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Refreshable Braille Displays and Notetakers

Last updated: November 24, 2023

Things to Consider

  • The number of cells.
  • Single line vs. multiple line display.
  • The feel of the braille cells.
  • Whether cursor routing buttons are available.
  • How it connects to a computer/tablet/phone.
  • Screen reader compatibility.
  • How the device is powered.
  • Storage.
  • Supported file formats.
  • Braille translation functionality.
  • Ease of use.
  • Stability of Firmware/Software running on device.
  • Durability.
  • Portability.
  • Product support.
  • Price.

This document is available for download: 

Important Notes

  • ("*" asterisks) denotes the device as a notetaker
  • Empty table entries indicated by a "-" (dash) means that no information was provided on the company's website, or the company did not respond to email inquires.
  • Prices are reflective of what was listed in September 2023 on the company's website. Any companies wishing to have their information updated, please email with the details.
  • Prices may be higher or lower than what is listed here when purchasing from a distributer.

Braille Display Options

Freedom Scientific (A brand of Vispero)

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Focus 14 Blue 5th Gen $1,545 USD 14 cells BRF, BRL, BRA, TXT USB, Bluetooth, Micro SD Card Perkins 8 Jaws, NVDA, Voiceover, Brailleback No
Focus 40 Blue 5th Gen $3,570 USD 40 cells BRF, BRL, BRA, TXT USB, Bluetooth, Micro SD Card Perkins 8 Jaws, NVDA, Voiceover, Brailleback No
Focus 80 Blue 5th Gen $9,520 USD 80 cells BRF, BRL, BRA, TXT USB, Bluetooth, Micro SD Card Perkins 8 Jaws, NVDA, Voiceover, Brailleback No

Orbit Research

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Orbit Reader 20 $699 USD 20 cells TXT, BRF, BRL Micro-USB, Bluetooth, SD card Perkins 8 key entry Jaws, ChromeVox, Voiceover, Brailleback, NVDA, Voiceview No
Orbit Reader 20 Plus $799 20 cells DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, BRL Micro-USB, Bluetooth, SD card Perkins 8 key entry Jaws, ChromeVox, Voiceover, Brailleback, NVDA, Voiceview Yes
Orbit Reader 40 $1,699 USD 40 cells DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, BRL USB-C, Bluetooth, SD card, haptic (vibration) output Perkins 8 key entry Jaws, ChromeVox, Voiceover, Brailleback, NVDA, Voiceview Yes
Orbit Slate 520 $3,495 USD 100 cells (Multi-line display 5 lines of 20) DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, BRL USB-C, Bluetooth, SD card, haptic (vibration) output Perkins 8 key entry Jaws, ChromeVox, Voiceover, Brailleback, NVDA, Voiceview Yes
Orbit Slate 340 $3,995 USD 120 cells (Multi-line display 3 lines of 40) DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, BRL USB-C, Bluetooth, SD card, haptic (vibration) output Perkins 8 key entry Jaws, ChromeVox, Voiceover, Brailleback, NVDA, Voiceview Yes
Graphiti Plus - 40 braille cells + multiheight pin array for tactile images DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, BRL USB, Bluetooth, Wifi, HDMI, SD card, Haptic and audio outputs Perkins 8 key entry, Touch Interface Jaws, ChromeVox, Voiceover, Brailleback, NVDA, Voiceview Yes

Innovision Tech / Canadian Assistive Technology as distributer

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Braille Me $750 CAD 20 cells TXT, BRL, BRF USB Micro, Bluetooth, SD card Perkins 6 key entry with cursor routing keys BrailleBack, Voiceover, NVDA, VoiceView yes

Bristol Braille Technology / Canadian Assistive Technology as distributer

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Canute 360 $3,495 CAD 360 cells (multi-line, 9 lines of 40) BRF, PEF USB-A, SD Card 3 navigation buttons and 11 additional buttons for input - No
Canute Console* $6,675 CAD 360 cells (multi-line, 9 lines of 40) - USB-A, Bluetooth, Wifi, 40-pin GPIO header, speakers, high contrast monitor QWERTY Keyboard + additional buttons for navigation BRLTTY screen reader Yes


Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
BrailleSense 6* $5,795 USD 32 cells HBL, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TXT, BRL, BRF, EPUB, PDF, HTML, XML, DAISY, NIMAS Full size SD card, USB-C, USB-A, Bluetooth, Wifi, Camera, Microphone, Speakers, 3.5 MM audio jack, internal storage Perkins and 4 Function Keys Jaws, NVDA, VoiceOver, Supernova Yes
BrailleSense 6 Mini* $4,595 USD 20 cells HBL, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPT, PPTX, RTF, TXT, BRL, BRF, EPUB, PDF, HTML, XML, DAISY, NIMAS Micro SD Card, USB-C, USB-A, Bluetooth, Wifi, Camera, Microphone, Speakers, 3.5 MM audio jack, internal storage Perkins and 4 Function Keys Jaws, NVDA, VoiceOver, Supernova Yes
QBraille XL 3195 USD 40 cells DOC, DOCX, BRF, TXT, RTF, PDF, DAISY Standard SD card, USB-C, Bluetooth Blend of 8 key Perkins entry and QWERTY function keys JAWS, Window-Eyes, SuperNova, System Access, NVDA, VoiceOver, BrailleBack, Mobile Speak, TALKS Yes

