In this contemporary retelling of the Johnny Appleseed story, Tidler has created an Indiana as Faulkner created a Mississippi and Steinbeck a California. Local historian and apple orchardist...
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Auteur: Tidler, CharlesSommaire:Genre: Historical fiction
Auteur: Tidler, CharlesSommaire:
Longlisted for the ReLit Award (2006).
Going to New Orleans is the story of Lewis King, a jazz trumpet player who lands a gig in the Big Easy. King is a genius on cornet, but his private...
Genre: Canadian fiction, General fiction -
Auteur: Tidler, CharlesSommaire:
Four disparate people confront each other--their memory and their responsibility--at the emergency room of a hospital when brought together by the crisis of a teenager suffering a psychiatric...
Genre: Drama, Canadian drama