Rama is a vast alien spacecraft that enters the Solar System, A perfect cylinder some fifty kilometres long, spinning rapidly, racing through space, Rama is a technological marvel, a mysterious and deeply enigmatic alien artifact. It is...
Rama (Imaginary space vehicle)
- Auteur:CLARKE, Arthur CSommaire:
- Auteur:LEE, GentrySommaire:
On its mysterious voyage through interstellar space, a massive, alien starship carries its passengers to the end of a generations-long odyssey. For the great experiment conceived by the Ramans has failed. Rama III, with its carefully...
- Auteur:LEE, GentrySommaire:
Rama II is on its way out of the solar system. Abroad it are three humans, two men and a woman, left behind when the expedition departed. Ahead of them lies the unknown, a voyage no human has ever experienced. And at the end of it may...