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The Blue Moth Motel

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    Breakwater, 2021


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    Ingrid and Norah have an unconventional upbringing -- growing up in a motel, raised by their mother and her partner. The girls' grandmother, Ada, who owns the Blue Moth, has always kept them at a distance. But when she buys a piano for the motel, that all changes. Years later in England, training to be a soloist, Ingrid loses her voice and must decide what to do. She hears from Norah, who's reviving a party that began during their childhood to celebrate the arrival of mysterious and elusive blue moths. The Blue Moth Motel is a haunting and evocative exploration of the meaning of family and home.

    Original Publisher: St. John's, NL, Canada, Breakwater
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781550819113, 1550819119
    Collection(s)/Series: Prince Edward Island Collection