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In five years

Formats disponibles :

  • Temps de fonctionnement: 06:30 hrs
    Voix de: Megan Hilty
    Simon & Schuster Audio, 2020
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
  • Accessibilité:
    • Navigation par rubriques
    Certified Accessible By: National Network for Equitable Library Service
    Temps de fonctionnement: 06:30 hrs
    Voix de: Megan Hilty
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2024
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Serle, Rebecca
    Contributor: Hilty, Megan

    When Type-A Manhattan lawyer Dannie Cohan is asked where she sees herself in five years at the most important interview of her career, she has a meticulously crafted answer at the ready. Later, after nailing her interview and accepting her boyfriend's marriage proposal, Dannie goes to sleep knowing she is right on track to achieve her five-year plan. But when she wakes up, she's suddenly in a different apartment, with a different ring on her finger, and beside a very different man. The television news is on in the background, and she can just make out the scrolling date. It's the same night, December 15, but 2025, five years in the future. After a very intense, shocking hour, Dannie wakes again, at the brink of midnight, back in 2020. She can't shake what has happened. Determined to ignore the odd experience, she files it away in the back of her mind. That is, until four-and-a-half years later, when by chance Dannie meets the very same man from her long-ago vision.

    Original Publisher: [New York, New York], Simon & Schuster Audio
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1797103202, 9781797103204