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Canadian drama

  • Auteur:
    Choinière, Olivier

    Les élèves du collège ont déclenché une grève générale illimitée. Zoé refuse de se joindre au mouvement: elle est persuadée que le meilleur moyen pour elle de contribuer à la société est de poursuivre ses études en vue d'entrer en médecine. Elle obtient de la Cour une injonction obligeant ses professeurs à lui enseigner, sous peine d'emprisonnement. C'est donc sous la contrainte que Luc, son professeur de philosophie, entame avec elle un dialogue qui les forcera tous deux à reconsidérer leur rapport à l'autre, et à éprouver les limites de leur liberté.

  • Auteur:
    Berthiaume, Sarah

    Garin was two years old when his mother disappeared from a rundown East Vancouver neighbourhood. Now that the Robert Pickton trial is gaining national attention, Garin wonders if his mother, a First Nations woman, could be one of his unidentified victims. His ailing father isn't forthcoming with answers, and Garin's supicions are at an all time high. In the midst of all this, his roommate Yuko has taken in Kate, a young pregnant hitchhiker who unintentionally wreaks havoc on their friendship. But when Garin's father is hospitalized, nothing matters except finally determining the truth about his mother. In this deftly written play, the characters grapple with the harsh Yukon winter within a world of racism, addiction, and loneliness.

  • Auteur:
    Ardal, Maja

    When Elsa and her family move from Iceland to Scotland, she is filled with uncontrollable joy over the new adventure she is about to begin. With her infectious energy and love for the dramatic, Elsa stands out both in her community and within her classroom, but this exuberance also targets her as an outcast. Only through the faith of a new friend and the strength of her imagination does Elsa find the courage to look inside herself and find pride in who she is and where she came from. Through her vivid characters Maja Ardal depicts Scotland in the 50s as a place of hope and harsh discrimination for immigrants.

  • Auteur:
    Déraspe, Rébecca, Brodie, Leanna

    Bridget finds her brother Jeremy in a closet attempting suicide. Again. Determined to help him find some kind of happiness, she carts around grocery stores looking for his potential wife. Bridget’s search affirms what she already thinks: there are couples practically everywhere. Eventually finding her way into the aisle with the razor blades, she meets Chloe and her plans to stage a happily-ever-after are finally set.

  • Auteur:
    Tepperman, Julie

    The Yichud Room is the place where the bride and groom go to be alone immediately following the wedding ceremony. In the case of Rachel and Chaim, who have only had a handful of chaperoned dates, this is the first time they have ever been alone together.In another part of the synagogue, tensions rise between the groom's older brothers, Ephraim and Menachem, rival Torah scholars who haven't seen each other in four years. Meanwhile, the bride's parents, Mordechai and Malka, are secretly planning to divorce after the wedding. YICHUD (Seclusion) directly confronts the tensions that exist in the Orthodox Jewish world between tradition and modernity, powerfully dramatizing issues of love, marriage, respect, sex, honour, and duty.

  • Auteur:
    Foster, Norm

    A chance meeting in a restaurant, after four years apart, sends a couple flashing back through the highs and lows of their courtship and marriage. It is an hilarious and often heart-breaking look at the rollercoaster ride of a relationship."A tasty comic treat. Characters with whom we can all identify."

  • Auteur:
    Chatterton, Anna

    Two very different couples meet after a critical mistake is made at a fertility clinic: a fertilized egg has been implanted into the wrong woman. Over the course of an awkward and absurd evening, they fight to determine the uncertain future of their IVF child.

  • Auteur:
    Lederer, Julia

    Anabel gives her heart to a man she meets on the subway and he disappears with it. Her limbs begin to fall asleep. George is on the run but keeps getting distracted by romantic comedies. He begins to blame his mother. Mona resorts to seeking therapy from GoogleShrink, forcing herself to speed-date, and taking in a stranger who appears on her doorstep clad in purple plaid. With Love and A Major Organ uses magic realism to reinvent the modern romantic comedy. Poetic, quirky, and deeply original, the play examines love in the age of technology, our ability and need to connect with strangers, and the universally trying task of reconciling the head and the heart.

  • Auteur:
    Webber, Jennifer Wynne

    When the "Kirkland Lake gals of 1941" begin to share their story with a present-day audience, a siren sounds and they soon find themselves pulled right back into the fateful winter of 1941-42. There, they gather again at the mine-head, waiting for word on the men trapped underground, as their fear and rage builds. When the husband of one of the women is badly injured, their desire to help her quickly leads them into a much larger campaign to help all the families they can. Before long, they've become the heart and soul of a large-scale union-organizing drive that is fuelled by their sheer will--and sometimes giddy enthusiasm--but that is also put to the test by their own inexperience, a bitter strike, and the brutal force of the powers that be.

  • Auteur:
    Blais, Marie-Claire

    Known internationally as an award-winning Québecois novelist, Marie-Claire Blais has remained hidden as a dramatist from Anglophone readers. Nigel Spencer's first-ever translation recreates Blais' disturbing yet lyrical dramas, evoking a world of "winter sleep," while in the new millennium people prepare to put on new costumes, take on new roles.

