Last updated: March 26, 2021
You will need to download and install Obi (Windows only).
- Open Obi and create a new project.
- Name your project using the book title.
- Double click on the box with the title name on the right hand side to "open" the contents.
- To import audio files, go to Phrases -> Import audio files
- Check order, check settings (usually have all of them checked off), choose Phrase detection on imported files, hit OK
- Check Phrase settings. Change Leading silence to 10. Can leave the others unless you think they need to be changed. Hit OK
- Let it process.
- Once processed, check table of contents naming, order, etc.
- Export to DAISY, by going to Tools -> Export as DAISY/EPUB
- Choose DAISY 2.02 (or whichever you want).
- Choose export location, and check Encode to MP3, Bitrate depends on originals (usually the same as the original, minimum 64), check Append section name to audio file name
- Congrats, you've made a new DAISY!