In a small town in 1950s South Carolina, Bonnie Wilder's husband finds an abandoned baby by the river. After voicing her concern for local mothers who are unable to raise their children, Bonnie finds more abandoned newborns on her...
African American churches
- Auteur:Smith, AndreaSommaire:
- Auteur:Weber, CarlSommaire:
Bishop T.K. Wilson is a pillar of the community and pastor of the largest African-American church in Queens, New York. The Bishop has tended to the needy all of his adult life with a supportive wife and two loving children by his side....
- Auteur:Griggs, Vanessa DavisSommaire:
Paris Simmons-Holyfield is facing a dilemma--she's pregnant but is not sure who the father is. After spending a night with Darius Connors, her ex-colleague, the baby could belong to him, but she doesn't want to ruin her marriage. Darius...
- Auteur:Weber, CarlSommaire:
Bishop T.K. Wilson is banking on dynamic new choir director Anthony Mackie to reverse the failing congregation's fortunes. But while Anthony's got more than enough chops to raise a heavenly chorus, he's also got a weakness for the...
- Auteur:Griggs, Vanessa DavisSommaire:
Pastor George Landris has a monumental mandate for his flock. He wants them to cast off their strongholds (i.e., their weaknesses), and this sets off a flurry of soul-searching and repentance with humorous and poignant results.
- Auteur:Blais, Marie-ClaireSommaire:
In the penultimate installment of the magnificent and ambitious Soifs cycle, widely regarded as one of the most original and ambitious endeavors ever to be undertaken in contemporary literature, renowned novelist Marie-Claire Blais once...
- Auteur:Griggs, Vanessa DavisSommaire:
For years, Memory Patterson has been running away from her problems and conning her way through life. Then a chance encounter with Pastor Landris' pregnant wife Johnnie Mae puts her on the path toward meeting the mother she never knew....
- Auteur:Bowen, Michele AndreaSommaire:
Theresa Hopson is the successful owner of one of the hottest new stores in Durham, North Carolina: Miss Thang's Holy Ghost Corner and Church Women's Boutique. But success isn't enough without someone to share it with. Theresa needs a...
- Auteur:Griggs, Vanessa DavisSommaire:
Gabrielle's girlhood dream of becoming a dancer slips away when life takes an unexpected turn. But after she meets the man of her dreams at church, everything seems to be falling into place--until a past secret threatens to tear her...
- Auteur:Griggs, Vanessa DavisSommaire:
Faith Alexandria Morrell and her two sisters guard a dark secret. Needing direction, they join a local megachurch, where they meet people with problems of their own.