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The universal sense : how hearing shapes the mind

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    Every day, we are beset by millions of sounds-ambient ones like the rumble of the train and the hum of air conditioner, as well as more pronounced sounds, such as human speech, music, and sirens. But how do we process what we hear every day? This book answers such revealing questions as:

    Why do we often fall asleep on train rides or in the car, and what does it have to do with hearing?

    What is it about the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard that makes us cringe?

    Why do city folks have trouble sleeping in the country, and vice versa?

    Why can't you get that jingle out of your head?

    Starting with the basics of the biology, neuroscientist and musician Seth Horowitz explains how sound affects us, and in turn, how we've learned to manipulate sound: into music, commercial jingles, car horns, and modern inventions like cochlear implants, ultrasound scans, and the mosquito ringtone. Combining the best parts of This is Your Brain on Music and How We Decide, this book gives new insight into what the sounds of our world have to do with the way we think, feel, and interact.

    • Foreword and Acknowledgments
    • Introduction
    • In the Beginning Was the Boom
    • A Walk in the Park
    • Fish and Frogs
    • The HighFrequency Club
    • Time Attention and Emotion
    • Ten Dollars to the First Person who Can Define Music and Get a Musician a Psychologist a Composer a Neuroscientist and Someone Listening to an iPod to agree...)
    • Soundtracks Laugh Tracks and Jingles All the way
    • Hacking Your Brain Through Your Ears
    • Weapons and Weirdness
    • Future Noizes
    • You Are What You Hear
    • Footnotes
    • Selected Sources and Suggested Readings A Note on the Author
    Original Publisher: New York : Bloomsbury, c2012
    Language(s): English