her family come to mind. She imagines what the community was once like the brightly painted houses nestled into the hillside, the field where boys played football, the pond where all the kids went rafting, the bountiful fishing, the huge bonfires.

  • Auteur:
    Helmer, Marilyn, Deas, Mike

    Bad weather, bugs and boredom -- DJ and the boys in Camp Lots-o-Fun's cabin six are starting to call it Camp Not-so-Fun. To make matters worse, one of the boys has it in for DJ. But DJ isn't about to let that bother him. His lively imagination and wit ensure there's never a dull moment. A bear in the woods, monsters in the lake and a hermit's ghost make for a week at summer camp that none of the boys in cabin six will soon forget.

  • Auteur:
    ENGEL, Marian

    Two city children become caretakers of a crocodile and many other animals in an old mansion on an isolated island.

  • Auteur:
    Birney, Betty G.

    Humphrey the classroom hamster has adventures going to the library, learning about the ocean, and sailing across a pond on a sailboat.

  • Auteur:
    Guimond, Danielle, Plourde, Mélanie, Guimond-Plourde, Renée

    Jacoby, qui a aidé de nombreux enfants à gérer leur anxiété et les a encouragés à lire, est très malade. Devant sa douleur, Madame Ève se résout à l'emmener chez la vétérinaire pour le faire euthanasier. Alors qu'elle apprend à vivre sans son cher compagnon, Madame Ève chemine, réconfortée par son souvenir apaisant. Les enfants que Jacoby a si bien accompagnés s'ennuient de lui énormément et ils organisent une fête d'adieu. Doucement, la vie reprend son cours, sans ignorer le deuil ni le chagrin.

  • Auteur:
    Baker, E. D.

    La princesse Annie a déjà trouvé le prince bien-aimé de sa soeur Rosalie qui a su la réveiller d’un sommeil qui devait durer cent ans. Et maintenant, qu’est-ce que Rosalie attend d’elle? Eh bien, Annie doit trouver le nain maléfique qui a jeté un sort au prince… et l’a transformé en ours! Heureusement, Annie a plus d’un tour dans son sac et son propre prince charmant à ses côtés. Cette quête va l’entraîner au coeur d’un territoire habité par des nains maléfiques, des fées bagarreuses et des méchantes sorcières. Annie est certaine de pouvoir aider sa soeur, mais va-t-elle trouver le chemin qui mène à son propre coeur?

  • Auteur:
    Waldman, Debby

    Addy has worn hearing aids for as long as she can remember. Her mother tells her this makes her special, but now that Addy's in grade six, she'd wants to be special for what she's done. When Addy joins the school running club to keep her best friend, Lucy, company, she discovers she is a gifted runner. Lucy isn't, which is problematic. Further troubles surface when Addy gets paired on a school project with Sierra, a smart, self-assured new classmate who wears a cochlear implant. Addy is surprised to discover hearing loss is all they have in common-and a shared disability is not enough of a foundation for a friendship. True friends support each other, even if they have different passions and dreams. More importantly, Addy comes to understand that she is defined by more than her hearing loss. She has the power to choose how people will see her, and she does.

  • Auteur:
    Porter, Connie Rose

    Meet Addy Walker, a courageous nine-year-old girl growing up during the Civil War. When her poppa dna brother are sold to another plantation, Addy and her mother take the terrible risk of escaping to freedom in the North. To get away safely, they must leave Addy's baby sister behind in the slave quarters--her cries could cost them their freedom. As Addy and Momma slowly build a new life in Philadelphia and struggle to bring their family together again, Addy comes to realize a powerful truth--freedom has great costs.

  • Auteur:
    McMillian, Melody

    Addison's mother wants to sell their comfortable old house and move into a townhouse in a new development across town - a shoe box near a shoe factory, Addison calls it. As usual, Addison's brain goes into overdrive as he tries to solve two problems: first he must get his mother to see their old house in a new light, and then he must figure out who is responsible for a rash of neighborhood break-ins that make his mother feel unsafe. With the help of his friend Sam, he puts his own unique spin on optical illusions (and home decor) and ends up surprising everyone, even himself.

  • Auteur:
    McMillian, Melody

    Addison Addley hates math. He hates public speaking too. Actually, he hates anything that involves work, but he only has a couple of weeks to write and memorize his grade five speech. The problem is, he can’t think of a single topic. When he finally comes up with an excellent idea for a speech, it almost writes itself, but it's his poor math skills that make speech day unforgettable.

  • Auteur:
    Gravel, Elise

    Ada est une vraie grincheuse: elle boude, elle râle, elle déteste tout. Mais ce qu'elle déteste le plus, c'est le samedi, parce que c'est le jour de son cours de ballet. Ada déteste son tutu rose, le long trajet en auto pour s'y rendre et les postures qu'on lui demande de reproduire. Mais ce samedi là, un imprévu vient perturber le cours. Suffira t-il pour arracher à Ada la grincheuse un petit sourire?

  • Auteur:
    Andrea, Beaty

    2017 Parent's Choice Award Winner! Like her classmates, builder Iggy and inventor Rosie, scientist Ada, a character of color, has a boundless imagination and has always been hopelessly curious. Why are there pointy things stuck to a rose? Why are there hairs growing inside your nose? When her house fills with a horrific, toe-curling smell, Ada knows it's up to her to find the source. Not afraid of failure, she embarks on a fact-finding mission and conducts scientific experiments, all in the name of discovery. But, this time, her experiments lead to even more stink and get her into trouble! Although Ada may never find the source, she's able to indulge her curiosity in the ways a young scientist should.

