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The Essential Job Interview Handbook A Quick and Handy Resource for Every Job Seeker

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  • Publisher:
    Career Press, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Baur, Jean

    Even with a fairly detailed job description or a briefing by a knowledgeable recruiter, job candidates rarely have all the tools they need to ace their interviews. This is one of the reasons why interviews are so harrowing — we have to pay close attention to what we’re told, what we’re not told, and the many non-verbal signals we receive. In addition, many people who conducts the interviews aren’t well-prepared, haven’t been trained in interviewing, and often don’t even like the process. The Essential Job Interview Handbook will help job seekers prepare effectively for interviews and become familiar with different types of interview questions and styles of interviews. A unique feature of this book is the multiple answers it provides for each question, rated good, better, and best; with this feature, you’ll learn what makes a winning answer and understand the strategy behind it. Whether you’re just finishing school or have been working a long time, The Essential Job Interview Handbook will give you all the powerful tools you need to not just get a job, but to get the right one.

    Original Publisher: Pompton Plains, Career Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781601635112
    Collection(s)/Series: Employment Resources