American Printing House for the Blind / Humanware as the distributer

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Chameleon 20 - 20 cells BRF, PEF, TXT, HTML, DOCX, NISO, RTF Bluetooth, Wifi, USB-A, USB-C, SD Card, 3.5 MM audio jack, speakers, internal storage Perkins 8 key entry VoiceOver, Jaws, NVDA Yes
Mantis Q40 $4,399 CAD 40 BRF, PEF, TXT, HTML, DOCX, NISO, RTF Bluetooth, Wifi, USB-C, SD Card, internal storage QWERTY entry VoiceOver, Jaws, NVDA Yes


Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Brailliant BI 20X $2,599 CAD 20 cells BRF, PEF, TXT, HTML, DOCX, NISO, RTF Bluetooth, Wifi, USB-A,USB-C, SD Card, Vibration motor, 3.5 mm audio jack, speakers, internal storage Perkins 8 key entry JAWS, Dolphin SuperNova, NVDA, VoiceOver Yes
Brailliant BI 40X $4,399 CAD 40 BRF, PEF, TXT, HTML, DOCX, NISO, RTF Bluetooth, Wifi, USB-A, USB-C, 3.5 mm audio jack, Vibration motor, speakers, internal storage Perkins 8 key entry JAWS, Dolphin SuperNova, NVDA, VoiceOver Yes
BrailleNote Touch 18* $5,799 CAD 18 cells RTF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, HTML, XML, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, MP4, DAISY, PDF Bluetooth, Wifi, USB-A, USB-C, SD card, internal storage, 3.5 mm audio jack, Vibration motor, microphone, speakers, camera, HDMI Perkins 8 key entry, touch screen JAWS, Dolphin SuperNova, NVDA, VoiceOver Yes
BrailleNote Touch 32* $7,199 CAD 32 cells RTF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, BRF, HTML, XML, MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, MP4, DAISY, PDF Bluetooth, Wifi, SD card, USB-A, USB-C, internal storage, 3.5 mm audio jack, Vibration motor, microphone, speakers, camera, HDMI Perkins 8 key entry, touch screen JAWS, Dolphin SuperNova, NVDA, VoiceOver Yes

Optelec (A brand of Vispero)

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
ALVA BC 640 $3,395 CAD 40 cells - USB, Bluetooth, internal memory cursor routing buttons with additional navigational keys Voiceover, JAWS, NVDA, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, System Access To Go, Talks, Mobile speak, BRLTTY No
ALVA USB 640 Comfort $2,695 CAD 40 cells - USB cursor routing buttons with additional navigational keys Voiceover, JAWS, NVDA, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, System Access To Go, Talks, Mobile speak, BRLTTY No
ALVA BC680 $10,995 80 cells - USB, Bluetooth, internal memory cursor routing buttons with additional navigational keys Voiceover, JAWS, NVDA, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, System Access To Go, Talks, Mobile speak, BRLTTY No


Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
VarioUltra 20* - 20 cells DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, BRF, BRL, XLS, XLSXS, PDF Bluetooth, USB-C, USB-A, internal storage, Vibration motor Perkins 8 key entry with cursor routing keys Voiceover, COBRA, WindowEyes, JAWS, SuperNova, NVDA Yes
VarioUltra 40* - 40 cells DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, BRF, BRL, XLS, XLSXS, PDF Bluetooth, USB-C, USB-A, internal storage, Vibration motor Perkins 8 key entry with cursor routing keys Voiceover, COBRA, WindowEyes, JAWS, SuperNova, NVDA Yes
Vario 340 - 40 cells n/a USB-C Perkins 6 key entry with cursor routing keys Voiceover for MacOS, COBRA, WindowEyes, JAWS, SuperNova, NVDA No
Vario 440 - 40 cells n/a USB-C Perkins 6 key entry with cursor routing keys Voiceover for MacOS, COBRA, WindowEyes, JAWS, SuperNova, NVDA No
VarioPro 80 - 80 cells n/a USB, Serial Perkins 6 key entry with cursor routing keys Voiceover for MacOS, COBRA, WindowEyes, JAWS, SuperNova, NVDA No
VarioPro2 80 - 80 cells n/a USB-A Perkins 6 key entry with cursor routing keys Voiceover for MacOS, COBRA, WindowEyes, JAWS, SuperNova, NVDA No

