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Creatures of the flood

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  • Temps de fonctionnement: 07:00 hrs
    Voix de: Lillie Ricciardi
    HarperCollins, 2021
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
  • Accessibilité:
    • Navigation par rubriques
    Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library Service
    Temps de fonctionnement: 07:00 hrs
    Voix de: Lillie Ricciardi
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2024
    Note: This book was produced with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Hunter, Erin
    Contributor: Ricciardi, Lillie
    Edition: Unabridged

    The pandas of the Bamboo Kingdom have never forgotten the great flood that ended the peaceful life they'd always known. But for three young creatures born that day, the flood marks not an end, but the beginning of their struggles to find a place in very different worlds. None of them know that the others are out there, but thanks to a mysterious tiger that's been threatening the Kingdom, they will soon find each other and fulfill a prophecy that had been made long before they were born.

    Sujets: Pandas | Prophecies | Tiger
    Original Publisher: [New York], HarperCollins
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9798200743414, 9798200743421