One chill winter's day, a survivor in the aftermath of a devastating war borrows the jacket of a long-dead postal worker, and with it he rekindles the spirit of America through the power of a dream.
Nuclear warfare
- Auteur:Brin, DavidSommaire:
- Auteur:Thiessen, VernSommaire:
1957. Barely a decade after the first use of atomic bombs, the world is divided and fearful of the real threat of nuclear weaponry. In an effort to understand the devastating effects of radiation, leading scientists and academics-world-...
- Auteur:Bova, BenSommaire:
In the next century, the United States and Russia have joined forces to form the International Peacekeeping Force. The IPF is charged with controlling the satellite network and preventing nuclear missile launches. But many factions...
- Auteur:Forstchen, William R.Sommaire:
Two years after the detonation of nuclear weapons above the United States brought America to its knees, the survivors of Black Mountain, North Carolina, learn that most of their young people are to be drafted into an "Army of National...
- Auteur:Gingrich, Newt, Forstchen, William R.Sommaire:
In a small North Carolina town, one man struggles to save his family after America loses a war that will send it back to the Dark Ages. This is the story of a war scenario that could become all too terrifyingly real.
- Auteur:Fecteau, MarioSommaire:
L’extraterrestre okBoKirzilmo communique avec l’humanité, qui a déjoué son destin en évitant la guerre nucléaire totale. Il propose aux hommes de joindre la Ligue de Protection, un organisme qui protège les peuples de l’Univers de l’...
- Auteur:Fecteau, MarioSommaire:
Les habitants de la planète Bolmia sillonnent l’espace à la recherche d’autres civilisations, qu’ils souhaitent protéger de l’holocauste nucléaire. Des siècles plus tôt, ils ont échappé à la destruction, étape qu’aucune autre espèce n’a...
- Auteur:Frayn, MichaelSommaire:
The Tony Award—winning play that soars at the intersection of science and art, Copenhagen is an explosive re-imagining of the mysterious wartime meeting between two Nobel laureates to discuss the atomic bomb.
In 1941 the German...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
This book constitutes the Proceedings of a meeting held in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, 18-20 July 1989, which was the eighteenth in a series of Workshops on Nuclear Forces held in the framework of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World...