In a time when people believed flying was impossible, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier proved that the sky wasn't the limit. When most thought horseback was the only way to race, Bertha and Karl Benz fired up their engines. From the...
Math and science
- Author:Ford, Gilbert, Kirkfield, VivianSummary:
- Author:Bond, MichaelSummary:
How is it that we can walk unfamiliar streets while maintaining a sense of direction? How can we come up with shortcuts on the fly, in places we've never traveled? The answer is the complex mental map in our brains. This feature of our...
- Author:Dewar, Dale, Oelck, FlorianSummary:
The bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, brought radiation to international attention but the exact nature of what had been unleashed was still unclear to most. The 1986 meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear plant again made headlines...
- Author:Morris, DougSummary:
Imagine you’re sitting next to a pilot on a flight and he’s eager to answer all those nagging questions you have about air travel. Are those bumps and noises normal? Why are some take-offs delayed? What happens if there’s a storm? How...
- Author:Johnson, DonSummary:
The textbook focuses on the creation, manipulation, transmission, and reception of information by electronic means. Elementary signal theory; time- and frequency-domain analysis; Sampling Theorem. Digital information theory; digital...
- Author:Roose, KevinSummary:
The machines are here. After decades of sci-fi doomsaying and marketing hype, advanced A.I. and automation technologies have leapt out of research labs and Silicon Valley engineering departments and into the center of our lives. Robots...
- Author:McNamara, JoelSummary:
Need directions? Are you good at getting lost? Then G.P.S. is just the technology you’ve dreamed of, and G.P.S. For Dummies is what you need to help you make the most of it. If you have a G.P.S. unit or plan to buy one, G.P.S. For...
- Author:Clegg, BrianSummary:
Brian Clegg was always fascinated by Isaac Asimov’s classic Foundation series of books, in which the future is predicted using sophisticated mathematical modeling of human psychology and behavior. Only much later did he realize that...
- Author:Spence, CharlesSummary:
The science behind a good meal: all the sounds, sights, and tastes that make us like what we're eating-and want to eat more. Why do we consume 35 percent more food when eating with one other person, and 75 percent more when dining...
- Author:Kimmerer, Robin WallSummary:
Living at the limits of our ordinary perception, mosses are a common but largely unnoticed element of the natural world. Gathering Moss is a beautifully written mix of science and personal reflection that invites listeners to explore...
- Author:Summary:
The most trusted general chemistry text in Canada is back in a thoroughly revised 10th edition. "General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications" is recognized for its superior problems, lucid writing, precision of argument, and...
- Author:Wray, BrittSummary:
An impassioned generational perspective on how to stay sane amid climate disruption. Climate and environment-related fears and anxieties are on the rise everywhere. As with any type of stress, eco-anxiety can lead to lead to burnout,...
- Author:Weaver, AndrewSummary:
In clear and accessible language, Generation Us explains the phenomenon of global warming, outlines the threat it presents to future generations and offers a path toward solutions to the problem. The reality of global warming has long...
- Author:Robinson, Tara RoddenSummary:
A plain-English guide to genetics Want to know more about genetics? This non-intimidating guide gets you up to speed on all the fundamentals and the most recent discoveries. Now with 25% new and revised material, Genetics For Dummies,...
- Author:Swanson, JenniferSummary:
Most scientists agree that Earth is warming rapidly. Glaciers are melting and rising seawaters are submerging islands and coastal cities. In the coming decades, millions will likely have to escape extreme weather caused by climate...
- Author:Summary:
Effective use of today's powerful GIS technology requires an understanding of the science of problemsolving that underpins it.
- Author:Heatwole, Charles A.Summary:
Geography is more than just trivia, it can help you understand why we import or export certain products, predict climate change and even show you where to place fire and police stations when planning a city. If you’re curious about the...
- Author:Spooner, Alecia M.Summary:
Get a rock-solid grasp on geology Geology is the study of the earth's history as well as the physical and chemical processes that continue to shape the earth today. Jobs in the geosciences are expected to increase over the next decade,...
- Author:Ryan, MarkSummary:
Just the critical concepts you need to score high in geometry This practical, friendly guide focuses on critical concepts taught in a typical geometry course, from the properties of triangles, parallelograms, circles and cylinders, to...
- Author:Chalmers, WilliamSummary:
Dawson worked for the International Boundary Commission and the Geological Survey of Canada. He surveyed the 49th parallel, vast tracts of land in British Columbias Interior, and many rivers in the Yukon. He knew the value of the...