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Evidence-based rehabilitation a guide to practice

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  • Contributor: Law, Mary C.; MacDermid, Joy

    "Evidence-Based Rehabilitation, Second Edition is a comprehensive and well-organized text that provides the most up-to-date information on evidence-based practice, the concepts underlying evidence-based practice, and implementing evidence nto the rehabilitation practice. This text is organized by the steps of the process of evidence-based practice - introduction to evidence-based practice, finding the evidence, assessing the evidence, and using the evidence." "Inside the pages of Evidence-based rehabilitation, second edition rehabilitation professionals will find that each chapter has been updated to include clinical examples and exercises. Several new chapters include recent examples about systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines, and knowledge exchange." "Evidence-Based Rehabilitation: A Guide to Practice, Second Edition is an essential resource for students and practitioners to help incorporate the most current and complete evidence-based research into rehabilitation practice."

    • Introduction to evidence-based practice / Mary Law and JoyMacDermid
    • Development of evidence-based knowledge / Winnie Dunn and Jill Ball
    • Becoming an evidence-based practitioner / Annie McCluskey, Sally Home, and Lauren Thompson
    • ncorporating outcomes measures into evidence-based practice / Joy MacDermid and S.L. Michlovitz
    • Asking clinical questions and searching for the evidence / Jennie Q. Lou and Paola Durando
    • Evaluating the evidence / Mary Law and Joy MacDermid - Systematically reviewing the evidence / Laura Bradley and Mary Law
    • Comparison of forms of evidence : systematic reviews versus clinical practice guidelines, algorithms, and clinical pathways / Joy MacDermid
    • Evaluating the evidence : conomic evaluations / Diane Watson, Emma Housser, and Maria Mathews
    • Strategies to build evidence in practice / Mary Law, Joy MacDermid, and Jessica Telford
    • Practice guidelines, algorithms, and clinical pathways / Joy MacDermid and Donna Nicholson
    • Communicating evidence to clients, managers, and funders
    Original Publisher: Thorofare, N.J. : Slack, c2008
    Language(s): English