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Self-help publications

  • Author:
    Gelb, Michael

    Applies the seven aspects of da Vinci's genius to the needs of the workplace, offering innovative solutions to a variety of modern-day corporate and career challenges.

  • Author:
    Kerpen, Carrie

    Carrie Kerpen shares her own career lessons as well as those from a board of fifty powerful women in a wide range of industries to help women everywhere make their aspirations a reality.

  • Author:
    Waitley, Denis

    Using the science of word order, multiple voices, and exclusive music written and recorded to help you listen and learn, WordMaster is specifically programmed to maximize your vocabulary building with minimum time and effort. In place of the anonymous routines of other vocabulary programs, master motivator Denis Waitley adds his own trusted perspective to keep you focused and engaged.

  • Author:
    Scher, Andrea

    Modern life makes us busier than ever, but we are somehow feeling more distracted, overwhelmed, disconnected, and lonely. Day-to-day stresses make us forget the simple joys that help us feel more vibrant and alive. For Andrea Scher, the antidote to the negativity and pessimism that threatens our well-being is in cultivating wonder--looking for the simple beauty and creative joy of everyday activities.

  • Author:
    Wambach, Abby

    "Abby is a relatable revolutionary-with WOLFPACK, she inspires the confidence, leadership and sisterhood we all so desperately need right now."-Amy Schumer This program is read by the author. Based on her inspiring, viral 2018 commencement speech to Barnard College's graduates in New York City, New York Times bestselling author, two-time Olympic gold medalist and FIFA World Cup champion Abby Wambach delivers her empowering rally cry for women to unleash their individual power, unite with their pack, and emerge victorious together. Abby Wambach became a champion because of her incredible talent as a soccer player. She became an icon because of her remarkable wisdom as a leader. As the co-captain of the 2015 Women's World Cup Champion Team, she created a culture not just of excellence, but of honor, commitment, resilience, and sisterhood. She helped transform a group of individual women into one of the most successful, powerful and united Wolfpacks of all time. In her retirement, Abby's ready to do the same for her new team: All Women Everywhere. In WOLFPACK, Abby's message to women is: We have never been Little Red Riding Hood. We Are the Wolves. We must wander off the path and blaze a new one: together. She insists that women must let go of old rules of leadership that neither include or serve them. She's created a new set of Wolfpack rules to help women unleash their individual power, unite with their Wolfpack, and change the landscape of their lives and world: from the family room to the board room to the White House. - Make failure your fuel: Transform failure to wisdom and power. - Lead from the bench: Lead from wherever you are. - Champion each other: Claim each woman's victory as your own. - Demand the effing ball: Don't ask permission: take what you've earned. In Abby's vision, we are not Little Red Riding Hoods, staying on the path because we're told to. We are the wolves, fighting for a better tomorrow for ourselves, our pack, and all the future wolves who will come after us. More praise for WOLFPACK: "WOLFPACK is a must-read for all of us determined to teach our kids there are no limits. It's a manifesto for everyone trying to lead-whether it's a team, a company, a family, or a meaningful life."-Serena Williams "I would follow Abby Wambach into any battlefield. I would follow her not because she is a bold leader (although she is one), but because she leads from BESIDE women, not from AHEAD of us...Abby Wambach is what the next level of women's revolution will look like, and I'm DOWN."-Elizabeth Gilbert, bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love

  • Author:

    Following Antonietta and Loris's first kiss in the shadows of the Italian Alps barely a year after the end of the Second World War, the couple was divided by a distance far greater than could ever have been imagined. With Antonietta's family moving to Montreal, migration entered the couple's intimate worlds, stretching the distance between them from the two hundred kilometres separating Ampezzo and Venice to the ocean between Montreal and Venice. Throughout their transatlantic separation, the young lovers fervidly wrote each other until they were reunited in Canada in 1949. With Your Words in My Handstells a story about love and migration as written and read, idealized and imagined, through daily correspondence. Sonia Cancian recovers a rare complete epistolary record of an immigrant experience defined by love and sustained in writing, translating the letters with deftness and an ear for the immediacy of emotion and longing they embody. Cancian gives context to these exchanges dating from the beginning of the largest migration movement from Italy to Canada, showing how love, frustration, fear, sadness, and empathy were palpable elements that inflected the quotidian - bureaucratic processes, employment, family life - and defined immigrant experience. For the countless couples whose love is fragmented by separation but woven together with envelopes and stamps, or onscreen in today's instant messaging, these letters remind us how the experience of distance and proximity, absence and presence, can be reconfigured within the world of intimate correspondence.

