One morning, Deming Guo's mother, an undocumented Chinese immigrant named Polly, goes to her job at the nail salon and never comes home. No one can find any trace of her. With his mother gone, eleven-year-old Deming is left with no one...
Social integration
- Auteur:Ko, LisaSommaire:
- Auteur:Salerno, Ann, Brock, LillieSommaire:
Dealing with organizational change is about getting through the emotion and commotion with minimal damage to your blood pressure, career, relationships, and confidence. In The Change Cycle, Ann Salerno and Lillie Brock help readers cope...
- Auteur:Schnapper, DominiqueSommaire:
Le terme d'intégration appartient à la fois au langage politique et à celui de la sociologie. Analyse l'évolution de ce concept, depuis la pensée de Durkheim et jusqu'à aujourd'hui, période durant laquelle le...
- Auteur:Bauder, HaraldSommaire:
When migrants reach their new home, we often interpret their settlement and integration as an individual process driven largely by the labour market. But family plays a crucial role. Putting Family First investigates the experience of...
- Auteur:Werner, HansSommaire:
Imagined Homes examines two migrations of similar groups of ethnic Germans from the Soviet Union during the Cold War period. One group came to Canada in the late 1940s and early, 1950s, the other went to West Germany in the early 1970s...
- Auteur:DyckFehderau, RuthSommaire:
When Athena was a young girl in the 60s, she lost her hearing to a childhood fever but was misdiagnosed as "profoundly retarded" and institutionalized for thirty years. Now she's out of the institution, awkward and...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
Disrupting Queer Inclusion: Canadian Homonationalisms and the Politics of Belonging seeks to unsettle the assumption that inclusion equals justice. The contributors detail how the fight for acceptance engenders complicity in a system...
- Auteur:Block, PeterSommaire:
Most of our communities are fragmented and at odds within themselves. Businesses, social services, education, and health care each live within their own worlds. The same is true of individual citizens, who long for connection but end up...
- Auteur:Sommaire:
This collection challenges misconceptions that rural Canada is a bastion of intolerance. While examining the extent and nature of contemporary cultural and religious discrimination in rural Canadian communities, the editors and...
- Auteur:Brown, BreneSommaire:
A timely and important new book that challenges everything we think we know about cultivating true belonging in our communities, organizations, and culture, from the #1 bestselling author of Rising Strong, Daring Greatly, and The Gifts...
- Auteur:Yalfani, MehriSommaire:
A Palace in Paradise is a novel about the complex Iranian refugee and immigrant community in Toronto and the way in which one woman's death changes the lives of many others. The people in this community are connected by family ties...