The fifth installment in the wildly popular Ava Lee series, The Scottish Banker of Surabaya exposes the dark world of money laundering and the Italian mob. Ava begins an investigation into what she thinks is a Ponzi scheme. The trail...
- Auteur:Hamilton, Ian.Sommaire:
- Auteur:Hamilton, IanSommaire:
The seventh novel in the Ava Lee series finds Ava getting caught up in the election for the chairmanship of the Triad Societies.Ava steps into her new business with May Ling Wong and her sister-in-law, Amanda. On a trip to Shanghai, Ava...
- Auteur:Tierney, RonaldSommaire:
In this work of crime fiction, forensic accountant Peter Strand investigates an arts-oriented nonprofit.
- Auteur:Freya NorthSommaire:
Pip McCabe takes her role as a clown very seriously, whether at spoilt kid's parties or on children's hospital wards. Zac Homes is popular, charming and affluent, with a six-year-old son. So what can a clown and an accountant...
- Auteur:Tyree, OmarSommaire:
Ivan David is an accountant slowly growing fed up with his rich, spoiled clientele. He has a plan to promote business networking parties, but when he meets local diva Lucina Gallo, his simple plan becomes more trouble than it's worth....
- Auteur:Burn, K. C.Sommaire:
Thirty-five-year-old Rick Haviland is a well-respected speech pathologist, but while his friends are all settling into relationships, he refuses to give up his no-strings-attached club boy sex life. For him, relationships are dangerous...