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Emilio Comici : angel of the Dolomites

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    The first English-language biography of one of the most renowned Italian climbers, Emilio Comici, who bagged over 200 first ascents in the Eastern Alps prior to his death at 39 years of age in 1940. Between 1925 and his death in 1940, Emilio Comici was the pre-eminent climber in the Eastern Alps, the hotbed of global rock climbing at that time. He made first ascents on some of the highest and most notorious walls in the Alps, including the northwest face of the Civetta, as well as dozens of other climbs.Comici invented many modern big-wall techniques and the big-wall idiom itself that later took root in Yosemite Valley. Comici also made solo ascents of some of the hardest routes in the Alps, including his climb on the north face of the Cima Grande. He also designed the first artificial climbing wall that was ever actually built.This book explores how family tragedy and growing up in working class Trieste under Austrian occupation shaped Comici's complex personality and attitudes toward climbing. He was loyal to his friends, deeply concerned about the vulnerable, including his fellow climbers, and yet highly competitive, a born vagabond and yet also a dandy, irresistible to women, and yet unable to settle down, devoted to his mother and to the mountains, and finally, like many other Italian climbers of the period, a member of the Italian fascist party although he was profoundly anti-German and opposed to racial persecution.

    • Cover
    • Title Page
    • Table of Contents
    • Acknowledgements
    • Chapter One: City of Wind and Stone
    • Chapter Two: Val Rosandra
    • Chapter Three: The Mother of Chamois
    • Photo Section
    • Chapter Four: The Water Drop
    • Chapter Five: Nemesis
    • Chapter Six: The Plain of Muses
    • Chapter Seven: The Inebriation of Emptiness
    • Chapter Eight: Blood that Dreams of Stone
    • Chapter Nine: At the Angel's Grave
    • Chapter Ten: What Colour are the Dolomites?
    • Notes
    • Index
    Original Publisher: Victoria, RMB Rocky Mountain Books
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781771604574, 1771604573
    Collection(s)/Series: Read Alberta eBook Collection