Help Tech

Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Activator - 40 cells txt, brf, all supported filetypes on the iPhone USB-C, Bluetooth (on display), USB-A, Lightning (on SmartDock included with unit), spaker/vibration motor Perkins 8 key entry and QWERTY keyboard, additional buttons for navigation JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, BrailleBack Yes
Active Braille* $6,495 USD 40 cells txt, brf USB-A, USB-C, Bluetooth, Micro SD card, 3.5 mm audio jack, speaekers, vibration motors Perkins 8 key entry JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, BrailleBack No
Active* $6,795 USD 40 cells txt, brf USB-B, USB-C, Bluetooth, Micro SD card, 3.5 mm audio jack, speaekers, vibration feedback QWERTY and Perkins keyboard JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, BrailleBack No
Connect Braille 2nd Gen - 40 cells - USB-A, USB-C, Bluetooth, Micro SD card, 3.5 mm audio jack, vibration motors Perkins 8 key entry JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, BrailleBack No
Basic Braille Plus $3,590 USD 40 cells n/a Micro USB, Bluetooth Perkins 8 key entry JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, BrailleBack No
Modular Evolution $1,455-$13,595 USD 64 or 88 cells - Micro SD card, USB-A Perkins 8 key entry with additional navigational keys JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, BrailleBack No
Actilino* $2,795 USD 16 cells txt, brf (micro SD card, USB-A, USB-C, Bluetooth, speaker, 3.5 mm audio jack Perkins 8 key entry with cursor routing keys JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, BrailleBack, ChromeVox No
Basic Braille $2,995-$7,995 USD 20, 32, 40, 48, 64, 80 or 84 - Micro USB, optionally bluetooth cursor routing with 6 navigational keys JAWS, NVDA, Voiceover, SuperNova, Window-Eyes, BrailleBack, ChromeVox No


Product Name Price Cells Document Types Input/Output (hardware) Key Entry Software Compatibility Onboard Braille Translation
Live - 40 cells - USB, Bluetooth Perkins braille keyboard JAWS, SuperNova, WindowEyes, NVDA, VoiceOver, Talkback -
Live+ - 40 cells - USB, Bluetooth QWERTY keyboard JAWS, SuperNova, WindowEyes, NVDA, VoiceOver, Talkback -
Live20 - 20 cells - USB, Bluetooth Perkins braille keyboard JAWS, SuperNova, WindowEyes, NVDA, VoiceOver, Talkback -
BRAILLEX EL 40c - 40 cells - USB double routing keys and additional navigational buttons popular screen readers for all common operating systems No
BRAILLEX EL 80c - 80 cells - USB double routing keys and additional navigational buttons popular screen readers for all common operating systems No

Recommendations for Purchase (for Public Libraries)

All modern braille devices can connect to a mainstream computer, phone, or tablet. The screen-reading software on that mainstream device will translate text into braille for the user, and the keyboard on the braille display serves as a secondary method for typing and navigating. Additionally, many braille displays can perform simple file management and word processing without being connected to anything, allowing such a device to become a standalone e-book reader. Books can be translated into braille using free software, loaded onto an SD card, and viewed on the Braille display. While the “note takers” in the above table are capable of more complex functions on their own, only the most expensive devices are running a modern operating system and even those may not receive security updates in the same way as a mainstream device. If the objective is simply to read books, a braille display with simple note-taking functionality should suffice. At present, Apple’s mobile hardware has better braille support than that of Android, so an iPad or iPod touch would make a good optional portable companion for a braille display. Windows and Mac OS both provide great braille support. NVDA is a free and open-source screen-reader for Windows that will be familiar to many and can be part of a low-cost solution to braille access.

Braille Display Short List

  • The Humanware Brailliant displays are known for their great design and ease of use. Multiple sizes are available, and newer models include basic note-taking functions. These displays are well-rounded, are distributed in Canada, and have an excellent support team.
  • The Focus displays are lightweight and durable. They lack note-taking features but can connect with up to five computers or mobile devices over Bluetooth.
  • The Orbit Reader 20 Plus and 40 are low-cost devices designed for easy book reading. It can act as an external display for a computer or mobile device and can read books and other documents from an SD card.
  • Most displays have flat cells except for companies like Help Tech which offers concave cells designed to make the reading experience more ergonomic. In addition, Help Tech displays have Active Touch Controls which will automatically scroll to the next line when it senses the reader’s fingers reach the end of the current line.
  • There is great interest for devices that can display multiple lines of braille and even tactile images opening up access to more spatial information. The Canute 360, Canute Console, Orbit slates, and Graphiti Plus are some of the latest displays that have these capabilities available for purchase.