High-school sweethearts Mac and Edie Swan lead a seemingly picture-perfect life in the sleepy-sweet community of Oak Hill, near Mobile, Alabama. Edie is a respected interior designer, Mac is a beloved pediatrician, and they have two...
- Auteur:Denton, Lauren K.Sommaire:
- Auteur:Yates, SerenaSommaire:
Modern Battles: Book Two Danny McBrae is a super-rich playboy, but his devil-may-care lifestyle hides an artist with a sensitive heart who gave up on love after years of hurt. When his beloved great-grandfather, the eccentric Sir...
- Auteur:Yates, SerenaSommaire:
2nd Edition Modern Battles: Book One Eccentric Sir Malcolm Witherspoon has bequeathed a rare piece of land to the Oxford Hospital Trust with only one stipulation: it must become the site for a new medical center. Unfortunately, he left...
- Auteur:Wells, JakeSommaire:
Zack Sheldon doesn’t have time to be lonely. He’s in his last year as a pediatric resident, almost married to the job and busy with the joys and sorrows that come with providing medical care to children. Professionally, he’s confident,...
- Auteur:Grey, AndrewSommaire:
When vampire Clancy Marrowbone returns to Purin province after nearly two years, he intends only to visit with his dear friend, Fanule Perfidor, and find out how his former lover, the mortal Simon Bentcross, is faring. But two...