  • Auteur:
    Beaty, Andrea

    You loved the bestselling picture books starring Rosie Revere, Ada Twist, and Iggy Peck. Now you can follow The Questioneers' further adventures in all-new chapter books! Don't miss the first instant New York Times bestselling volume, Rosie Revere and the Raucous Riveters. In Ada Twist and the Perilous Pants, Ada must rely on her curious mind, her brave spirit, and her best pals Rosie Revere and Iggy Peck to solve a mystery in her own backyard. Ada Twist is full of questions. A scientist to her very core, Ada asks why again and again. One question always leads to another until she's off on a journey of discovery! When Rosie Revere's Uncle Ned gets a little carried away wearing his famous helium pants, it's up to Ada and friends to chase him down. As Uncle Ned floats farther and farther away, Ada starts asking lots of questions: How high can a balloon float? Is it possible for Uncle Ned to float into outer space? And what's the best plan for getting him down?

  • Auteur:
    Deen, Natasha

    In this high-interest novel for teen readers, football player Luc is forced to take a dance class, where he discovers an unexpected new passion.

  • Auteur:
    Choyce, Lesley

    Dorf a toujours été fidèle à sa devise : « Si ça en vaut la peine, fais-le. Si ça n'en vaut pas la peine, fais-le quand même. » Mais il a déménagé à la ville et le terrain est différent. Il ne peut plus faire rouler sa planche oû bon lui semble et il a de la difficulté à s'intégrer à sa nouvelle école. Ses tricks audacieux lui assurent le respect des voyous du coin, mais il devra faire appel à une autre forme de courage s'il veut vraiment changer sa vie.

  • Auteur:
    Buckeridge, Anthony

    The boys at Linbury Court Preparatory School are eager to speed up the progress of space travel, and none more so than Jennings, whose first task is to find a suitable helmet. But is it really a good idea to take a dome-shaped glass-case, which previously housed a stuffed woodpecker, and place it over his head? Petrified paintpots! Jennings and Darbishire's luck is in when they hitch a ride with an international cricketer, and could it be that they've done something right for once when they attempt to apprehend a suspected burglar? Bat-witted clodpoll! According to Jennings is one of a series of books by Anthony Buckeridge which grew out of a popular series of radio plays for the BBC's Children's Hour. Published between 1950 and 1989, and known for Buckeridge's inventive schoolboy slang ("fossilised fish hooks!," "crystallised cheesecakes!," and others) these books were translated into several languages and were favorites among a vast assortment of kids all over the world. Sometimes described as "Harry Potter without magic, but funnier," and "P.G. Wodehouse for kids," you'll want to check out the other titles in this series available from Post Hypnotic Press.

  • Auteur:
    Staunton, Ted

    Toubon et son meilleur ami Dany remarquent que les filles adorent les musiciens, même s'ils sont un peu crétins. Ils décident donc de former un groupe et Toubon se découvre une passion pour la musique. Avec un son à faire vomir le chat, le groupe prend son envol. Un concours viendra cependant semer la zizanie dans le groupe. Le batteur Crado est plus intéressé à soigner son image qu'à faire de la musique et l'intérêt de Dany pour les filles les perdra tous.

  • Auteur:
    Mian, Zanib

    An exciting #OwnVoices middle-grade debut starring a Muslim boy with a huge imagination Welcome to the imaginative brain of Omar! Omar and his family have just moved, and he is NOT excited about starting at a new school. What if the work is too hard or the kids are mean or the teacher is a zombie alien'! But when Omar makes a new best friend, things start looking up. That is, until a Big Mean Bully named Daniel makes every day a nightmare! Daniel even tells Omar that all Muslims are going to be kicked out of the country ... 'ould that possibly be true' Luckily, Omar's enormous imagination and goofy family help him get through life's ups and downs. Omar's funny, relatable narrative is the perfect answer to the call for both mirrors and windows to fill bookshelves with diverse stories.

  • Auteur:
    Davis, Jamie

    Stuck in the Game, A LitRPG Adventure Hal can't catch a break. What can he do to turn his luck around? Wandering through a flea market, a strange woman starts to talk his ear off. She won't let him leave. He doesn't want any of her junk, that is, until she pulls out a bootleg copy of a new game. Maybe he can forget his troubles for a few hours? What happens next, turns Hal's life upside down. You'll love this epic LitRPG fantasy series, because every game needs a winner. Play along with Hal as he becomes an Accidental Thief, Warrior, and Mage. Get it now!

  • Auteur:
    Roy, Pierre

    1755. Pour Marie-Lysandre, une jeune Acadienne, et Benjamin, un soldat anglais, c'est le coup de foudre au premier regard. Toutefois, l'heure est au chambardement: Marie-Lysandre voit son peuple brutalement délogé de ses terres par l'armée britannique. Tant sa famille que son entourage seront bouleversés par ce cruel exil. L'amour qu'elle éprouve pour Benjamin est cependant plus fort que tout. Avant d'espérer unir leurs destinées, nos deux héros devront affronter un long périple, de l'Acadie à la Louisiane, en passant par les Carolines, l'Angleterre et la France.  À travers les yeux de Marie-Lysandre et de Benjamin, nous découvrons la Déportation des Acadiens et les profondes perturbations qu'elle a provoquées.


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