This historical novel reimagines the North-West resistance of 1885 through the Métis women of Batoche, and in particular the rebellious outsider, Josette Lavoie. When Riel arrives from Montana, he discovers that Josette is the...
- Auteur:Caron, MaiaSommaire:
- Auteur:Freynet, RobertSommaire:
Dans Riel, patriote, Robert Freynet nous transporte par le neuvième art au Canada de la Confédération. L’auteur met en scène le drame tragique de la vie du controversé chef métis Louis Riel, fondateur de la province du Manitoba et l’un...
- Auteur:Doyle, DavidSommaire:
Louis Riel, prophet of the new world and founder of the Canadian province of Manitoba, has challenged Canadian politics, history and religion since the early years of Confederation. In Canada’s most important and controversial state...
- Auteur:Castellan, E. M.Sommaire:
When an accident forces Henriette to reveal her powerful gift for enchantments to Louis, he asks for her help. For she alone can defeat the dark magician threatening his authority.