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The psychological & social impact of illness and disability

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  • Contributor: Dell Orto, Arthur E.; Power, Paul W.
    Edition: 5th ed.

    Focuses on the illness as well as the disability trajectory and its impact on an individual's well being. This book also looks at the personal perspectives and stories of those faced with the many demands of living with a disability. This retitled new edition places emphasis on the illness as well as the disability trajectory and its impact on an individual's well being. It also highlights the personal perspectives or stories of those faced with the many demands of living with a disability which adds to the books uniqueness. Perspectives that build a bridge between the documented research results or varying models of understanding disability and the realities that are ever-present when coping with severe handicaps are presented. This book will help the reader become aware that making this connection between relevant theory and insightful practice results in a more enhanced quality of life for all individuals living with the disability experience.

    • 1. The disability paradigm / David Pfeiffer
    • 2. Understanding how disability is defined and conceptualized in the literature / Barbara J. Lutz and Barbara J. Bowers
    • 3. An integrative conceptual framework of disability : new directions for research / Denise G. Tate and Constance Pledger
    • 4. Transforming psychological practice and society : policies that reflect the new paradigm / Carol J. Gill, Donald G. Kewman and Ruth W. Brannon
    • 5. Social work practice with people with disabilities in the era of disability rights / Richard L. Beaulaurier and Samuel H. Taylor
    • 6. Models of disability : implications for the counseling profession / Julie F. Smart and David W. Smart
    • 7. The contribution of the physically and mentally handicapped to development / Jean Vanier
    • Personal perspective : coping with a journey toward recovery : from the inside out / Dale Walsh
    • Perspective exercise 1 : reflections on Jean Vanier : how far have we come? : how far must we go?
    • 8. Psychological adaptation to chronic illness and disability : a primer for counselors / Hanoch Livneh and Richard F. Antonak
    • 9. Objective self-awareness and stigma : implications for persons with visible disabilities / Andrew A. Phemister and Nancy M. Crewe
    • 10. Psychosocial issues of women with physical disabilities : the continuing gender debate / Margaret A. Nosek and Rosemary B. Hughes
    • 11. Female sexuality and spinal cord injury : counseling implications / Eva Miller and Irmo Marini
    • 12. Cross-cultural counseling issues of males who sustain a disability / Irmo Marini
    • 13. Psychiatric and psychological issues in survivors of major disasters / Carol S. North
    • 14. Quality of life and psychosocial adaptation to chronic illness and acquired disability : a conceptual and theoretical synthesis / Malachy Bishop
    • 15. Six principles relating disability and psychological adjustment / Franklin C. Shontz
    • Personal perspective : using rational emotive behavior therapy techniques to cope with disability / Albert Ellis
    • Perspective exercise 2 : prime of life
    • 16. Family decision making in foregoing life-extending treatments / Virginia P. Tilden, Susan W. Tolle, Christine A. Nelson, Maye Thompson and Susan C. Eggman
    • 17. My child is not my carer : mothers with physical disabilities and the well-being of children / Ora Prilleltensky
    • 18. Parenting a child with a chronic medical condition / Jane Case-Smith
    • 19. In the midst of a hurricane : a case study of a couple living with AIDS / Lydia P. Buki, Lori Kogan, Bethanne Keen and Patti Uman
    • 20. Parental illness, family functioning, and adolescent well-being : a family ecology framework to guide research / Sara Pedersen and Tracey A. Revenson
    • 21. Life's challenges : curse or opportunity? : counseling families of persons with disabilities / Mary R. Hulnick and H. Ronald Hulnick
    • Personal perspectives : my life with muscular dystrophy : lessons and opportunities / Robert P. Winske
    • Dealing with spina bifida : mother?s perspective / Janet Lingerman
    • Perspective exercise 3 : my family and disability : where do we stand?
    • 22. The construct of hope in the rehabilitation process / Amy B. Collins and Marvin D. Kuehn
    • 23. Spirituality in disability and illness / Judy Kaye and Senthil Kumar Raghavan
    • 24. Spiritual factors and adjustment in medical rehabilitation : understanding forgiveness as a means of coping / Jon R. Webb
    • 25. The psychosocial impact on survivors of extraordinary, stressful, and traumatic events : principles and practices in critical incident response for rehabilitation counselors / Mark A. Stebnicki
    • 26. War, death, and bereavement : how we can help / Joan Beder
    • 27. Users of assistive technology : the human component / Martin G. Brodwin, Tristen Star and Elizabeth Cardoso
    • 28. Changes in attitudes toward people with handicaps / Beatrice A. Wright
    • Personal perspective : recovery and the rehabilitation process : a personal journey / James T. Herbert
    • Perspective exercise 4 : trauma helicopter
    • 29. The implications of positive psychology and wellness for rehabilitation counselor education / Irmo Marini and Mitka Chacon
    • 30. "Successful aging" : a disability perspective / Meredith Minkler and Pamela Fadem
    • 31. The promise of the international classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF) / Julie F. Smart
    • 32. Recovery from psychiatric disabilities / Patricia B. Nemec and Cheryl J. Gagne
    • 33. Psychological adaptation to disability : perspectives from chaos and complexity theory / Hanoch Livneh and Randall M. Parker
    • 34. Eugenics, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide : an overview for rehabilitation professionals / Steve Zanskas and Wendy Coduti
    • 35. Reflections and considerations / Arthur H. Dell Orto and Paul Power
    • 36. Aging and disability : toward a unified agenda / Irving Kenneth Zola
    • Personal statement : life lessons taught me by my disability / Alfred H. DeGraff
    • Personal statement : one more burden, a mother's perspective / Bernadette
    • Perspective exercise 5 : why us?
    Original Publisher: New York, Springer Pub. Co.
    Language(s): English
    Collection(s)/Series: Disability Perspectives Collection