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Paranormal fiction

  • Auteur:
    Frost, Jeaniene

    A rogue CIA agent's involvement in horrifying secret activities pushes tensions between humans and the undead to dangerous heights. Vampires Cat Crawfield and her husband, Bones must race against the clock to stop the war and save their friends from a fate worse than death.

  • Auteur:
    Hayoz, Katie

    Junior year is off to a less than stellar start for Sylvie: Her parents are splitting up, her little brother is sitting at her lunch table, and she’s the target of the school bully. Plus, she accidentally astral projects, slipping out of her body again and again at all the worst times. Sylvie is cast as the class freak and a medical misfit. She wishes she were somewhere else. Someone else. But it's only when her best friend catches the attention of the boy Sylvie's loved in secret since the fifth grade that Sylvie makes up her mind to do something drastic. Sylvie intends to get Kevin by any means possible -- even if it involves treachery, deceit, and the insidious side of the paranormal. After years of trying to ignore her ability to astral project, Sylvie finally decides to embrace it. But she also decides to embrace the shadows that accompany her on her out-of-body experiences. Opening herself up to the shadows and their evil, Sylvie comes up with a dark plan. She is positive her scheme will give her what she wants, but she doesn’t count on it all spiraling out of control.

  • Auteur:
    Dane, Lauren

    La vie de Lark Jaansen, chasseuse pour le clan Gennessee, modelée par la violence et l'agitation, a décidé de son avenir. Parfaitement entraînée et résiliente, elle a rencontré son double en la personne de Simon Leviathan, un guerrier qui n'est pas de ce monde. Murés dans une admiration mutuelle et un désir si torride qu'il les brûle, Lark et Simon ont autre chose en commun: ils aiment la noirceur et tandis qu'une ombre s'abat sur leur monde, chacun pénètre dans la sienne. Une guerre mystérieuse a été déclarée aux Autres. Alors que les sorciers et les humains se dressent les uns contre les autres, que la peur fait fuir les fées et que les vampires surgissent, Lark et Simon découvrent qu'une force invisible est aux commandes. Un être seul, affamé et plus âgé que l'histoire du monde est revenu pour se gorger de la magie de ses victimes. C'est le Maître et rien de moins que la fin des temps. Le premier espoir de Lark et Simon, c'est de le trouver. Leur dernier espoir, c'est de lui survivre.

  • Auteur:
    Dane, Lauren

    Meriel Owen, qui va bientôt prendre la tête de la plus grande organisation de sorciers du pays, est chargée d'enquêter sur le propriétaire d'un fameux club soupçonné de siphonner la magie contenue dans les sources du clan. C'est une violation flagrante du code de conduite du clan, mais un seul regard à Dominic Bright et Meriel est toute prête à trouver un arrangement. Et après un avant-goût du torride sorcier hors-la-loi, elle est impatiente d'en avoir plus: il est son âme soeur et c'est un sésame vers le monde des sorciers du clan et de leur magie. Suivre les règles, ce n'est pas ce que Dominic préfère, mais se lier à Meriel – lors de nuits toujours plus explosives –, si. Toutefois, et sans le vouloir, Meriel a convié quelqu'un d'autre dans son monde: la mère de Dominic, dangereusement dépendante de la magie, dont l'influence toxique ainsi que le désir de mort et le pouvoir corrompent tout ce qu'elle touche. L'ombre qui plane sur Meriel, l'homme qu'elle aime et son clan les entraîne inéluctablement au coeur des ténèbres.

  • Auteur:
    Malzieu, Mathias

    Nous sommes en juin 2016, la Seine est en crue. De nombreuses disparitions sont signalées sur les quais. Attiré par un chant aussi étrange que beau, Gaspard Snow découvre le corps d'une sirène blessée, inanimée sous un pont de Paris. Il décide de la ramener chez lui pour la soigner, mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. La sirène explique à Gaspard que les hommes qui entendent sa voix tombent si intensément amoureux d'elle qu'ils en meurent tous en moins de trois jours. Quant à elle, il lui sera impossible de survivre longtemps loin de son élément naturel... À travers ce conte moderne, Mathias Malzieu questionne l'engagement poétique et le pouvoir de l'imagination dans une époque troublée. Ce livre est une déclaration d'amour à l'amour, au panache, à l'épique, à la camaraderie et à la surprise.

  • Auteur:
    Humphreys, Sara

    "Darkly sensual, rich with emotion, a wild unsettling ride."-Christine Feehan, New York Times bestselling author He's the man of her dreams A long time ago, Zander Lorens was cursed to walk the earth stripped of his Dragon Clan powers. Every night, trapped in a recurring nightmare, Zander relives his darkest moment. He can hardly believe it when the dream changes and a beautiful young woman appears. Zander believes she's the key to ending his torment. Finding her in the real world is one thing, but how will he convince her of who-and what-she really is' She's the end to his nightmare Rena McHale uses her unique sensitivity as a private investigator, touting herself as a "human divining rod" and finder of the lost. By day she struggles with sensory overload, and by night her sleep is haunted by a fiery dragon shifter. Nothing in her life makes sense, until the man from her dreams shows up at her door with a proposition... "Humphreys' stories get better with each book!" -RT Book Reviews Top Pick for Unclaimed 4 Stars "Bewitching, haunting and deliciously carnal." -Night Owl Reviews, Top Pick for Unclaimed

  • Auteur:
    Cabot, Meg.

