Nalvana feels like all of her friends have some type of superpower. She has friends with super speed (who always beat her in races), friends with super strength (who can dangle from the monkey...
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Auteur: Johnston, AviaqSommaire:
Auteur: Johnston, AviaqSommaire:
After a strange and violent blizzard leaves young shaman-in-training Pitu stranded on the sea ice--without his dog team or any weapons to defend himself--he soon realizes that he is no longer in...
Auteur: Johnston, AviaqSommaire:
Haunted by the creatures of his past, Pitu tries to return to normal life as his new role as shaman, but soon he learns he must travel to the bottom of the ocean to appease Nuliajuk, the vengeful...
Auteur: Van Camp, Richard, Qitsualik-Tinsley, Rachel, Qitsualik-Tinsley, Sean, Johnston, Thomas Anguti, Kempt, Repo, Johnston, AviaqSommaire:
'Taaqtumi' is an Inuktitut word that means 'in the dark'—and these spine-tingling horror stories by Northern writers show just how dangerous darkness can be. A family clinging to survival out on...