Sequel to Animal Instinct A Duncan Andrews Thriller, Book Three Duncan Andrews, a private detective who specializes in paranormal cases, is back, along with his usual gang. Robbie Church, his...
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Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:Genre: Romance fiction, Paranormal fiction
Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:
A Duncan Andrews Thriller, Book One Private detective Duncan Andrews’s best friend Gina is a witch. His dog is a zombie. And his dead boyfriend, Robbie, is a ghost. So it’s hardly any wonder that...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:
Sequel to Pop Goes the Weasel Patrick “Weasel” Weasley is worried he’s not spending enough time with his new boyfriend Tony, now that they are living and working in different towns. He decides the...
Genre: Romance fiction, Humorous fiction -
Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:
Bookstore owner Randy Stone is smitten. His new boyfriend, Kyle Temple, is sweet, hot, attentive and great in bed. But introducing Kyle to his family takes courage, because Randy’s parents can be...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:
David tried not to stare, but it wasn’t easy. Gorgeous Guy had a mop of dark hair, dark brown eyes that David knew he could stare into for eternity, an adorably dimpled chin and just enough of a...
Genre: Romance fiction, Science fiction -
Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:
Patrick Weasley, aka Weasel, is a fun-loving college student with a wealthy homophobic jerk stepfather and a best friend, Jake Winston, who’s just as gay as Weasel. When Jake’s aunt dies, many...
Genre: Romance fiction -
Auteur: Osborne, StephenSommaire:
Sequel to Pale as a Ghost A Duncan Andrews Thriller, Book Two Private detective Duncan Andrews has the home-team advantage when it comes to solving paranormal crimes: His best friend, Gina, is a...
Auteur: Paskievich, John, Osborne, Stephen, Melnyk, George, Gillmor, AlisonSommaire:
Cities and the people who live in them are enduring subjects of photography. Winnipeg’s North End is one of North America’s iconic neighbourhoods, a place where the city’s unique character and...