    John Hayden, a death deity, takes seventeen-year-old Pierce Oliviera back to the Underworld against her will to keep her safe from the Furies, but her family is still at risk and she, herself, may never escape his captivity.

  • Auteur:
    Anderle, Michael, Crowley, Isobella

    With Moswen still on the loose and the whole preternatural world in mortal danger, Taylor realizes that drastic times call for drastic measures. Meanwhile, Remy and the team-oblivious to the dire situation Taylor is getting into-work to track down Moswen and her goons. A clear plan of what they're going to do if they find her eludes them...How do they take on the world's oldest, most powerful vampire? Of course, Moswen is tracking their every move and intends to pick them off one by one before they can get close. Their only course of action is to go balls out to take her out first, in the most cunning way they know how...Will what they know be enough? Or will Moswen accomplish killing Taylor and completing her plans?

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor is newly married and living in the suburbs. Already busy dealing with a pesky ghost, Betsy must rise to the occasion when a pack of formerly feral vamps comes calling.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Betsy must return the body of her werewolf friend Antonia to her own kind in Cape Cod. And who knows how the wolves will greet her. Then there's her half-sister--the devil's own daughter--who is feeling her oats and beginning to raise a little hell.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Waking up in a tacky coffin, and wearing off-brand shoes, Betsy Taylor can't believe the horrible turn her life has taken--then she discovers she's a vampire. Soon, Betsy becomes a participant in a power struggle between the forces of darkness. With only her friend Jessica and the hunky vampire Sinclair to help her, this new "Queen of Vampires" will have a tough time getting her afterlife straight.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor must deal with the consequences of her trip to Hell with her sister Laura, as well as Sinclair's new ability to tolerate sunlight and Jessica's pregnancy.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Christmas is approaching, and since the holidays are a time for friends and family, Betsy takes stock of her situation. Her half-sister is the devil's daughter. She has an evil stepmother. A despicable creature lives in her basement. Most unsettling of all, she has a spring wedding to plan. But just when Betsy thinks she may not survive the holiday season, she has a pleasant thought--she's already dead.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    A very modern vampire, Betsy Taylor is facing some formidible challenges. She is getting ready to negotiate her way through a highly political meeting with powerful European vampires. She just found out her best friend, Jessica, may have a fatal illness. And her fiancee Eric continues to evade every wedding plan. What to do? Put on high heels, hug her friend, and splash on something special for Eric, of course.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    If Betsy Taylor has learned anything about ruling Hell it's: 1) she can't do it alone, and 2) she doesn't have to. She's got the help of a devoted vampire king, a dateless zombie, an exhausted new mom, an unshowered cop, a bitchy ghost, a kindly dead priest, and her late stepmother ("Go Team Satan!"). But the latest major hurdle in her post-dead life is so big she can't even see it until it's on CNN. Betsy's father and half-sister Laura (a former Anti-Christ with a grudge) have outed Betsy to the world. It doesn't take long for the story to become 24-7 headline news. What's more, people are not only prepared to believe in vampires, they want to kill them. For Betsy, social media has never felt so- unsocial. Before long the mansion on Summit Avenue is swarming with reporters, would-be vampire/zombie killers, and desperate emos begging to be turned. Betsy has been forced into the unenviable role as the reluctant face of the vampire nation. All she knows is, she has to look good-this is hi-def!-and stay true to who she is. H8ers be damned.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor is slogging her way through the Book of the Dead. When Lucifer offers to give up all the book's secrets, Betsy is intrigued. But there's a catch, of course. For her part of the bargain, Betsy must take her half-sister Laura to Hell so Laura develops an appreciation for her dark heritage.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Betsy needs a job and amazingly lands the perfect one--selling designer shoes at Macy's. But the other vamps, including sexy Sinclair, don't want their queen selling shoes. And the vampire hunters are becoming a real pain--murdering innocent vampires. It seems that everyone wants something from Betsy.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Like any bride-to-be (alive or not), Queen Betsy is just a bit flustered by all the wedding preparations she's juggling. In addition to the requisite friends and family, her burgeoning houseguest list includes a ghost and a werewolf! Meanwhile, King Eric has perfected his talent for vanishing whenever floweres or gowns are discussed. But it's not just cold feet that make the undead groom--and most of the guests--disappear. Someon is hoping to crush the heart of the vampire world forever.

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Davidson's trio of novellas feature Undead Queen Betsy Taylor, round-the-clock superhero Karen Kilher and leader of the Pack Lara Wyndham. Matters of the heart take center stage as each of these mystical women struggle to find the answer to the ultimate question: How far do you go for love?

  • Auteur:
    Davidson, MaryJanice

    Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor finds herself puzzling over an unusual predicament. As the Vampire Queen, she believes she cannot die. So when she wakes in the morgue, it's a bit confusing. Could it have something to do with her recent time-traveling excursion, or has a wicked enemy emerged who could be the end of Betsy once and for all?


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