  • Author:
    Duffy, Karen

    From becoming an iconic MTV VJ to starring in Dumb and Dumber to being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, Karen Duffy has been through a lot. But it was only when she became a mother that she realized she had some pretty solid life lessons to pass down. In this book, she offers advice on building a friend group that is weasel free, finding the love of your life, and determining how much to duke the waiter.

  • Author:
    Shah, Rani

    We could all learn a thing or two about living in balance from our friends in the plant and animal kingdom. We need look no farther than nature for small and simple things we can do to slow down, recharge, and living more thoughtfully, lovingly, and harmoniously.

  • Author:
    Jago, Wendy

    Jago introduces the basics of NLP and how the technique can be used to reprogram the subconscious mind. Following this step-by-step approach to prioritizing, negotiating, overcoming stress, and making decisions, anyone can learn to deal with real-life situations in new, more productive ways.

  • Author:
    Groeschel, Craig

    Are your thoughts out of control--just like your life? Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? Let God's truth become your battle plan to win the war in your mind! We've all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands deeply this daily battle against self-doubt and negative thinking, and in this powerful new book he reveals the strategies he's discovered to change your mind and your life for the long-term. Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live. Winning the War in Your Mind will help you: Learn how your brain works and see how to rewire it; Identify the lies your enemy wants you to believe; Recognize and short-circuit your mental triggers for destructive thinking; See how prayer and praise will transform your mind; Develop practices that allow God's thoughts to become your thoughts. God has something better for your life than your old ways of thinking. It's time to change your mind so God can change your life.

  • Author:
    Tholen, John F.

    In Winning the Disability Challenge, psychologist John F. Tholen offers an inspiring, instructional guide for negotiating the complex world of disability rights and benefits. He presents in-depth strategies and simple methods to help disabled individuals regain the security, personal growth and happiness in their lives and relationships. Then he offers solutions showing how the physically and occupationally challenged can create a strong faith in themselves and a more positive viewpoint for a better tomorrow. Not only does Dr. Tholen present a winning course of action when handling insurance companies, signing documents and settling occupational disputes, he also provides an inspiring, uplifting message of hope. He truly believes disabled people can reclaim the happiness and enjoyment of life they once knew, perhaps even more than ever before.

  • Author:
    Batterson, Mark

    The New York Times bestselling author of Chase the Lion reveals seven powerful habits that can help you tackle God-sized goals by turning yesterday’s regrets and tomorrow’s anxieties into fuel for a better today.

    “This book will change the trajectory of your life.”―John Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, entrepreneur, and leadership expert

    Too many people delay, downsize, or shrug off their dreams just because they don’t know where to start, but playing it safe doesn’t account for the massive cost of a life not fully lived. Win the Day is the jump-start you need to go after your goals, one day at a time. You’ll discover how to:

    1. Flip the Script: If you want to change your life, start by changing your story.
    2. Kiss the Wave: The obstacle is not the enemy; the obstacle is the way.
    3. Eat the Frog: If you want God to do the super, you’ve got to do the natural.
    4. Fly the Kite: How you do anything is how you’ll do everything.
    5. Cut the Rope: Playing it safe is risky.
    6. Wind the Clock: Time is measured in minutes; life is measured in moments.
    7. Seed the Clouds: Sow today what you want to see tomorrow.

    As Batterson unpacks each of these daily habits, you’ll see how simple it is to pursue them with focus and dedication―not someday down the road, but now. Transform your perspective of a single day and you’ll discover the potential waiting to be grasped at the beginning of each new sunrise.

