In The Teller from the Tale, award winning author Ven Begamudré spins three stories in a masterful blend of myth and realism. In "Amar's Gift," a magical sculptor observes a princess, though it is...
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Auteur: Begamudre, Ven.Sommaire:Genre: Mythological fiction
Auteur: Burke, Kelley Jo.Sommaire:
Kelley Jo Burke embarks on a wild journey to understand many things, including the part where her grandfather sort of murdered her grandmother. Returning to a house filled with her first memories...
Auteur: Carley, DianneSommaire:
Forced intimacies, dead dogs, errant balloons, a troubled chef's encounter with ethereal Swedish lesbians, all form this remarkable short story collection, Bodies in Trouble, depicting characters...
Genre: Short stories -
Auteur: Trofimuk, ThomasSommaire:
Set in Prague and narrated with great panache by the 600-year-old Charles Bridge, this novel begins with an elephant named Sál escaping the Prague Zoo. As the elephant moves through the beautiful...
Genre: Literary fiction -
Auteur: Herriot, TrevorSommaire:
A debut novel about the heartbreak of habitat loss and family trauma by one of Canada's most beloved writer-naturalists. This debut novel by Trevor Herriot is the richly observed story of Nell...
Genre: Canadian fiction, General fiction