In the Space Time flight defence against the dragons, the relationship of mind between Pinlighters and Partner, reveal how little chance a woman has to compete.
Interplanetary voyages -- Fiction
- Auteur:Linebarger, Paul Myron AnthonySommaire:
- Auteur:Hamilton, EdmondSommaire:
The pleasant little American city of Middletown is the first target in an atomic war - but instead of blowing Middletown to smithereens, the super-hydrogen bomb blows it right off the map - to somewhere else! First there is the new thin...
- Auteur:Colfer, Eoin ; Adams, DouglasSommaire:
In this sixth installment of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, Arthur Dent has finally made it home to Earth, only to discover that it is about to be blown up ... again. What could a pantheon of unemployed gods, everyone's...