  • Author:
    Gulotta, Nicole

    This guide for the next generation of writers includes self-care rituals, creativity-generating rhythms, and personalized strategies for embracing your craft no matter what life throws at you.

  • Author:
    Eldredge, John

    Eldredge believes that rather than being a Really Nice Guy, every man, "longs for battles to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue."

  • Author:
    Fleet, Carole Brody

    Widowhood is a frightening prospect for any woman, but becoming a widow in one's forties, thirties, or twenties can be terrifying. Widows Wear Stilettos deals sensitively with the many problems and questions facing the young widow: depression and grief, helping children cope, facing in-laws, and returning to work. The authors also address practical concerns including financial considerations and personal issues such as health, self-awareness, diet, and exercise. This reassuring book shows how a life that feels at an end can begin anew.

  • Author:
    Walker, Matthew P.

    The first sleep book by a leading scientific expert-Professor Matthew Walker, Director of UC Berkeley's Sleep and Neuroimaging Lab-reveals his groundbreaking exploration of sleep, explaining how we can harness its transformative power to change our lives for the better. Sleep is one of the most important but least understood aspects of our life, wellness, and longevity. Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why we suffer such devastating health consequences when we don't sleep. Compared to the other basic drives in life-eating, drinking, and reproducing-the purpose of sleep remained elusive. But an explosion of scientific discoveries in the last twenty years has shed new light on this fundamental aspect of our lives. Now, preeminent neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker gives us a new understanding of the vital importance of sleep and dreaming. Among so many other things, within the brain, sleep enriches our ability to learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It recalibrates our emotions, restocks our immune system, fine-tunes our metabolism, and regulates our appetite. Dreaming mollifies painful memories and creates a virtual reality space in which the brain melds past and present knowledge to inspire creativity. Walker answers important questions about sleep: how do caffeine and alcohol affect sleep' What really happens during REM sleep' Why do our sleep patterns change across a lifetime' How do common sleep aids affect us and can they do long-term damage' Charting cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs, and synthesizing decades of research and clinical practice, Walker explains how we can harness sleep to improve learning, mood, and energy levels; regulate hormones; prevent cancer, Alzheimer's, and diabetes; slow the effects of aging; increase longevity; enhance the education and lifespan of our children, and boost the efficiency, success, and productivity of our businesses. Clear-eyed, fascinating, and immensely accessible, Why We Sleep is the crucial account on sleep that will forever change readers' minds on the subject.

  • Author:
    Goleman, Daniel

    WHY WE MEDITATE by Daniel Goleman, the New York Times-bestselling author of Emotional Intelligence and many other books, and Tsoknyi Rinpoche, an internationally recognized and beloved spiritual guide in the Tibetan Buddhist community, presents scientifically backed and time-proven Eastern meditation practices that offer an antidote to the forces of frenzy and stress that awash us.

  • Author:
    McShane, Johanna Marie, Paulson, Tony

    Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening illnesses that often make no sense to family and friends. But to the person involved they make a lot of sense, and are, in fact, a way of coping with life. Sprinkled with over 100 quotes from recovering individuals, Why She Feels Fat explores eating disorders from the inside out to convey the emotional experience and perspectives of those who have them. Decoding the deeper meaning of the statement "I feel fat" is at the heart of this simple and straightforward book that also includes basic information about eating disorders, such as signs, symptoms, medical complications, causes, approaches to treatment, and stages of recovery.

  • Author:
    Smith, Julie

    Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Julie Smith provides the skills you need to navigate common life challenges and take charge of your emotional and mental health.

  • Author:
    Sax, Leonard

    Are boys and girls really that different' Twenty years ago, doctors and researchers didn't think so. However, an avalanche of research has shown that sex differences are more significant than anybody guessed. Gender differences are real, biologically programmed, and important to how children are raised, disciplined, and educated. Dr. Leonard Sax addresses a host of issues, including discipline, learning, risk taking, aggression, sex, and drugs and shows how boys and girls react in predictable ways to different situations. A leading proponent of single-sex education, Dr. Sax points out that parents and teachers would do better to recognize, understand, and make use of the biological differences that make a girl a girl and a boy a boy.


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