  • Auteur:
    Burrows, Joan

    In the aftermath of a tragedy that ends Kim and Ben's marriage, Kim finds herself back in her childhood home, a quiet farm away from the city. Here, she invites Jim, a visiting musician, to stay with her in a bed-and-breakfast arrangement. It's not long before Kim becomes infatuated with Jim's sophistication and charm, and with his ability to make her forget her grief temporarily—until it inevitably boils to the surface. With Jim at her side, Kim struggles to navigate through her unresolved grief and begins to explore her buried feelings.

  • Auteur:
    Cardinal, Cliff

    Is it possible for As You Like It to please all tastes? Indigenous creator and cultural provocateur Cliff Cardinal seeks to find out.

  • Auteur:
    zhina mandiela, ahdri

    In this lyrical masterpiece, four cousins reunite in Jamaica to mourn the passing of their grandmother and to celebrate the times they shared together. There's vilma, an up-and-coming politician; kris, a celebrity chef; tyetye, who's incarcerated; and likklebit, who's immigrated to Canada. As the cousins reminisce about the woman who had such a strong role in rearing them, they uncover their troubles and begin to fulfill grannie's last task: to bring them back in tune with themselves.

  • Auteur:
    MacIvor, Daniel

    Sit down, Daniel's going to tell you a story. On the weekend of January 10, 2004, American monologist Spalding Gray killed himself by jumping off the Staten Island Ferry in New York City. That same weekend, Daniel MacIvor was in California, visiting a psychic surgeon who offered to save his life by removing a spiritual entity that had attached to him. But what if Spalding's death had something to do with Daniel's entity? Linking these two true parallel stories is fiction derived from Gray's obsessions and MacIvor's inventions about a man named Howard who had forgotten how to live. From renowned playwright Daniel MacIvor comes a moving and darkly comedic solo performance about truth, lies, life, and death.

  • Auteur:
    Thompson, Judith

    This book collects some of Judith Thompson’s earlier, hard-to-find plays, including White Biting Dog, a poetic black comedy about a divorced lawyer who prepares to kill himself by jumping off the Bloor Street Viaduct—until he encounters a small dog who sets him on a different path; I Am Yours, a harrowing story about a group of characters on the brink of despair as each tries to escape what haunts them the most; and Pink, a moving monologue set in 1970s South Africa that centres on a young girl’s surprising reaction after her nanny is murdered during a protest.

  • Auteur:
    Hannah, Don

    A young soldier goes to Afghanistan, another to Passchendaele. A family splits in two when a Protestant falls in love with a Catholic; one hundred and twenty years later, it could happen all over again for a whole new set of reasons. From the University of Alberta's inaugural Lee Playwright-in-Residence.

  • Auteur:
    Black, Anthony

    When it Rains is the story of four people, two marriages, and one increasingly improbable series of events. As misfortune mounts, communication fractures, relationships crumble, behaviour becomes absurd. People sing, get naked, give up, lose control, have sex with strangers. Some kind of God intervenes. Or observes. Or something. Or nothing. When it Rains is by turns blackly funny social satire, heartbreaking drama, existentialist graphic novel, and post-modern Job story.

  • Auteur:
    Gallant, Mavis

    Mavis Gallant's only play, which premiered at Toronto's Tarragon Theatre on November 11, 1982, is a comedy that opens in 1942, in the heat of the battle against Fascism, when it was possible for Canadians to cheer for both Stalin and the Royal Family. At home in Montreal, Jenny (18) is impressed by her friend Molly's copy of a political pamphlet written by V.I. Lenin entitled What Is To Be Done? The two young women are fascinated by the refugees who are flooding into the city from Europe, and they spend their spare time on left-wing political activity in support of the Soviet Union, dreaming of the new world they're certain will arise out of the ashes of the war.

  • Auteur:
    Moscovitch, Hannah

    In an unflinching look at love, sex, and fertility, and inspired by real stories of mothers during the Canadian birth-control movement of the early twentieth century, one of Canada's most celebrated playwrights vividly recreates a couple's struggles with reproduction. It's Ottawa in the 1920s, before birth control is legalized. Sophie, a young working-class girl, falls madly in love with her sister's suitor, and eventually marries, a stablehand named Jonny. After two difficult childbirths, doctors tell Sophie she shouldn't have any more children, but don't tell her how to prevent it. When Sophie inevitably becomes pregnant again, she faces a grim dilemma.

  • Auteur:
    Thompson, Judith

    Glory is a troubled teenage inmate who, in her solitary prison cell, is tormented by hallucinations. While she battles the creature in her mind, her adoptive mother Rosellen struggles to remain connected to her daughter, believing that she can sense Glory’s feelings no matter the distance. In the prison halls, Gail, a working-class guard, glides between her conscience and her professional duties, knowing her actions could ultimately lead to a tragic end.


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