In the middle of the conservative 1950s, rock and roll hit popular culture like an explosion—a Big Bang, Baby! And the fallout from that explosion is still electrifying music fans today. Popular music expert Richard Crouse has ventured...
Informational works
- Author:Crouse, RichardSummary:
- Author:Smith, JenniferSummary:
A Child Knows More Than You Think. Written by a 12 Year Old Child With Dyslexia… Jennifer is struggling through school. Kids tease her, teachers question her ability. Her own family doesn't even understand her. Listen to her story as...
- Author:Dennis, PeterSummary:
This book explains all you need to know about handwriting analysis in order to produce a comprehensive profile of anyone’s personality. It is clear, straightforward and easy to follow. It has been used in classrooms with beginners and...
- Author:Simone, GabbrielSummary:
Are you going to college soon? Do you really know what you are getting yourself into? College isn’t just going to class and partying. Well maybe for some, but in reality it is way more than that. You want to be successful? You want to...
- Author:Yaverbaum, Eric, Yaverbaum, ColeSummary:
Compiled in “real time” as one family went through the college search. Life’s Little College Admission Insights best selling author and his college bound daughter have compiled an easy to read, ingest and act on “insider” best in class...
- Author:Fanthorpe, Lionel, Fanthorpe, PatriciaSummary:
From Atlantis to Nostradamus, Masons to Templars, Lionel and Patricia Fanthorpe have explored some of the greatest mysteries ever known in this world and beyond. Now, in The Big Book of Mysteries, the Fanthorpes attempt to answer, among...
- Author:Summary:
For a generation or more there have been few books that brought together in accessible form the raw materials of Canadian history. In many minds the impression has taken root that those materials are uninteresting. Broadview's two-...
- Author:Sawler, SarahSummary:
An interactive, photo-filled book for young readers featuring 100 fun facts about the East Coast. Did you know that you can walk on the ocean floor at the Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick? Or that there was once a UFO sighting in PEI? Or...
- Author:Colombo, John RobertSummary:
What are "snow worms"? Are there more moose than people in the Yukon? What is the meaning of the word "Niagara"? Where will you find the world’s largest perogy? Does Elvis have a street in Ottawa named after him?...
- Author:Jackson, A.H.Summary:
This delightful compendium presents all that is weird and wonderful about Canadian gardens. Did you know we used to think tomatoes were poisonous? Did you know radishes are related to cabbage, broccoli and mustard? Discover all sorts of...
- Author:Dorame, KarenSummary:
Karen Dorame presents hard-won tips and techniques that allow you to smooth out the bumps in the road toward a career in professional photography. She covers equipment selection and use, light source options and lighting setups using...
- Author:Sérodes, JeanSummary:
L’eau est tellement présente dans nos vies qu’on en vient presque à oublier l’incroyable variété de ses formes et de ses propriétés. Elle est bien sûr d’abord dans la nature. Mais on la retrouve aussi dans tous les recoins de la maison...
- Author:Porter, Julian, Grant, StephenSummary:
Tour North America’s greatest museums and galleries in the company of two incomparable guides. This lively companion highlights the essential paintings, by some of the world’s greatest painters, from Giotto to Picasso, on display in...
- Author:Benna, Ted, Newman, Brenda WatsonSummary:
Get the most out of your 401(k) in any economy. Filled with sample 401(k) portfolios for every stage of life. Invest your 401(k) money wisely and make the most of your retirement. Want to know what kind of investment mix you need to...
- Author:Butler-Bowdon, TomSummary:
Butler-Bowdon offers this collection of 50 classic texts that trace paths of success easy for listeners to follow. Each of the 50 texts is analyzed and summarized for listeners so they too can fulfill their personal potential and...
- Author:Planelles, GeorgesSummary:
Dans 500 expressions populaires sous la loupe, Georges Planelles invite les amoureux de la langue française à découvrir les origines passionnantes (et souvent cocasses !) de ces petits trésors qui colorent nos conversations. Il appuie...
- Author:Sherk, BillSummary:
500 Years of New Words takes you on an exciting journey through the English language from the days before Shakespeare to the first decade of the 21st century. All the main entries are arranged not alphabetically by in chronological...
- Author:Munro, Margaret A.Summary:
There’s no question: The cost of college continues to soar, even when the rest of the economy stagnates, and this reality is not likely to change any time soon. Fortunately, everyone, including you, the various governments (federal and...
- Author:Campese, SandrineSummary:
C’est le temps de la «pause» ou de la «pose»? Fait-on une «ballade» au bord du lac ou une «balade» au bord du lac? Prend-on du «poids» ou du «poid»? Où va l’accent circonflexe dans «chômage» et «diplôme»? Grrrrr, m’en souviens...
- Author:Hurray, GregorySummary:
Contains 1400 elementary-level words, listed alphabetically without definitions, enabling elementary school-age children to look up the spelling of words independently. Both the contracted and uncontracted braille version of each word...