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Il partito radicale e il radicalismo italiano Italian

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  • Author: Murri, Romolo
    Contributor: Apple Alex Synthetic

    What it means to be our B. P. of democratic propaganda: We say in the course of this volume what is our democracy. It is the same human consciousness in motion for the conquest of himself, his beliefs, social institutions. To democracy, which is a school and militia thus belong only those who feel themselves the trouble and the sting of the safest freedom, a higher justice, a wider and effective human goodness. It is idealism and altruism in action, is the sense of moral responsibility, of duty, of the mission that those who want to be the living, and not just passively experienced, feel to be inseparably united to life. Working for democracy is to work for the future. Today, in Italy, on the eve of the general elections, we discuss and agitate many flight problems and all of them involve not man-man of the people, the product, the ruler or the party-as it should be, but what here or there should be done, and you forget that men operate according to what they are or have in the soul, whereas, become better, they would certainly better things on fire with zeal for the public good and social, will see exactly where and how this should be done well . Help spread the concept of democracy as education itself, such as the purchase of a sense of their social duty, as power of beliefs, it will be the purpose of these volumes. They therefore intend to go back, beyond the period of long decline, men who in the generation that created Italy instilled a sense of duty heroic move forward, passing over all the miseries, joining the effort thoughtful and disciplined young people who want to take themselves to devote himself to public life with generous and selfless fighters for an idea.

    Original Publisher: N/A [Public Domain], Victoria Park, Western Australia, Association for the Blind of Western Australia
    Language(s): English